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Autor Thema: Neues Netlabel: zimmerlautstärke

Usernummer # 2102

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immer her damit [Smile]
Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Hyp Nom
Morgen Wurde
Usernummer # 1941

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Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Sternchen:
Zimmer040 - v/a - #1 the principle of mentalism

beim ersten track traut man tatsächlich seinen ohren nicht, dass man ein zimmerlautstärke-release hört. eklektizistischer ambient, bei dem wohl einiges zusammengesamplet ist, aber das ergebnis soll den ausschlag geben.

track 2 setzt darauf auf, wird dann aber bald steifer und anstrengend mit hartem 16tel-geruckel. nennen wir es deadschool, um oldschool seine Würde zu lassen.

3 springt zusammenhanglos aber für sich allein gut gemacht zu einem anderen stil, der auf ein eigenes release gehört hätte, instrumental psychedelic hip hop, Ninja Tune läßt grüßen.

stattdessen gerät man bei track 5 mit dem einen chord auch noch ins feindeslager minimal, der musikalischen entsprechung von heuschreckenkapitalismus. und das auf zimmer mit all dem linken hintergrund! nicht zu fassen.

aber dann: [hand] Raganova - Save Our Souls ist einer der besten zimmer-tracks, im stil einer kultig verspulten b-seite, die irgendwie auch von dem Väth-album "Contact" stammen könnte.

die anderen tracks tun nicht so zur sache.

ps: bei fast jedem anderen netlabel entpackt sich so ein album in ein eigenes verzeichnis und nicht nur die losen files ins current dir, die man dann zusammenklauben darf.

Aus: Kiel | Registriert: Feb 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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vielen dank.

das mit dem zippen muss ich wohl noch üben [Smile]

Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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Zimmer044 - TheBee - death stories (hungary)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 52MB, techno, elektro

044.01 - TheBee - Reality (06:00)
044.02 - TheBee - Soft Training (05:24)
044.03 - TheBee - Kick Ass (06:00)
044.04 - TheBee - Paranoid Disco (05:11)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

Today, where a definition of the moment of death is required, doctors and coroners usually turn to "brain death" or "biological death" to define a person as being clinically dead; people are considered dead when the electrical activity in their brain ceases. It is presumed that an end of electrical activity indicates the end of consciousness. However, suspension of consciousness must be permanent, and not transient, as occurs during certain sleep stages, and especially a coma. In the case of sleep, EEGs can easily tell the difference. //wikipedia

Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Hyp Nom
Morgen Wurde
Usernummer # 1941

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ich mag die raue offensive von Reality und Kick Ass.. dieses sich reinwerfen in den sound, ohne den aufprall zu scheuen.
auch technisch über dem hardtechno-/postschranz-durchschnitt.

Aus: Kiel | Registriert: Feb 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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"The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open." - The Kyballion


Zimmer045 - v/a - #3 the principle of vibration
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 189MB, versatile electronics

045.01 - New Delhi FM - Done Bröckeln (04:34)
045.02 - Someonelikeme - Flashmob (07:35)
045.03 - Jon Doe - Deepnesses (06:36)
045.04 - psycoded - chemtrails - elektronova rmx (04:49)
045.05 - V.Rotz - Unfound (06:49)
045.06 - Anri - Old Tape (06:42)
045.07 - Dr.Nojoke - Unwohlfühlindustrie (06:34)
045.08 - Doctor´s Orders - Kardiak (07:06)
045.09 - psychosonic - Brainwaves (11:52)
045.10 - Drugstore - Metadona (08:18)
045.11 - Mike Absolom - Hijackers (06:33)
045.12 - Tuomas Rantanen - Tritium Armors (05:13)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

This Principle embodies the truth that "everything is in motion";"everything vibrates"; "nothing is at rest"; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify. And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago, by the Masters of Ancient Egypt. This Principle explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of Vibration. From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the grossest formof Matter, all is in vibration--the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. The vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it is practically at rest-just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. And at the other end of the scale, there are gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest. Between these poles, there are millions upon millions of varying degrees of vibration. From corpuscle and electron, atom and molecule, to worlds and universes, everything is in vibratory motion. This is also true on the planes of energy and force (which are but varying degrees of vibration); and also on the mental planes (whose states depend upon vibrations); and even on to the spiritual planes. An understanding of this Principle, with the appropriate formulas, enables Hermetic students to control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. The Masters also apply this Principle to the conquering of Natural phenomena, in various ways. "He who understands thePrinciple of Vibration, has grasped the sceptre of power," says one of theold writers. //Dr Joshua David Stone

Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 11269

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nettes release die va compilation, dertrack vom jürschen is toll [Wink]
Aus: bodensee | Registriert: Dec 2003  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 1448

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kick ass is wirklich sehr fett, hammergroove... nur das vocal stört nach ner zeit.
Aus: bergisch detroit | Registriert: Dec 2000  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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Zimmer046 – Andreas Florin – for the kids (germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 77MB, techno, minimal

046.01 – Andreas Florin – Der Regen der von der Nase tropft (06:38)
046.02 – Andreas Florin – Meet you@Painthouse (06:01)
046.03 – Andreas Florin – For the Kids (04:30)
046.04 – Andreas Florin – Lost (05:34)
046.05 – Andreas Florin – Lost Horizon – Deep Mix (04:40)
046.06 – Andreas Florin – Detroit Trip (07:06)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

Goat meat, often called chevon when from adults and cabrito or just kid when from young animals, is the meat of the domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus). While “goat” is usually the name for the meat found in common parlance, producers and marketers may prefer to use the French-derived word chevon (from chèvre), since market research in the United States suggests that “chevon eater” is more palatable to consumers than “goat eater”. Cabrito is a word of Spanish origin for goat kid, and refers specifically to young, milk-fed goat. In the English-speaking islands of the Caribbean, and in some parts of Asia, particularly Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and India, the word âmuttonâ is often used to describe both goat and lamb meat, despite technically only referring to sheep meat. //wikipedia

Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 19823

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Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Sternchen:

Zimmer038 - Code EP by Kenni Sosa (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 48MB, style: techno

038.01 - Kenni Sosa - rotate (05:43)
038.02 - Kenni Sosa - talk back (05:00)
038.03 - Kenni Sosa - testify (05:16)
038.04 - Kenni sosa - tribal area (04:51)

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-> Stream

Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

Kant believed that what created the problem of ethical behavior is the duality of human nature. Since humans are both sensible and intellectual, and at the same time motivated by impulse, they must be guided by rules of conduct to balance the two. He believed that everyone could decide right and wrong based on the will behind the action, rather than the action itself. In deciding whether one's actions were moral, he said it should be considered what the universal benefit would be if everyone behaved in such a fashion. For example, if everyone stole, the result would be chaos and violence. Therefore, a moral person would consider it unethical to steal. In abiding by these laws, it is possible to see how a universal code of ethics could be built up. //

Aus: Frankfurt/Main | Registriert: Jun 2009  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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ja?! [Smile]
Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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Zimmer047 – Drugstore – anphybia (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 63MB, techno

047.01 – Drugstore – anphybia (07:20)
047.02 – Drugstore – oasis – remix2 (06:02)
047.03 – Drugstore – aborigena – remix2 (07:03)
047.04 – Drugstore – aborigena – remix3 (07:03)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

Drugstore is a common American term for a pharmacy. Drugstores sell not only medicines, but also miscellaneous items such as candy, cosmetics, and magazines, as well as light refreshments. //wikipedia

ps: die seite ist auch überarbeitet worden. jetzt alles auf einen blick.

[ 21.11.2009, 05:40: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]

Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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“The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open.” – The Kyballion


Zimmer048 – v/a – #4 the principle of polarity
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 218MB, versatile electronics

048.01 – Monopole – I thought she was the one (19:40)
048.02 – Junior85 – For Reason, forgotten (05:24)
048.03 – Anri – Transparent (07:25)
048.04 – Da Face – Herbsthimmel (07:10)
048.05 – Epios – Thelema (05:56)
048.06 – Alec Troniq – Operation Nears (06:43)
048.07 – Shroomtune – The Tweak (04:57)
048.08 – Juan Farcik – Porción Mecánica (08:84)
048.09 – Domovoy – Small Box (09:22)
048.10 – GabeeN – 1988 (06:14)
048.11 – Revy – Nat5ive (07:55)
048.12 – Mehotex – Experience (05:33)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair ofopposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; allparadoxes may be reconciled.”–The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that “everything is dual”; “everythinghas two poles”; “everything has its pair of opposites,” all of which wereold Hermetic axioms. It explains the old paradoxes, that have perplexed somany, which have been stated as follows: “Thesis and antithesis are identicalin nature, but different in degree”; “opposites are the same, differing onlyin degree”; “the pairs of opposites may be reconciled”; “extremes meet”;”everything is and isn’t, at the same time”; “all truths are but half truths”;”every truth is half-false”; “there are two sides to everything,” etc., etc.,etc. It explains that in everything there are two poles, or opposite aspects,and that “opposites” are really only the two extremes of the same thing,with many varying degrees between them. To illustrate: Heat and Cold, although”opposites,” are really the same thing, the differences consisting merelyof degrees of the same thing. Look at your thermometer and see if you candiscover where “heat” terminates and “cold” beginsl There is no such thingas “absolute heat” or “absolute cold”–the two terms “heat” and “cold” simplyindicate varying degrees of the same thing, and that ’same thing” which manifestsas “heat’ and ‘cold” is merely a form, variety, and rate of Vibration. So”heat” and “cold” are simply the “two poles’ of that which we call “Heat”–andthe phenomena attendant thereupon are manifestations of the Principle of Polarity.

