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Autor Thema: [VST-Plugins] All About FX | Vol. 1
Usernummer # 1457

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wow wow wow!

dieser thread ist der wahnsinn.
ich bin grade dabei tiefer in die welt der VSTs einzutauchen und dieser thread hilft mir dabei ungemein!

auch ein großes dankeschön an dich. die links im "anderen" forum sind auch sehr hilfreich.

Aus: hamburg | Registriert: Dec 2000  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 12769

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Name des Plugins: Space Boy
Versionsnummer & Datum d. Releases: 22.07.2004
Aufgabe des Plugins / Typ: Real-time Spectral Matching Plug-in.
Real-time FFT based spectral convolution.
Unique plug-in pair (and more) communication.
64-Bit processing throughout.
Payware $12.95 USD
Hersteller: Elevayta
Bezugsquelle [hand]

Einbindung: VST
Bewertung: Wenn das so gut ist, wie beschrieben, dann: Grandios!!! Auf sowas haben viele gewartet...

Diese Plugin soll eine gewaltige Arbeitserleichterung beim Abmischen zweier Spuren darstellen, die frequenzmäßig ähnlich liegen (z.B. Bass und Kick). Das Plugin führt also quasi ein Auto-Eqing unter Berücksichtigung der 'dominaten spektralen Bestandteile' durch!

Wenn das so gut ist, wie beschrieben, kauf ich mir das bestimmt!

[ 23.07.2004, 00:11: Beitrag editiert von: chris ]

Aus: Münster | Registriert: Jul 2004  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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TubeBaby v0.9
Freeware für VST/Windows
Release: 27.07.2004
TubeBaby is a digital simulation of a tube guitar amplifier. As such it features the standard controls found on a real amplifier, namely gain, bass, mid, treble, presence, master and a switch for activating the high gain mode of the preamp stage. V. 0.9 also features a new menu that lets you choose between two amplifier types and five cabinet emulations. The menu can be accessed by clicking on the TUBEBABY logo in the upper left corner of the plugin.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 11698

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Analogic Delay - Freeware
Versionsnummer & Datum d. Releases: v1.0
Aufgabe des Plugins / Typ: Delay
Hersteller: The Dub Scrolls
Bezugsquelle / Website:
Einbindung: VST
This plug-in mimicks the tape delay in Logic Audio. I created it on request from a friend who switched to another sequencer software after Logic's discontinuation on the PC platform.

Aus: /. | Registriert: Feb 2004  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 11698

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Bionic Delay - Freeware
Versionsnummer & Datum d. Releases: v1.0
Aufgabe des Plugins / Typ: Delay
Hersteller: The Dub Scrolls
Bezugsquelle / Website:
Einbindung: VST
This enhanced version of the Analogic Delay gives you separate control over the delay times on left and right channel. suitable for ping pong delays and drifting delays.

Aus: /. | Registriert: Feb 2004  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 11698

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Echomania - Freeware
Versionsnummer & Datum d. Releases: v1.0
Aufgabe des Plugins / Typ: Tape Delay
Hersteller: The Dub Scrolls
Bezugsquelle / Website:
Einbindung: VST
Besides being a CPU hog this plug-in goes further than most (all?) real tape delay machines. It's capable of stereo delays, ping pong delays, multitap delays and complex delay textures.

Aus: /. | Registriert: Feb 2004  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 9747

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Software : Crunchessor
Hersteller : Voxengo
Typ : Compressor / Limiter
Preis : $39

Easy compressor tuning.
Valve warmness.
Coloration styles.
Fast and slow attack modes.
Gain reduction meter.
Factory presets.
"A-to-B" comparisons.
Mono-to-Stereo, Stereo-to-Stereo processing.
All sample rates supported.
64-bit internal precision.
Native assembler DSP code.

