Thema: Neues Netlabel: zimmerlautstärke
Usernummer # 1448
space planes und the journey treffen meinen geschmack, die anderen sind mir etwas zu flächig....
Aus: bergisch detroit | Registriert: Dec 2000
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer098 – Jerzz – The Grand Escape (Netherlands) mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, experimental
098.1 – Jerzz – Doh Bahar 098.2 – Jerzz – Nachtwerkz 098.3 – Jerzz – Zahlig 098.4 – Jerzz – The Grand Escape
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we will also provide a lossless FLAC-format for DJs and Audionerds from now on…
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
“Without the grand escape from their experience, people are subjected to it – acted upon, or tossed about. Their brain overheats. Decisions they make while inside their experience are not to be trusted. Do they make them to escape discomfort? Are the decisions irrational or erratic, determined by impulse, not cool deliberation? People in their experience are out of their minds. Rather than having the experience, the experience has them! They are the feather. Something else is the wind.” (The Un-Game)
// [ 13.06.2014, 18:21: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 1448
Aus: bergisch detroit | Registriert: Dec 2000
| IP: [logged]
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wizard of wor
Usernummer # 5122
sind ein paar gute tracks dabei. lad ich mir runter...
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Feb 2002
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer101 – Abiz Sonko – Auer Chens mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, electronic
101.1 – Abiz Sonko – Deir Fist 101.2 – Abiz Sonko – Buana Bi Bak (No Chords) 101.3 – Abiz Sonko – Auer Chens 101.4 – Abiz Sonko – Buana Bi Bak (Chords)
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Ei nid help, Streinjah, for oldou ei hef tu Grendsonts, ei em lonli end anhepi bikos dei du not lof or ker for mi. Dei tel mi det ei em from en olda worlt. In mei janga deis tinks wor difrent. Olt men wor hepi. Wen dei deit, dei wor burit wit honor. Bat in mei kejs, Streinjah, mei olt ejtsh hes bin anhepi. End mei onli fir is det wen ei dei, mei Grendsonts wil not akort mi de honor du tu mei ejtsh. It wil be a disgrejs. Ferwel, Streinjah. if ju kol egen end ei em eleif, ei wil welkom ju bak. [Shejms Hensho - Auer Chens]
// [ 13.06.2014, 18:22: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer103 – Angelo Krizashi – The Remixes (Chile) mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, techno
103.1 – Angelo Krizashi – Corrupto – Remix 103.2 – Angelo Krizashi – Machines Resistance – Remix 103.3 – Angelo Krizashi – Consecución – Remix 103.4 – Angelo Krizashi – Subliminal – Remix
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
A remix in art often takes multiple perspectives upon the same theme. An artist takes an original work of art and adds their own take on the piece creating something completely different while still leaving traces of the original work. It is essentially a reworked abstraction of the original work while still holding remnants of the original piece while still letting the true meanings of the original piece shine through. Famous examples include the Marilyn prints of Andy Warhol (modifies colors and styles of one image), and The Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso, (merges various angles of perspective into one view). Some of Picasso’s other famous paintings also incorporate parts of his life, such as his love affairs, into his paintings. For example, his painting Les Trois Danseuses, or The Three Dancers, is about a love triangle.
Other types of remixes in art are parodies. A parody in contemporary usage, is a work created to mock, comment on, or make fun at an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironic imitation. They can be found all throughout art and culture from literature to animation. Current television shows are filled with parodies such as South Park, Family Guy, and the Simpsons.