The same Principle manifests in the case of “Light and Darkness,”which are the same thing, the difference consisting of varying degrees between the two poles of the phenomena. Where does “darkness” leave off, and “light”begin? What is the difference between “Large and Small”? Between “Hard andSoft”? Between “Black and White”? Between “Sharp and Dull”? Between “Noiseand Quiet”? Between “High and Low”? Between “Positive and Negative”? ThePrinciple of Polarity explains these paradoxes, and no other Principle cansupersede it. The same Principle operates on the Mental Plane. Let us takea radical and extreme example-that of “Love and Hate,” two mental statesapparently totally different. And yet there are degrees of Hate and degreesof Love, and a middle point in which we use the terms “Like or Dislike,”which shade into each other so gradually that sometimes we are at a lossto know whether we “like” or “dislike” or “neither.” And all are simply degrees of the same thing, as you will see if you will but think a moment. And, morethan this (and considered of more importance by the Hermetists), it is possibleto change the vibrations of Hate to the vibrations of Love, in one’s ownmind, and in the minds of others. Many of you, who read these lines, havehad personal experiences of the involuntary rapid transition from Love toHate, and the reverse, in your own case and that of others. And you willtherefore realize the possibility of this being accomplished by the use ofthe Will, by means of the Hermetic formulas. “Good and Evil” are but thepoles of the same thing, and the Hermetist understands the art of transmutingEvil into Good, by means of an application of the Principle of Polarity.In short, the “Art of Polarization becomes a phase of “Mental Alchemy” knownand practiced by the ancient and modern Hermetic Masters. An understandingof the Principle will enable one to change his own Polarity, as well as thatof others, if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art. //Dr Joshua David Stone

Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 20019

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ui.....bin gespannt.......greetz.... [Wink]
Aus: Deutschland | Registriert: Dec 2009  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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Zimmer049 – zmitser von holzman – a beard like a bird
mp3, 256kbps, stereo, 118MB, freestyle, instrumental

049.01 – zmitser von holzman – trrulala (02:38)
049.02 – zmitser von holzman – olelej (02:41)
049.03 – zmitser von holzman – shshsh (02:45)
049.04 – zmitser von holzman – tut-tut (03:02)
049.05 – zmitser von holzman – o-la-la (01:46)
049.06 – zmitser von holzman – intro (02:12)
049.07 – zmitser von holzman – ladybird (01:57)
049.08 – zmitser von holzman – piano forte (05:21)
049.09 – zmitser von holzman – papa (03:23)
049.10 – zmitser von holzman – this is how i feel now (03:08)
049.11 – zmitser von holzman – outro (06:33)
049.12 – zmitser von holzman – objects in the mirror are closer than they appear (03:59)
049.13 – zmitser von holzman – lighthouse (02:53)
049.14 – zmitser von holzman – 2nd floor (02:08)
049.15 – zmitser von holzman – it just slipped my mind (05:44)
049.16 – zmitser von holzman – trampampam (02:47)
049.17 – zmitser von holzman – morning breakfast evening (05:13)
049.18 – zmitser von holzman – repetetive etude no2 – live (06:33)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

In the course of history, men with facial hair have been ascribed various attributes such as wisdom and knowledge, sexual virility, masculinity, or high social status; and, conversely, filthiness, crudeness, or an eccentric disposition, such as in the case of a bum, hobo, hippie or vagrant. In many cultures beards are associated with nature and outdoorsmen.//wikipedia

Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 20019

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sehr starkes release.....bleibt länger aufm ipod....sehr geil.....gruss stephan
Aus: Deutschland | Registriert: Dec 2009  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 2102

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Zimmer050 – afion – insomnia dreams (Macedonia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 121MB, ambient, downtempo

050.01 – afion – isien (03:39)
050.02 – afion – abstract feeling (03:42)
050.03 – afion – not penelope (06:20)
050.04 – afion – karaburma (07:40)
050.05 – afion – tristesse (02:59)
050.06 – afion – the dream poet (06:30)
050.07 – afion – mondian (03:14)
050.08 – afion – parfum gothique (04:43)
050.09 – afion – too dangerous (04:16)
050.10 – psycoded – chemtrails – stratosphere mix by afion (04:34)
050.11 – afion – light in light (04:41)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

Throughout history, people have sought meaning in dreams or divination through dreams. Dreams have been described physiologically as a response to neural processes during sleep, psychologically as reflections of the subconscious, and spiritually as messages from gods or predictions of the future. Many cultures had practiced dream incubation, with the intention of cultivating dreams that were prophetic or contained messages from the divine.

Judaism has a traditional ceremony called “hatovat chalom” â literally meaning making the dream a good one. Through this rite disturbing dreams can be transformed to give a positive interpretation by a rabbi or a rabbinic court.//wikipedia

Aus: berlin | Registriert: Mar 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer051 – carara – horseman (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 53MB, techno

051.1 – carara – 4 yai 001 (08:13)
051.2 – carara – slow down (08:58)
051.3 – carara – morninglight (05:51)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer052 – christian mohr – polterabend (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 55MB, techno !

052.01 – christian mohr – chloronose (04:03)
052.02 – christian mohr – polterabend (05:12)
052.03 – christian mohr – ente süss-sauer (04:03)
052.04 – christian mohr – polterabend 2010 (04:26)
052.05 – christian mohr – polterabend – mary huna remix (06:20)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

In recent years, as computer technology has become more accessible and music software has advanced, interacting with music production technology is now possible using means that bear no relationship to traditional musical performance practices: for instance, laptop performance (laptronica) and live coding. In the last decade a number of software-based virtual studio environments have emerged. These software-based music production tools provide viable and cost-effective alternatives to typical hardware-based production studios, and thanks to advances in microprocessor technology, it is now possible to create high quality music using little more than a single laptop computer. Such advances have democratized music creation, leading to a massive increase in the amount of home-produced music available to the general public via the internet. Artists can now also individuate their sound by creating personalized software synthesizers, effects modules, and various composition environments. Devices that once existed exclusively in the hardware domain can easily have virtual counterparts. In some sense, as a result of technological innovation, the DIY mentality that was once a core part of dance music culture is seeing a resurgence. //

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer053 – the bee & gabeen – brothers in arms (Hungary)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 77MB, techno !

053.01 – gabeen – x (05:45)
053.02 – the bee – fly or die (06:12)
053.03 – gabeen – afterhour (05:02)
053.04 – the bee – castellmore (05:20)
053.05 – gabeen vs andy j. electribe – tribal wars (05:27)
053.06 – the bee – destructive machines (05:53)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

These mist covered mountains – Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands – And always will be
Some day you’ll return to – Your valleys and your farms
And you’ll no longer burn – To be brothers in arms

Through these fields of destruction – Baptisms of fire
I’ve witnessed your suffering – As the battle raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad – In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me – My brothers in arms

There’s so many different worlds – So many different suns
And we have just one world – But we live in different ones

Now the sun’s gone to hell – And the moon’s riding high
Let me bid you farewell – Every man has to die
But it’s written in the starlight – And every line in your palm
We’re fools to make war – On our brothers in arms
//dire straits

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 11269

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also track 1 von der 53 is cool. mächtiger groove und nich zu schranzig sondern solider moderner techno. hätte ruhig 2min länger gehen können aber egal... wird gespielt [Smile]
Aus: bodensee | Registriert: Dec 2003  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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sehr gut. hier gibts nachschub:


Zimmer054 – doryk – destructive material (Hungary)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 46MB, techno

054.01 – doryk – fear factor (05:24)
054.02 – doryk – black sheep (04:45)
054.03 – doryk – conclusion (04:48)
054.04 – doryk – thriller (04:55)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

Warning! New form of destructive terrorist material. Deadly for those who doubt.


Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer055 – christian mohr – polterabend – the maassen remixes
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 97MB, techno !

055.01 – christian mohr – chloronose – i-kula remix v1 (03:55)
055.02 – christian mohr – chloronose – pasquale maassen remix (05:27)
055.03 – christian mohr – chloronose – pasquale maassen remix v3 (07:56)
055.04 – christian mohr – polterabend – pasquale maassen 3in1 remix v2 (07:13)
055.05 – christian mohr – ente suess sauer – pasquale maassen remix v2 (05:05)
055.06 – christian mohr – polterabend – pasquale maassen remix (05:24)
055.07 – christian mohr – polterabend – pasquale maassen 3in1 remix (07:22)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

In recent years, as computer technology has become more accessible and music software has advanced, interacting with music production technology is now possible using means that bear no relationship to traditional musical performance practices: for instance, laptop performance (laptronica) and live coding. In the last decade a number of software-based virtual studio environments have emerged. These software-based music production tools provide viable and cost-effective alternatives to typical hardware-based production studios, and thanks to advances in microprocessor technology, it is now possible to create high quality music using little more than a single laptop computer. Such advances have democratized music creation, leading to a massive increase in the amount of home-produced music available to the general public via the internet. Artists can now also individuate their sound by creating personalized software synthesizers, effects modules, and various composition environments. Devices that once existed exclusively in the hardware domain can easily have virtual counterparts. In some sense, as a result of technological innovation, the DIY mentality that was once a core part of dance music culture is seeing a resurgence. //wikipedia

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
the technarchist
Usernummer # 984

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wow, die remixes vom pasquale brettern mal wieder ordentlich! [headbanging]

schicke artworks, btw...

Aus: 909303 | Registriert: Sep 2000  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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mila graice. oh ja. pasquale brettert alles weg :) hier auch schon nachschub


Zimmer056 – plan-e – electric stimulation (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 58MB, techno !

056.01 – plan-e – stromschlag (05:20)
056.02 – plan-e – socket (07:06)
056.03 – plan-e – later (05:58)
056.04 – plan-e – slow motion (06:42)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

Electrical stimulation for the purpose of helping persons with paralysis of the arms or legs mainly focuses on the neuromuscular transmission peripherally. E-stim can also be used for central nervous system stimulation to hasten awakening from coma or the vegetative state. There is a long history of neurosurgeons who have implanted electrodes into the brain and spinal cord, especially in Japan, for increasing cerebral blood flow and certain neurotransmitters in persons in long term coma states. //wikipedia

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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“The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open.” – The Kyballion


Zimmer057 – v/a – #5 the principle of rhythm
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 159MB, versatile electronics

057.01 – XANC – Electromonk (07:10)
057.02 – Tape3000 – Valse de Meduse (04:48)
057.03 – Erischa Koli – Federball (06:24)
057.04 – Paralytic – Endlesssky (06:31)
057.05 – Andreas Florin – Tuned Modulation (06:25)
057.06 – Bactee&Tito – Shap (05:22)
057.07 – Omara – Dark Minimal (07:21)
057.08 – The Bee & GabeeN – Herr Koenig (06:33)
057.09 – Christian Mohr – Gyros Komplett (04:26)
057.10 – Heike Becker – Several Lines (04:42)
057.11 – Energun – Made In (06:33)
057.12 – Stomptools – Systemausfall (04:58) *deleted

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” –The Kyballion

This Principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, to and from; a flow and inflow; a swing backward and forward; a pendulum-like movement; a tide-like ebb and flow; a high-tide and low-tide; between the two poles which exist in accordance with the Principle of Polarity described a moment ago. There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat; a rising and a sinking. This is in the affairs of the Universe, suns, worlds, men, animals, mind, energy, and matter. This law is manifest in the creation and destruction of worlds; in the rise and fall of nations; in the life of all things; and finally in the mental states of Man (and it is with this latter that the Hermetists find the understanding of the Principle most important). The Hermetists have grasped this Principle, finding its universal application, and have also discovered certain means to overcome its effects in themselves by the use of the appropriate formulas and methods. They apply the Mental Law of Neutralization. They cannot annul the Principle, or cause it to cease its operation, but they have learned how to escape its effects upon themselves to a certain degree depending upon the Mastery of the Principle. They have learned how to USE it, instead of being USED BY it. In this and similar methods, consist the Art of the Hermetists. The Master of Hermetics polarizes himself at the point at which he desires to rest, and then neutralizes the Rhythmic swing of the pendulum which would tend to carry him to the other pole. All individuals who have attained any degree of Self-Mastery do this to a certain degree, more or less unconsciously, but the Master does this consciously, and by the use of his Will, and attains a degree of Poise and Mental Firmness almost impossible of belief on the part of the masses who are swung backward and forward like a pendulum. This Principle and that of Polarity have been closely studied by the Hermetists, and the methods of counteracting, neutralizing, and USING them form an important part of the Hermetic Mental Alchemy. //dr joshua david stone