[ 11.08.2004, 00:04: Beitrag editiert von: mr-mellow ]

Aus: Celle/Hannover | Registriert: Jun 2003  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 9747

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RS Stereo Delay

Software : RS Stereo Delay
Hersteller : Rough Surface
Typ : Delay / Echo
Preis : Free


RS Stereo Delay is a simple and flexible delay effect that features the standard controls such as Delay-Time, Feedback, Pan, Dry/wet and a Cross Feedback Controller. It offers two independent sections which can be also used as one mono section or can be combined with by a Link Switch.


Two Independent Sections.
Cross Feedback Controller.
High cut Filter.
Some presets such as Flanger, Doubling, etc.

[ 11.08.2004, 00:03: Beitrag editiert von: mr-mellow ]

Aus: Celle/Hannover | Registriert: Jun 2003  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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IHSAN-VST Adaptive Limiter, is a mastering limiter. Intented for use as the final stage in your musicproduction.
Archetype Compressor, is a compressor.
It simply aims to give you that archetypical compressor sound.
Crunch Distortion, is a analog/tube inspired distortion. It also bitreduction and samplerate reduction, to give you digital distortion aswell.
Peak Saturator, is a .. peak saturator.
Developed as an alternative to a limiter, the peak saturator aims to shift the transient energy upwards in the frequency spectrum, in a way that is pleasing to the ear.
Pure Equalizer, is an equalizer. Intented for use both for tracks and mastering. It aims to be as transparent as possible, without latency or huge cpu consumption.
Release: 11.08.2004
Freeware / Windows

These are beta versions. Note : The plugins are currently GUI-less, and is only intended for 44.1khz samplerate.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 5668

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name: Killer ringer
typ: Ring Modulator
Einbindung: VST
anmerkung: noch nicht getestet, aber gibt ja scheints nicht sooo viele freeware ringmodulatoren... [Wink]


Aus: marburg | Registriert: Apr 2002  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 9747

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Software : LFX-1310
Hersteller : Luxonix
Typ : MultiFX
Preis : Free


S'Filter 12 / S'Filter 24 / 3-band EQ.
Peak Compressor / RMS Compressor.
Overdrive / Distortion / Amp Distortion.
Crusher / LP Noise / Stereo Image.
Chorus / Flanger / Phaser / Auto Wah / Tremolo / Auto Pan.
Delay / Stereo Delay / Ping-pong Delay.
Gate Reverb / Room Reverb / Hall Reverb / Spring Reverb.

24 types of high-quality effect algorithm.
3 serial-routed slots.
128 factory sound presets.
Mono or stereo input / stereo output.
32-bit sound processing.
HLMS : Hyper Layered MIDI assign System for real-time performance and sound editing.
FOEM : Fully Optimized Effect Module.

Aus: Celle/Hannover | Registriert: Jun 2003  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Energize II
A 5-band broadcast processor intended for internet and low power FM broadcasting.

[hand] Signalkette:

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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X3nogate Version 1
Windows VST
There are 3 16 step sequencers and a 16 step gate with individual gate length controls. There is also an overall gate mix control.
You can either sync to host or use internal tempo control. You can also set the rate at which the sequencers follow the tempo from 16x the tempo to a quarter of the tempo.
The effect section inludes a filter, a saturator, a bitcrusher and a delay.
There are two envelopes, both of which can have their levels modulated by any of the three sequencers.
The real fun bit is the control matrix which allows ALL three sequencer outputs to be sent in vary amounts to five seperate destinations AT THE SAME TIME.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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mgTriggerGate v0.15 (alpha)
use it as a sequenced gate like Trancegate
please note:
* 'swing' will be implemeted in one of the following releases
* there are still problems with tempo changes
~600kb rar archive
Windows VST


Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 5668

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thx für den link zu dem LFX1310, das ist echt ein sehr nices multi effekt plugin... easy to handle, das gefällt mir...

2chris: auf der spoonboiler site gibts ja noch ne menge mehr interessante plugins, sehr fein wie mir scheint. thx auch an Dich [Smile]

Aus: marburg | Registriert: Apr 2002  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 6048

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ein direktdownload scheint nicht möglich: da kann man dann die datei auswählen.