The internet has allowed for art to be remixed quite easily, as evidenced by sites like (provides pictorial template upon which any words may be written by various anonymous users), and Dan Walsh’s (removes the main character from various original strips by Garfield creator Jim Davis). [wikipedia]
// [ 13.06.2014, 18:23: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer107 – Kinko Acid – Electro Impulse (Argentina) mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, acid, techno
107.01 – Kinko Acid – Weed is back 107.02 – Kinko Acid – Remember 107.03 – Kinko Acid – Broken Things 107.04 – Kinko Acid – Acid Lab 107.05 – Kinko Acid – Worm 107.06 – Kinko Acid – Room of Mirrors 107.07 – Kinko Acid – The last of its kind
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
In classical mechanics, impulse (symbolized by J or Imp) is the change in linear momentum of a body. It may be defined or calculated as the product of the average force multiplied by the time over which the force is exerted. Impulse is a vector quantity since it is the result of integrating force, a vector quantity, over time. The SI unit of impulse is the newton second (N·s) or, in base units, the kilogram meter per second (kg·m/s).
A resultant force causes acceleration and a change in the velocity of the body for as long as it acts. A resultant force applied over a longer time therefore produces a bigger change in linear momentum than the same force applied briefly: the change in momentum is equal to the product of the average force and duration. Conversely, a small force applied for a long time produces the same change in momentum—the same impulse—as a larger force applied briefly. [wikipedia]
// [ 13.06.2014, 18:24: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer110 – Andreas Florin – Anxious (Germany) FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno
110.01 – Andreas Florin – Green Leaves 110.02 – Andreas Florin – Live is Live 110.03 – Andreas Florin – Anxious – Steve Pain Remix 110.04 – Andreas Florin – Room 2012 110.05 – Andreas Florin – Anxious 110.06 – Andreas Florin – We are the Future 110.07 – Andreas Florin – Salon Jessy
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Anxiety is distinguished from fear, which is an appropriate cognitive and emotional response to a perceived threat and is related to the specific behaviors of fight-or-flight responses, defensive behavior or escape. Anxiety occurs in situations only perceived as uncontrollable or unavoidable, but not realistically so. David Barlow defines anxiety as “a future-oriented mood state in which one is ready or prepared to attempt to cope with upcoming negative events,” and that it is a distinction between future and present dangers which divides anxiety and fear. Another description of anxiety is agony, dread, terror, or even apprehension. In positive psychology, anxiety is described as the mental state that results from a difficult challenge for which the subject has insufficient coping skills.
Fear and anxiety can be differentiated in four domains: (1) duration of emotional experience, (2) temporal focus, (3) specificity of the threat, and (4) motivated direction. Fear is defined as short lived, present focused, geared towards a specific threat, and facilitating escape from threat; while anxiety is defined as long acting, future focused, broadly focused towards a diffuse threat, and promoting excessive caution while approaching a potential threat and interferes with constructive coping.
Symptoms of anxiety can range in number, intensity, and frequency, depending on the person. While almost everyone has experienced anxiety at some point in their lives, most do not develop long-term problems with anxiety.
The behavioral effects of anxiety may include withdrawal from situations which have provoked anxiety in the past. Anxiety can also be experienced in ways which include changes in sleeping patterns, nervous habits, and increased motor tension like foot tapping.
The emotional effects of anxiety may include “feelings of apprehension or dread, trouble concentrating, feeling tense or jumpy, anticipating the worst, irritability, restlessness, watching (and waiting) for signs (and occurrences) of danger, and, feeling like your mind’s gone blank” as well as “nightmares/bad dreams, obsessions about sensations, deja vu, a trapped in your mind feeling, and feeling like everything is scary.”
The cognitive effects of anxiety may include thoughts about suspected dangers, such as fear of dying. “You may … fear that the chest pains are a deadly heart attack or that the shooting pains in your head are the result of a tumor or aneurysm. You feel an intense fear when you think of dying, or you may think of it more often than normal, or can’t get it out of your mind. [wikipedia]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer111 – psycoded – pepper pot (Macedonia) FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno, tool
111.1 – psycoded – pepper pot 111.2 – psycoded – pepper pot – Structural Form Remix 111.3 – psycoded – pepper pot – Andreas Florin Remix
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Pepperpot is an Amerindian-derived dish popular in Guyana. It is traditionally served at Christmas and other special events. Along with curried chicken, and cook up rice, pepperpot is one of Guyana’s national dish.
