Thema: Thai-Amphetamin
hier waren mal Sternchen
Usernummer # 176
Die Kapseln aus Thailand sind "diet pills" mit diversen Bestandteilen, z. B. Ma-Huang = Ephedrin oder ähnlichem. Macht wach und hippelig.
Aus: Muc | Registriert: Jan 2000
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Usernummer # 6
Liebster Moderator, ist das tatsächlich ThaiAmphetamin? Nicht wirklich... ? Chris
Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999
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Usernummer # 224
Ich habe da auch an was anderes gedacht...
Aus: northwestswitzerland | Registriert: Feb 2000
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Usernummer # 220
@chris...nun habt ihr mich neugierig gemacht, was ist es denn??? ich hab den namen zwar schon mal gehoert, aber mehr auch nich... ann
Aus: berlin | Registriert: Feb 2000
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Usernummer # 156
@moderator meinst du nicht eher Hummeln?
Aus: munich by heart, london | Registriert: Jan 2000
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Usernummer # 224
@chris was weisst Du denn darüber?
Aus: northwestswitzerland | Registriert: Feb 2000
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noch nicht registriert
Hmm, ich hab nur von Thai-Massagen gehört. Die sollen aber auch viel Spass machen ...
noch nicht registriert
MH oh ja find ich auch lecker
Usernummer # 6
Chris hat im Netz mal wieder gesucht, und ein paar Statements gefunden, here we go... "Cheap amphetamines, known in Thailand as "yaa baa" (crazy drug), have flooded Thai towns and cities and led to a rapid rise in addiction, crime and violence, especially among young people." aus einem Drogen-Bericht vom Juni99 über 'Thai Amphetamine' und OpiumProduktion.
2 MILLION SPEED PILLS SEIZED IN SIX MONTHS Police here are fighting a no-win war in their desperate attempt to stem the influx of amphetamine from Burma. In the past six months, two million amphetamine tablets were confiscated in this northern province alone according to Pol Col Panurat Meepien, the provincial police superintendent. But the seized drug accounted for just a fraction of the actual amount of the speed pills which were smuggled into the country, particularly through the Mae Sai-Tachilek border. entnommen: siehe oben. Thailand still does not seem to understand it has to clean up its act: A junior army officer has implicated a major-general and three politicians as key players in one of the country's biggest amphetamine rackets. "
BANGKOK, Jan 9 (Reuters) - Europe is the new target destination for amphetamines produced in the notorious Golden Triangle straddling the borders of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos, a Thai newspaper said on Saturday. und hier die wirklichen Infos 'Mad Drug' Menace Spreads in Thailand By Prangtip Daorueng BANGKOK, Jun 19 (IPS) - Truck drivers discovered it first, and soon even gas stations were offering it along with fuel. But now even Thai teenagers are taking what has become known as the ''mad drug'' and the country's authorities have found themselves facing yet another front in the battle against drug abuse. Also known as ''horse drug'' among Thais, amphetamines have been popular for several years now among truck drivers and other employees facing long hours of work. ''It keeps us awake at night and it is very easy to find,'' says Bangkok taxi driver Somepong Noilaead, who used to drive a truck. ''Usually we buy it at the gas station.'' Aside from keeping the user from falling asleep, amphetamines can also distort one's mind. Somepong himself confesses: ''Everybody knows the drug can drive you crazy too if you don't know how to take it.'' But the drug's promise of an energy burst attracted even teenagers in high school and college who believed taking amphetamines could keep them awake through nightlong cramming sessions. Its ready availability made it all the more popular among the country's youth who now consider taking it as being in fashion as well. Frustrated authorities began taking tough measures against amphetamine dealer gangs last year. Extra-judicial killings of suspected dealers of the drug are even believed to have taken place during the administration of Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh. But there is no sign that the menace has been licked. Indeed, indications are that demand for the stimulant has increased sharply, and suppliers are doing brisk business despite the stepped-up drive against the amphetamine cartels. ''It is very difficult to make students stay far from drugs because many of them already live in the community surrounded by drug users,'' says one schoolteacher in a slum area here. ''Although schools try their best to prevent the problem, we have found some students using it anyway,'' she adds. ''Now what is being used