Aus: Frankfurt am Main | Registriert: May 2002  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Endless Tone Vst-Plugin für Windows
Endless tone is an effect plugin that is based on the circular pitch auditory illusion discoverd by Roger Shepard. It can either produce a scale (in steps) like the original shepard tone or an endless glissando like the tones made by Jean Claude Risset. Endless tone can also be used to ring modulate incoming audio (or an internal sine wave) which can produce interesting effects. Endless tone can use up to forty oscillators so it is quite cpu hungry.
endless tone vst plugin audio

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Rockstar FX AcidTrip
Release: 27.08.2004
VST-Windows Plugin
VST effect plugins for the rock, punk, indie, and hardcore crowd, or anyone who wants to add power, energy, or weird shit to their mix with the convenience of computer software.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Analog Industries Filterizer
Freeware für VST Windows & OSX
Typ: Filter
Basically, it is a normal state-variable filter. The twist is that the filter frequency can be controlled by MIDI note number in addition to the normal knob-twisting action. You instansiate it as an insert effect (or send, if you feel daring), then assign a MIDI track to it the same way you would to, say, a VSTi or other MIDI-capable effect. You can then "play" the filter with your MIDI keyboard. After using it for a while, I added the "hang" button to the MIDI control section. If this is on, the filter stays at whatever the last MIDI note was. If it is off, the filter returns to the knob value as soon as the key is released. If you use it in this mode, you'll want to quantize the ends of the notes, as well, unless your timing is absolutely stellar.
Release: 02.09.2004

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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für VST-Windows, Payware für 10 britische Pfund
Demo vorhanden
Release: 03.09.2004
Spacestation is a Windows VST Doppler Effect. The Doppler Effect is the name given to the perceived pitch change when a sound source moves past the listener. The pitch is higher as it approaches and lower as it moves further away. Examples of this are the sound of a passing train, ambulance or race car. Spacestation allows you to apply this effect to any sound source so it’s useful for sound designers or for musicians wishing to create spatial movement in their sounds/music.
spacestation vst plugin

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Freeware VST für Windows
Release: 30.08.2004
Born from the filter section of the EffEm synth. Effex will deliver host synced rythmic mayhem to your loops and samples...


effex krakli vst plugin

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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arcDevNoise News
Hinweis: das Plug nicht verwechseln mit Stutterbug

Release der beiden Windows Freeware VST-Plugz: 05.09.2004

Echotank XL
The long awaited follow-up to the Echotank II, the XL consists of three ET2's feeding into a freely routable serial / parallel feedback matrix.
Allows for endless modulated loops, multitap delays and heaving feedback in the safety of your own home.

Follow-up to the Stutterbug, a buffer randomizing delay-type effect. Feeds incoming audio into up to eight delay buffers, the length of which are randomized at adjustable intervals. Sounds somewhere between a glitchy granuliser and a skipping cd..

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 5668

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V.1.? | 15.07.2004

Aufgabe des Plugins: paragraphic equalizer
Hersteller: Magnus

Einbindung: VST (windows)
NyquistEq is a paragraphic equalizer that does not suffer from the treble warping that most digital equalizers do. Also it never clicks, and it handles deep bass well!

habe soeben entdeckt das es eine neue version gibt bei der der song loading bug gefixed ist (einstellungen waren nach dem song load nicht aktiv)... sehr goil, weil der eq wirklich klasse ist!