Pepperpot is a stewed meat dish, strongly flavoured with cinnamon, cassareep (a special sauce made from the cassava root) and other basic ingredients, including Caribbean hot peppers. Beef, pork, and mutton are the most popular meats used, though some have been known to use chicken. Pepperpot is popularly served with a dense Guyanese-style homemade or home-style bread, though like most food it can be eaten however one chooses, be it rice, or roti, though it is not the popular norm.
This dish is usually reserved for special occasions because it needs to cook for several hours, and mostly eaten on Christmas Day (like turkey in North America), or during the Christmas holiday season. Like the original Amerindian version it is usually made in a large pot and can be reheated and eaten over several days because the Cassareep starts preserving the meat.[citation needed] Versions of the dish are also served in several other countries in the Caribbean, including Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and St. Vincent. [wikipedia]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer112 – Shavina – Libertine (Germany) FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno
112.01 – Shavina – Balustrade 112.02 – Shavina – Bliss 112.03 – Shavina – Libertine 112.04 – Shavina – Wanderlust
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
A libertine is one devoid of most moral restraints, which are seen as unnecessary or undesirable, especially one who ignores or even spurns accepted morals and forms of behaviour sanctified by the larger society. Libertines put value on physical pleasures, meaning those experienced through the senses. As a philosophy, libertinism gained new-found adherents in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, particularly in France and Great Britain. Notable among these were John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, and the Marquis de Sade.
The word “Libertine” was originally coined by John Calvin to negatively describe opponents of his policies in Geneva, Switzerland. This group, led by Ami Perrin, argued against Calvin’s “insistence that church discipline should be enforced uniformly against all members of Genevan society”. Perrin and his allies were elected to the town council in 1548, and “broadened their support base in Geneva by stirring up resentment among the older inhabitants against the increasing number of religious refugees who were fleeing France in even greater numbers”. By 1555, Calvinists were firmly in place on the Genevan town council, so the Libertines, led by Perrin, responded with an “attempted coup against the government and called for the massacre of the French. This was the last great political challenge Calvin had to face in Geneva”. Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand wrote that Joseph Bonaparte “sought only life’s pleasures and easy access to libertinism” while on the throne of Naples.//wikipedia
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer115 – Abiz Sonko – Markarian 421 (Spain) WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno
115.01 – Abiz Sonko – Dip Insaid 115.02 – Abiz Sonko – Dip Insaid (Beatless Tool) 115.03 – Abiz Sonko – Red San 115.04 – Abiz Sonko – Blac Lait
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There are WAVE-files available as well. Go get them at…
Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: digitized sky survey]
Markarian 421 (Mrk 421, Mkn 421) is a blazar located in the constellation Ursa Major. The object is an active galaxy and a BL Lacertae object, and is a strong source of gamma rays. It is about 397 million light-years (redshift: z=0.0308 eq. 122Mpc) to 434 million light-years (133Mpc) from the Earth. It is one of the closest blazars to Earth, making it one of the brightest quasars in the night sky. It is suspected to have a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at its center due to its active nature, and has a companion galaxy (Markarian 421-5) that is fueling the gas jets observed pointing away from the galaxy.
It was first determined to be a very high energy gamma ray emitter in 1992 by M. Punch at the Whipple Observatory, and an extremely rapid outburst in very high energy gamma rays (15-minute rise-time) was measured in 1996 by J. Gaidos at Whipple Observatory
Markarian 421 also had an outburst in 2001 and is monitored by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope project.