[ 24.06.2010, 15:23: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer058 – bran lanen – extinction of exceptions (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 61MB, techno

058.01 – Bran Lanen – Exception One (06:04)
058.02 – Bran Lanen – Exception Two (06:10)
058.03 – Bran Lanen – Exception Three (05:52)
058.04 – Bran Lanen – Exception Four (06:25)
058.05 – Bran Lanen – Extinction (02:54)

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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]

In biology and ecology, extinction is the end of an organism or group of taxa. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species (although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point). Because a species’ potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively. This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus taxa, where a species presumed extinct abruptly “re-appears” (typically in the fossil record) after a period of apparent absence.//wikipedia

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer059 – drugstore – anphybia / eden remixes (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 195MB, techno

059.01 – drugstore – anphybia – mootiv remix (08:04)
059.02 – drugstore – anphybia – banding! remix (07:18)
059.03 – drugstore – anphybia – hermético remix (08:53)
059.04 – drugstore – anphybia – neural society remix (05:39)
059.05 – drugstore – anphybia – drugstore 2010 remix (07:16)
059.06 – drugstore – anphybia – drugstore 2010 alternative remix (05:50)
059.07 – drugstore – eden – atesh k. remix (06:37)
059.08 – drugstore – eden – bran lanen remix (05:47)
059.09 – drugstore – eden – doryk remix (05:14)
059.10 – drugstore – eden – pucet remix (07:31)
059.11 – drugstore – eden – gabeen remix (05:35)
059.12 – drugstore – eden – the bee remix (06:19)
059.13 – drugstore – eden – drugstore 2010 remix (07:42)

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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]

--check also their new ZimmerMix "crashed dreams"

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 1448

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wieso eigentlich "057.12 – Stomptools – Systemausfall (04:58) *deleted" ?
Aus: bergisch detroit | Registriert: Dec 2000  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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gute frage [Wink]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 1448

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ja komm komm, raus mit den soapgeschichten :P
Aus: bergisch detroit | Registriert: Dec 2000  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 19720

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Some previews of this last zimmer release:

Here are some previews:

[Zimmer 059] Drugstore - Eden (Drugstore's 2010 Remix)

[Zimmer 059] Drugstore - Anphybia (Drugstore's 2010 mix)

[Zimmer 059] Drugstore - Anphybia (Drugstore's 2010 Alternative mix)

Drugstore - Eden (Atesh K. Remix)

Drugstore - Eden (The Bee rmx)

Drugstore - Eden (Bran Lanen Remix)


Aus: Spain | Registriert: Apr 2009  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Ursprünglich geschrieben von: PasqualeM:
ja komm komm, raus mit den soapgeschichten [Razz]

nöö. keine lust auf schmutzige wäsche [Wink]

btw. gibt was neues:


Zimmer060 – ulf kramer – brainbug (germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 88MB, minimal techno

060.01 – Ulf Kramer – Klagelied 001.2
060.02 – Ulf Kramer – Quitschen
060.03 – Ulf Kramer – Anonym 17
060.04 – Ulf Kramer – Flanger Pulse
060.05 – Ulf Kramer – Klagelied oo5
060.06 – Ulf Kramer – Ohrspule

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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]

Despite rapid scientific progress, much about how brains work remains a mystery. The operations of individual neurons and synapses are now understood in considerable detail, but the way they cooperate in ensembles of thousands or millions has been very difficult to decipher. Methods of observation such as EEG recording and functional brain imaging tell us that brain operations are highly organized, while single unit recording can resolve the activity of single neurons, but how individual cells give rise to complex operations is unknown. //wikipedia

ps: die tage kommt noch ein schickes hörspiel von detektiv knork auf haushaltsware. watch out [Smile]

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer061 – christian mohr – polterabend – the remixes II (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 76MB, techno