Aus: marburg | Registriert: Apr 2002  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Blue Cat's Music Software
Latest Releases
* Blue Cat's STEREO Chorus
* Blue Cat's STEREO Flanger
* Blue Cat's Chorus
* Blue Cat's Flanger
Freeware | PC

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Freeware VST Windows
Release: 25.09.2004
multipurpose processor (bass processor, stereo enhancement, multiband (7 bands) and wideband 'analog' type compressor:
the signal input is passed trhu 20 Hz HPF 2-pole iir filter, then goes to:
[Bass Enhancer]
- Phase rotator: Alpass IIR cascade around 200Hz, commonly used in FM radio station broadcasting (reckon that 'bass smearing' effect of FM radio? ) Tunable to off, 2,4 and 8 poles.
- Frequency, Q and Gain (dB) controls parametric peak filter for the bass.
[Stereo Enhancer]
- Wide Coeff - effect amount.
- Delay - of the stereo 'image'.
[Multiband Compressor]
[Wideband Compressor]
Default preset 'Pumping House' is tuned to achieve the infamous (very used nowadays) house/disco over-compression used by lot of tracks nowadays (Thomas Bangalter, Eric Prydz, etc), but there's no problem in using it for more subtle purposes.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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VST Insert Effekt | Windows
Release: 23.09.2004
SpectriX is a high-end VST insert effect Plugin for mastering songs. It simply enhances treble. It can also be use to reconstuct high frequencies on MP3 files which are lost due to high compression rates. Most exciters work well on monophonic material. On polyphonic material they create intermodulation-distortion which is aoudible as “frizzle-noise” and treble “bursts”.
Spectrix if different - it works excellent will all kind of audio material: Speech, monophonic sounds and complex polyphonic mixes and does 100% sample exact processing.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Betabug Plugins
Freeware VST Windows
Simple Squeeze - This plug-in is the embodi-ment of the Betabugs design ethos. One knob! Auto gain make-up is present, and there is an always-on smooth brick-wall limiter at the end, just to make sure you never get any nasty digital clipping. The knob simultaneously controls threshold and gain, so that the more you crank it, the more squashed your signal gets.
rooOOM - Is a simple and effective little convolution reverb. It draws on a customized library of impulses that have been chosen to represent the very best of real-world room ambience. It operates with just three knobs, and features a smooth sound and some darn good looks.
SVF - "How about something based on the state variable filter? An SVF takes a signal, and has outputs for LP/BP/BR/HP all at the same time. With just two knobs (Frequency and Q) and a (hidden) selector a great plug could be made." - Duncan Parson

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Freeware VST für Windows
GComp is a compressor designed for general mixing duties, i.e. it aims to transparently level-out the incoming signal to fit better into a mix. The GUI features a waveform display to show what is happening to the signal and to aid the configuration process. It can be used in mono or stereo configurations, with the GUI adapting accordingly. This plug-in introduces a small delay, and so is best used in hosts featuring PDC (Plug-in Delay Compensation).
GGate is a very simple gate effect for silencing a signal when it drops below a given threshold. You can set the 'fade', which is the amount of time taken to mute the signal, and the 'attack', which is the time taken to unmute the signal. This plug-in introduces a small delay, and so is best used in hosts featuring PDC (Plug-in Delay Compensation).
GRevDly is a simple delay effect I wrote to give an eerie feel to an intro for a song. It plays the delayed signal in reverse, enveloped to avoid clicks.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 4869

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Multi effector VST2, drei Slots

Effectors :

- S'Filter 12 / S'Filter 24 / 3-band EQ
- Peak Compressor / RMS Compressor
- Overdrive / Distortion / Amp Distortion
- Crusher / LP Noise / Stereo Image
- Chorus / Flanger / Phaser / Auto Wah / Tremolo / Auto Pan
- Delay / Stereo Delay / Ping-pong Delay
- Gate Reverb / Room Reverb / Hall Reverb / Spring Reverb



Aus: Dortmund | Registriert: Jan 2002  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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The Vanilla Compressor alpha!
Alpha-Version NOCH Freeware VSTi Windows
ChunkWare Music Software
Update: 07.10.2004
The Vanilla Compressor is a general-purpose, stereo compressor plugin. It can be used on individual instruments, across aux busses, or even as a mastering effect. Its fine-tuned, "smooth as buttah" sidechain and specialized release shapes make it equally at home with vocals, drums, guitars and full mixes. Use it sparingly for subtle, transparent "tightening"; or drive it hard and fast for deep, "balls-to-the-walls" pumping. Go ahead--try a little Vanilla!