Due to its brightness (around 13.3 magnitude, max. 11.6mag. and min. 16mag.) the object can also be viewed by amateurs in smaller telescopes. [wikipedia]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer116 – Noisesculptor – Bacteria (Hungary) WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, ambient, noise
116.01 – Noisesculptor – Nostromo 7 116.02 – Noisesculptor – Bacteria 116.03 – Noisesculptor – In Vein 116.04 – Noisesculptor – Song of Asteroid
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
There are typically 40 million bacterial cells in a gram of soil and a million bacterial cells in a millilitre of fresh water. There are approximately 5×1030 bacteria on Earth, forming a biomass which exceeds that of all plants and animals. Bacteria are vital in recycling nutrients, with many of the stages in nutrient cycles dependent on these organisms, such as the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere and putrefaction. In the biological communities surrounding hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, bacteria provide the nutrients needed to sustain life by converting dissolved compounds such as hydrogen sulphide and methane to energy. On 17 March 2013, researchers reported data that suggested bacterial life forms thrive in the Mariana Trench, which with a depth of up to 11 kilometres is the deepest part of the Earth’s oceans. Other researchers reported related studies that microbes thrive inside rocks up to 580 metres below the sea floor under 2.6 kilometres of ocean off the coast of the northwestern United States. According to one of the researchers,”You can find microbes everywhere — they’re extremely adaptable to conditions, and survive wherever they are.” [wikipedia]
[seit neuesten auch als wave. ist einigen ja lieber als FLAC]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer118 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Bozal (Ukraine/Russia) WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, deep, dubtechno
118.01 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Ianma Calling 118.02 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Technogenic Dub 118.03 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Kol yaska 118.04 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Issyk Cool 118.05 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Silver Glass Buildings
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
[is your connection too slow for high quality files? visit and get lossy derivates]
Bozal is a possible extinct Spanish-based creole language that may have been a mixture of Spanish and Congolese, with Portuguese influences. Attestation is insufficient to indicate whether Bozal Spanish was ever a single, coherent or stable language, or if the term merely referred to any idiolect of Spanish that included African elements.
Bozal Spanish was spoken by African slaves in Puerto Rico and Cuba and other areas of South and Central America from the 1600s up until its possible extinction at around 1850. Although Bozal Spanish is extinct as a language, its influence still exists. For instance, many Kongo words are found in the lexicon of the Puerto Rican dialect of Spanish. [wikipedia]
// for the art - from the heart [ 27.07.2015, 01:32: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
die ersten 10 jahre sind rum:
Zimmer121 – Various Artists – 10 Years later WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, deep, noise, minimal, techno
121.01 – Narcotic 303 – Wait 121.02 – Droneghost – Black Pill 121.03 – Abiz Sonko – Keios Befor Glouri 121.04 – Andreas Florin – Deleted Scenes 121.05 – Oscar Lopez Beat – Camel Toe 121.06 – MattK – Option 121.07 – Reloadams – Fake 121.08 – Paralytic – Hirnlappenblockade 121.09 – Dr.Cyanide – State of illness 121.10 – Bran Lanen – Positive Slope 121.11 – Pasquale Maassen – Stumpfspitzen 121.12 – Steve Pain – ABC 121.13 – Christian Mohr – No Fantasy 121.14 – ROBotron – Neptunus 121.15 – HZR – Surreal (Anniversary Version) 121.16 – Structural Form – Bad Education 121.17 – Untethered – Hectagonal Residue 121.18 – Zirkeltanz – Missing Rainbow 121.19 – rp – Dirty low Fuck 121.20 – Michéle Jackiewicz – Black Roses 121.21 – Oliver Martini – See you on the Dancefloor 121.22 – SXtheMadArtist – Volcanos and Rivers 121.23 – Jerzz – Zimmer Terror Attack
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Artwork (1500px) [design: psycoded]
Check out the Videos as well. They are nice.
[is your connection too slow for high quality files? visit and get lossy derivates]
I think its time for a big THANK YOU!! i wanted to make a longer posting, but no one reads it anyways, so i will keep it short:
Thanks to everyone who supported my little Label over the last 10 years. Thanks to you, It grew to one of the most respected techno-netlabels out there. Thanks to the 170 Artists from all over the Globe who were involved. Thanks for now more than 1.000.000 Downloads without any Advertisements or Campaigns. Thanks for all the friends and comrades i found through this project. Music connects. Thanks for all the unforgettable moments. And thanks for all the money we generated through our Sublabel “Limited Edition”. Every Cent went directly to a local Humanitarian Organization. We probably saved lives out there. But we will always keep it low Profile. It’s all about sharing. Thanks. You know who you are. Thanks for all the support in the “dark times” recently. Zimmer will never die… Lets bring on the next 10 years… –Aleks
Zimmer loves YOU. Yes, you!!!