most is amphetamine because it is cheaper than other kinds of drugs and easier to get.'' Thai officials estimate that as many as one million Thais may be addicted to amphetamines, although independent observers say the number could be higher. The first local clandestine amphetamine laboratory was found in a Bangkok suburb in 1986. Prior to that, Thailand's amphetamine supply was believed to be from sources outside South-east Asia. Today, the production base is said to be in neighbouring countries, while the ever-growing market remains in Thailand. Unlike heroin, amphetamines are easy to produce and sell, said a Thai trader near the Burmese border. Mobile labs are easy to set up in jungles and remote areas. ''Raw materials and pressing machines - that's all you need,'' he said. According to Dr Vichai Poshyachinda, a drug expert and member of Thailand's Narcotic Control Board, the shift of production base from Thailand to Indochinese countries and Burma was the result of tougher Thai controls on the production and sale of substances such as ephedrine. And while Thailand and its five Mekong neighboring countries this month pledged to a united fight against drug abuse during the special session on drugs of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, mainland South-east Asian authorities may already be far behind the drug cartels in terms of accomplishment. Vichai says with Thai drug dealers now allied with their Lao and Burmese counterparts to produce the illicit stimulants in nearby countries, Thailand itself will have more difficulties stopping the abuse of amphetamines and other such drugs. Worse, he says, Thailand itself may someday become an amphetamine supplier to other markets. ''It becomes as clear as jigsaw pieces falling into place that Thai drug cartels are on their way to becoming major suppliers of amphetamine in the international market,'' says Vichai. He cites a recent Lao recent anti-drug report that says most of the amphetamine production cases there involved imports of the substance for the purpose of re-export, either to avoid import tax in the target countries or to divert the substances for illegal purpose. According to the report, which was submitted to an international seminar on drug-abuse problems held here recently, a raid on a drug laboratory in the Laotian northwest led to the arrest of 25 suspects, including seven Thais and 10 Burmese. Many of the ingredients used in the manufacture of the drugs there were apparently also imported from nearby nations. Another report made by the Burmese government noted that although stimulant and hallucinogen abuse were not popular in Burma, there has been a disturbing number of arrests made in recent years in connection with the production and trafficking of amphetamine. In 1990, for example, Burmese authorities made arrests in 13 cases of amphetamine production and trafficking, seizing 5.9 million tablets. Last year, there were nine recorded similar cases, with a seizure of more than 1.1 million tablets. Vichai says it is also known that ephedrine is being sent from China to Thailand through Burma's Shan state. He points out that the Golden Triangle where Thai, Burmese and Lao borders meet and which is notorious as a major production area of opium has now expanded its output to include large supplies of methamphetamine. ''It is clear that the abuse of stimulants is fostered simultaneously by intra-and extra-regional supplies,'' says Vichai. He adds that while the manufacture of illegal drugs in the Asian countries is evidently confined to methamphetamine, abuse of illegal stimulants includes the Ecstasy group of amphetamine derivatives and cocaine. ''Mad drug is attacking everyone in our soceity, but no one is prepared to face the problem seriously,'' said a Thai businessman whose son was a former drug addict. (END/IPS/AP/PD/AZ/CB/RAL/98) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, und nun grübelt und sucht Euch das Fazit Chris
Aus: Westend | Registriert: Nov 1999
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Usernummer # 230
ooooooooohhhhhhaaaaaaaa zu viel kein bock da anzufangen!!!
Aus: Berlin | Registriert: Feb 2000
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[eastend outlaw]
Usernummer # 109
hee chris! lupenreine recherche! echt klasse.
Aus: Muenchen | Registriert: Dec 1999
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hier waren mal Sternchen
Usernummer # 176
Alle Achtung, Chris, da bist Du ja in ein gutes Archiv eingedrungen. ... und ich lag nicht so ganz falsch *g*Freunde, die Dez. und Jan. in Thailand waren, erzählten von neuen Pillen, die unter der Hand verkauft würden: Super-Turn, psychedelisch, haluzinogen und aktiv-wach zugleich, aber böses Erwachen am nächsten Morgen... ... aber so ist das bei Pillen, you never know, you gonna get...