061.01 – christian mohr – chloronose – i-kula remix v2
061.02 – christian mohr – chloronose – revy remix
061.03 – christian mohr – polterabend – pasquale maassen remix v2
061.04 – christian mohr – chloronose – the bee remix
061.05 – christian mohr – polterabend – gabeen remix

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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]

In recent years, as computer technology has become more accessible and music software has advanced, interacting with music production technology is now possible using means that bear no relationship to traditional musical performance practices: for instance, laptop performance (laptronica) and live coding. In the last decade a number of software-based virtual studio environments have emerged. These software-based music production tools provide viable and cost-effective alternatives to typical hardware-based production studios, and thanks to advances in microprocessor technology, it is now possible to create high quality music using little more than a single laptop computer. Such advances have democratized music creation, leading to a massive increase in the amount of home-produced music available to the general public via the internet. Artists can now also individuate their sound by creating personalized software synthesizers, effects modules, and various composition environments. Devices that once existed exclusively in the hardware domain can easily have virtual counterparts. In some sense, as a result of technological innovation, the DIY mentality that was once a core part of dance music culture is seeing a resurgence. //wikipedia

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer062 – unorace – surface (russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 38MB, techno

062.01 – UnoRace – Latent
062.02 – UnoRace – Punish
062.03 – UnoRace – Rotten Machine

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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]

Historically, surfaces were initially defined as subspaces of Euclidean spaces. Often, these surfaces were the locus of zeros of certain functions, usually polynomial functions. Such a definition considered the surface as part of a larger (Euclidean) space, and as such was termed extrinsic.

In the previous section, a surface is defined as a topological space with certain property, namely Hausdorff and locally Euclidean. This topological space is not considered as being a subspace of another space. In this sense, the definition given above, which is the definition that mathematicians use at present, is intrinsic.

A surface defined as intrinsic is not required to satisfy the added constraint of being a subspace of Euclidean space. It seems possible at first glance that there are surfaces defined intrinsically that are not surfaces in the extrinsic sense. However, the Whitney embedding theorem asserts that every surface can in fact be embedded homeomorphically into Euclidean space, in fact into E4. Therefore the extrinsic and intrinsic approaches turn out to be equivalent.//wikipedia

Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer063 – unorace – engine (russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 46MB, techno

063.01 – UnoRace – Strong as a horse
063.02 – UnoRace – Closed Mind
063.03 – UnoRace – Never Again
063.04 – UnoRace – Engine

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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]

During the Muslim Agricultural Revolution from the 9th to 13th centuries, Muslim engineers developed numerous innovative industrial uses of hydropower, early industrial uses of tidal power, wind power, and fossil fuels such as petroleum, together with the earliest large factory complexes (tiraz in Arabic). The industrial uses of watermills in the Islamic world date back to the 7th century, whereas horizontal-wheeled and vertical-wheeled water mills were both in widespread use since at least the 9th century. A variety of industrial mills were invented in the Islamic world, including fulling mills, hullers, steel mills, sugar refineries, and windmills. By the 11th century, every province throughout the Islamic world had these industrial mills in operation, from the Middle East and Central Asia to al-Andalus and North Africa [wikipedia]


Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]

Usernummer # 20355

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immer noch das netlabel mit den für mich am attraktivsten Sound..ein Set ohne Zimmer geht gar nicht..das letzte komplett meine Kragenweite..kann also allen Tracks etwas positives abgewinnen..


Aus: dem Stall | Registriert: Nov 2010  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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sowas hört man natürlich gerne [Wink]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]
Usernummer # 4608

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Zimmer064 – steve pain – pandorum (germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 62MB, techno

064.01 – Steve Pain – Pandorum
064.02 – Steve Pain – Eisentanz
064.03 – Steve Pain – A guy called Sarrazin
064.04 – Brad Lee – The Draw (Aspertam against Steve Pain rmx)

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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]

While exploring the spacecraft under Payton’s radio guidance, Bower talks with Payton about Pandorum, a psychological condition brought on by extended periods of deep-space travel and hypersleep. Its symptoms and effects include severe paranoia, vivid hallucinations, and homicidal tendencies. Payton recounts the story of another ship, the Eden, in which a single member of the flight crew, affected by Pandorum, jettisoned 5000 others into the oblivion of space. As Bower continues searching the ship, he encounters dead bodies and fast-moving humanoid creatures [wikipedia]


Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001  |  IP: [logged]

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