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer125 – Dr. SpaceKir – The depths of Universe (Russia) WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, ambient
125.1 – Dr. SpaceKir – Apophis 2036 125.2 – Dr. SpaceKir – Betelgeuse 125.3 – Dr. SpaceKir – New world 125.4 – Dr. SpaceKir – New world II 125.5 – Dr. SpaceKir – Extension 125.6 – Dr. SpaceKir – All
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: dr. spacekir]
Throughout recorded history, cosmologies and cosmogonies, including scientific models, have been proposed to explain observations of the Universe. The earliest quantitative geocentric models were developed by ancient Greek philosophers and Indian philosophers. Over the centuries, more precise astronomical observations led to Nicolaus Copernicus’s heliocentric model of the Solar System and Johannes Kepler’s improvement on that model with elliptical orbits, which was eventually explained by Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity. Further observational improvements led to the realization that the Solar System is located in a galaxy composed of billions of stars, the Milky Way. It was subsequently discovered that our galaxy is just one of many. On the largest scales, it is assumed that the distribution of galaxies is uniform and the same in all directions, meaning that the Universe has neither an edge nor a center. Observations of the distribution of these galaxies and their spectral lines have led to many of the theories of modern physical cosmology. The discovery in the early 20th century that galaxies are systematically redshifted suggested that the Universe is expanding, and the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation suggested that the Universe had a beginning. Finally, observations in the late 1990s indicated the rate of the expansion of the Universe is increasing indicating that the majority of energy is most likely in an unknown form called dark energy. The majority of mass in the universe also appears to exist in an unknown form, called dark matter.
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer126 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Visual Textures (Spain) WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno
126.1 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Two Dimensional 126.2 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Tactile Illusion 126.3 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Physical Texture
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Visual texture is the illusion of having physical texture. Every material and every support surface has its own visual texture and needs to be taken into consideration before creating a composition. As such, materials such as canvas and watercolour paper are considerably rougher than, for example, photo-quality computer paper and may not be best suited to creating a flat, smooth texture. Photography, drawings and paintings use visual texture both to portray their subject matter realistically and with interpretation. Texture in these media are generally created by the repetition of shape and line.
Physical texture, also known as actual texture or tactile texture, are the actual variations upon a surface. This can include, but is not limited to, fur, wood grain, sand, smooth surface of canvas or metal, glass, and leather. It differentiates itself from visual texture by having a physical quality that can be felt by touch. Specific use of a texture can affect the smoothness that an artwork conveys. For instance, use of rough surfaces can be visually active, whilst smooth surfaces can be visually restful. The use of both can give a sense of personality to a design, or utilized to create emphasis, rhythm, contrast, etc.