Aus: Muc | Registriert: Jan 2000
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Usernummer # 224
Die Infos sind aus dem Stern (Ausgabe 51, 16.12.99).
Aus: northwestswitzerland | Registriert: Feb 2000
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hier waren mal Sternchen
Usernummer # 176
na dann, der STERN muss es ja wissen *g*
Aus: Muc | Registriert: Jan 2000
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Gerade gefunden: (die Quelle weiß ich nicht, hab ich in einem anderen Forum gefunden)Warnung vor Pillen thailändischen Ursprungs "Thai-Pillen" genannt. Erste Laboruntersuchungen verdeutlichten, dass es sich bei den sogenannten Thai-Pillen" nicht wie ursprünglich angenommen um Ecstasy, sondern um Methamphetamin handelte. Methamphetamin wirkt viel stärker und birgt daher ein sehr grosses Gefahrenpotential sowie ein sehr hohes und schnelles Abhängigkeitspotential. Der Konsum dieser Pillen kann keinesfalls mit dem Konsum von Ecstasy-Tabletten verglichen werden, sondern muss dem extrem gefährlichen Konsum von Crack (= Kokainkristalle) gleichgestellt werden. Die Symptome des Konsums der Thai-Pillen, die stark nach Vanille schmecken und etwas kleiner als Ecstasy-Tabletten sind, können wie folgt beschrieben werden: 1. Das sehr starke Aufputschmittel macht euphorisch, steigert massiv die Aggressivität, führt zu überhöhtem Selbstvertrauen und erhöhter Aufmerksamkeit und gibt dem Konsumenten ein Gefühl von überschäumender Energie. 2. Der hohe oder regelmässige Konsum des Rauschmittels führt zu Nervosität, Reizbarkeit und Wahnvorstellungen, was eine plötzliche und unberechenbare Gewaltbereitschaft zur Folge hat. 3. Die Wirkung hält zwischen 8 und 24 Stunden an 4. Der Konsum führt zu Appetitlosigkeit, chronischen Schlafstörungen und schlussendlich zu schweren und irreparablen psychischen Störungen und Depressionen 5. Gemäss den derzeitigen medizinischen Erkenntnissen kann der Konsum zu einem teilweisen oder sogar gänzlichen Verlust des Gedächtnisses führen. Die Folge davon ist die Invalidität. Die Thai-Pillen haben sich in den vergangenen zwei Jahren stark verbreitet. Dies ist auch darauf zurückzuführen, dass diese Pillen im Vergleich zu Ecstasy billiger sind.
Usernummer # 220
hmmm...agressivitaet, erhoetes selbstvertrauen, reizbarkeit, teilweiser verlust des gedaechtnis...hoert sich an wie alkohol!!! wird das zeuch denn unter dem namen ectasy verkauft??? hoert sich ja eher nach dem gegenteil von xtc an!!! das macht einem ja richtig angst... *schuettel* ann
Aus: berlin | Registriert: Feb 2000
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Usernummer # 156
apropos Vanillegeschmack, kennt jemand Marzipan? Ich weiß, daß es ein Speed-derivat ist, würde mich aber interessieren, was es genau ist, da die Wirkung normales Speed um einiges übertrifft.
Aus: munich by heart, london | Registriert: Jan 2000
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noch nicht registriert
Alkohol? Nee, klingt eher nach Mischung aus Amphetamin und Koks...
noch nicht registriert
pille pille kille kille....ansonsten soll jeder nach sein gutdünken.aber wenn´s schon thai sein muss: thai red bull, gibts bei gute apotheker hier bei uns und das knallt wach - nur einen robusten magen solltet ihr schon haben. ansonsten bleibe ich bei den erfindern egal was für ein produkt es istz...
Usernummer # 156
Marzipan ist ein weisses Pulver, aber viel klumpiger, als normales Speed, und auch ganz schwer 'klein' zu kriegen. Der Geschmack ist ziemlich süßlich, naja und die Wirkung ist um einiges länger und extremer. Dafür das Runterkommen auch...
Aus: munich by heart, london | Registriert: Jan 2000
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