Obviously, there isn't anything revolutionary about the Vanilla Compressor. This compressor isn't about bells and whistles; it's about getting the right sound, quickly and easily. And while there are many other compressor plugins to choose from, we hope that you will choose this one primarily for its sound and simplicity.

The Vanilla Compressor is currently in the alpha stage, and is free to download and evaluate. After development is completed, the final release can be purchased for an as yet undecided price.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Phasic PHInterfereVST
Donationware VST Lo-Fi/Interference style distortion effect for Windows
PHInterfereVST is a unique sounding lo-fi / interference effect that modulates and mixes pink noise with the incoming signal, giving a
grainy/interference style of distortion.
Subtle effects can be acheived by using slow LFO rates with low depths, or you can go to the extremes....

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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BetaBug's CrayonFilter als Freeware VST-Plug
für Windows UND OsX
Crayon Filter is a multi-band filter plug-in. The band controls allow you to add a type of filter to the output of the signal. You can engage up to five filter types at once (one of each type)...

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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ok, so i've spent the better part of the last
month just updating every plugin on the site.
everything is up to date now, with the latest
user interfaces, latest bug fixes, cpu tweaks
and even some new features here & there. enjoy.



Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
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Freeware VST-Compressor-Bundle für Windows
Auf der Website gibt's ferner weiterhin als Freeware weitere Plugz der Sorte Transparent Maximizer, Compressor/Limiter, Pure & Natural Room Reverb, FilterONE, Bandlimited Phase Controller, Multibands Stereo Imager, OverDrive / Distortion / Fuzz sowie zwei BassSynths...

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Freeware VST Dynamikprozessor für Windows
Bass Enhancer + Stereo Enhancer + Multiband Compressor + Wideband Compressor
Screenshot: [hand]

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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KLANGLABS' Synodeia v1.0
Live sample triggering plugin | Freeware Windows VST
"Synodeia" is a VST effect, but instead of processing the incoming signal, it can recognize pitches (frequencies) from a monophonic source and trigger samples depending on each tone.
"Synodeia" is a greek word and it means "Accompaniment". This plug-in is made specifically for live performances where a soloist can trigger samples while playing his instrument. This applies to voice and any other monophonic instrument.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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synthedit-plugin, freeware VST für windows
it's a flanger wich uses 2 inputs (midi input and audio input). instead of modulating the signal with sine/saw/square oscilator you modulate the signal using midi notes (range C4-C6).

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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Phasic PHEnvFilterVST
VST Lo-Fi/Interference style distortion effect for Windows | Donationware
PHEnvFilterVST is a resonant lo-pass/hi-pass filter whose cutoff follows the volume envelope of the input signal according to the the Follow, Attack, and Decay parameters. The Resonance band of the filter can also be fed through the Waveshaper for extra crunch.

Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 6

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VST | Windows | Freeware
GComp is a compressor designed for general mixing duties, i.e. it aims to transparently level-out the incoming signal to fit better into a mix. The GUI features a waveform display to show what is happening to the signal and to aid the configuration process. It can be used in mono or stereo configurations, with the GUI adapting accordingly. This plug-in introduces a small delay, and so is best used in hosts featuring PDC (Plug-in Delay Compensation).

GGate is a simple gate effect for silencing a signal when it drops below a given threshold. You can set the 'fade', which is the amount of time taken to mute the signal, and the 'attack', which is the time taken to unmute the signal. This plug-in introduces a small delay, and so is best used in hosts featuring PDC (Plug-in Delay Compensation).


Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 2127

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hat jemand vieleicht `n tip ? ... suche
nen einfachen low cut und nen hi cut ...
kein schnick schnack kein gar nichts , simple as
it can be bidde :)am besten wirklich nur jeweils
diesen parameter halt cut low oder cut hi ..

Aus: na ja,jetzt eben köln | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]

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