Light is an important factor for physical artwork, because it can affect how a surface is viewed. Strong lights on a smooth surface can obscure the readability of a drawing or photograph, whilst they can create strong contrasts in a highly textural surface such as river rocks and sand. [wiki]
// [ 18.12.2015, 04:04: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Hyp Nom
Morgen Wurde
Usernummer # 1941
da ist ja einiges zusammengekommen. meine favoriten von den 4 compilations zum 10-jährigen mit ihren über 100 tracks:
Zimmer122.01_Uros_Tosic_-_The_Journey.mp3 Zimmer122.02_Hierophant_-_Moonlight_over_Jerusalem.mp3 Zimmer122.05_psycoded_-_Chemtrails_-_Cancer_Mix_by_crutch.mp3 Zimmer122.10_Turnus_-_Heartglue.mp3 Zimmer122.15_Planet_Boelex_-_Peflet.mp3 Zimmer122.17_Da_Face_-_Sonntag_Morgen.mp3 Zimmer122.18_John_Ming_-_Floating.mp3 Zimmer122.20_Phonout_-_Jutro.mp3 Zimmer122.22_Aris_H_-_Burning_Leather.mp3 Zimmer122.23_Aerror_-_Distant_Connection.mp3 Zimmer122.27_Zmitser_von_Holzman_-_Tut-Tut.mp3
Zimmer123.03_Igor_O._Vlasov_-_Danshii.mp3 Zimmer123.12_Elektronova_-_Doppelmord_im_Fahrradschlauch.mp3 Zimmer123.14_Ulf_Kramer_-_Der_letzte_Zug.mp3 Zimmer123.20_Raszia_-_Ghost_Soul.mp3 Zimmer123.21_Kenni_Sosa_-_Toxic.mp3 Zimmer123.23_Sergio_Gusto_-_Black_Dance.mp3
Zimmer124.09_Lolo_-_Flurry_Fluck.mp3 Zimmer124.10_Plan-E_-_Stromschlag.mp3 Zimmer124.27_Energun_-_Made_In.mp3
je weniger toolig, umso mehr raum ergab sich für individualismus - so lag die #122 für mich vorne.
besondere erwähnung: Aris H - Burning Leather, der ursprünglich auf der #100-compilation erschien und mit trompete in die richtung meines letzten albums geht. gibt's noch mehr von dem herrn?
error: der mp3-paket-link zur "haupt"-jubiläumscompilation (zimmer121) mit den neuen tracks funktioniert übrigens nicht, auch nicht auf der zimmer-homepage. und im ersten track der #122er stimmen interpret im dateiname und im tagging nicht überein (Uros Tosic / Uriel).. (ohne alle titel diesbzgl. gecheckt zu haben).
Aus: Kiel | Registriert: Feb 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zitat: Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Hyp Nom: error: der mp3-paket-link zur "haupt"-jubiläumscompilation (zimmer121) mit den neuen tracks funktioniert übrigens nicht, auch nicht auf der zimmer-homepage. und im ersten track der #122er stimmen interpret im dateiname und im tagging nicht überein (Uros Tosic / Uriel).. (ohne alle titel diesbzgl. gecheckt zu haben).
danke fürs reinhören - und für den hinweis. link ist geändert. und uros tosic und uriel sind ein und der selbe. k.a. warum das durcheinandergekommen ist.
achja. und von aris_h gibts hier noch bishen was:
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
| IP: [logged]
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer129 – Redshifter – Two Red Stars (UK) WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, techno, minimal
129.1 – Redshifter – Mira Alpha 129.2 – Redshifter – Draconis Beta
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Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: NASA]
Beta Draconis (β Draconis, β Dra) is the third brightest star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco. It has the traditional name Rastaban, which has also been used for Gamma Draconis. With an apparent visual magnitude of 2.79, it is bright enough to be easily seen with the naked eye. Based upon parallax measurements from the Hipparcos astrometry satellite, it lies at a distance of about 380 light-years (120 parsecs) from Earth.
Compared to the Sun, this is an enormous star with six times the mass and roughly 40 times the radius. At this size, Beta Draconis is emitting about 950 times the luminosity of the Sun from its outer envelope at an effective temperature of 5,160 K,[2] giving it the yellow hue of a G-type star. The spectrum matches a stellar classification of G2 Ib–IIa, with the luminosity class notation Ib–IIa indicating it lies part way between the bright giant and giant stages of its stellar evolution. It is about 67 million years old.
This is a binary star system, with a binary star designation of ADS 10611, in which the supergiant is orbited by a dwarf companion once every four millennia or so.
The traditional name, from the Arabic phrase ra’s ath-thu’ban (“head of the serpent”) is less commonly written Rastaben. It is also known as Asuia and Alwaid, the latter meaning “who is to be destroyed,” though some trace it to Arabic al’awwad (“the lute player”). It is part of the asterism of the Mother Camels (Arabic al’awa’id), along with γ Dra (Eltanin), μ Dra (Erakis) ν Dra (Kuma) and ξ Dra (Grumium), which was later known as the Quinque Dromedarii.
In Chinese, 天棓 (Tiān Bàng), meaning Celestial Flail, refers to an asterism consisting of β Draconis, ξ Draconis, ν Draconis, γ Draconis and ι Herculis. Consequently, β Draconis itself is known as 天棓三 (Tiān Bàng sān, English: the Third Star of Celestial Flail.) -wikipedia
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
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Usernummer # 21569
Von der über mir hier gefällt mir der erste Track gut. Artwork und Begleittext trifft meinen Nerv. Und jetzt update mal hier mit dem neuen Release, damit ich dazu auch noch meinen Senf abgeben kann.
Aus: extragalactic | Registriert: Jan 2016
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Usernummer # 1448
Zimmer136 – Pasquale Maassen – Eternity is never long enough (Germany)
progressive, minimal, techno, speed garage:
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, techno, tool
136.1 – Pasquale Maassen – Eternity is never long enough 136.2 – Pasquale Maassen – Schrotten Geotten 136.3 – Pasquale Maassen – Shorty 136.4 – Pasquale Maassen – Stumpfspitzen 136.5 – Pasquale Maassen – Spitzstumpfen
next upcoming: rmx ep with remixes from Norman Quarill Németh, James Hanser, Christian Mohr, Denis Karimani
download and preview:
Aus: bergisch detroit | Registriert: Dec 2000
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Usernummer # 4608
oha. scheinbar hab ich hier schon was länger nicht mehr neue releases angekündigt. mittlerweile sind wir schon bei der 148. diesmal von TF-member björn small:
Zimmer148 – Broker Jinn Lee – On a Junket (Germany) WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, electronic, downtempo
148.01 – Broker Jinn Lee – Alone at Night 148.02 – Broker Jinn Lee – Somewhere else 148.03 – Broker Jinn Lee – Grey Palolem Beach 148.04 – Broker Jinn Lee – Morph 148.05 – Broker Jinn Lee – Indian Soul 148.06 – Broker Jinn Lee – Human Error 148.07 – Broker Jinn Lee – Whale Love Song 148.08 – Broker Jinn Lee – Just for You 148.09 – Broker Jinn Lee – Interlude 148.10 – Broker Jinn Lee – Little eternity 148.11 – Broker Jinn Lee – Lulled 148.12 – Broker Jinn Lee – Sound 10 148.13 – R.E.M. – It happened today – Broker Jinn Lee Remix
download & stream -> download & stream ->
download ZIP (MP3 | 194MB) download ZIP (FLAC | 625MB) download ZIP (WAVE | 926MB)
Artwork (909px) [design: jcbdrzr | photo: Aleksandar von Zimmer]
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
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Hyp Nom
Morgen Wurde
Usernummer # 1941
Zitat: Ursprünglich geschrieben von: psyCodEd: diesmal von TF-member björn small
da ist einiges dabei, was man von ihm aus dem mytracks von früher kannte. ich glaube, er hatte damals schon ein label dafür gesucht. nette erinnerungen.. auch wenn's mittlerweile technisch etwas dated nach '90er und early '00 klingt, obwohl die tracks aus der zeit danach stammen.
Aus: Kiel | Registriert: Feb 2001
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Usernummer # 4608
Zitat: Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Omara: eventuell sollte man mal die artistverlinkungen aktualisieren.. jede menge tote links da?
mach ich jetzt. danke für den hinweis
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
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Usernummer # 4608
Zimmer156 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus WAV, AIFF, mp3, 320kbps, techno, experimental
156.1 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus 156.2 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus – Paul Birken Remix 156.3 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus – Sane Remix 156.4 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus – Aleksandar von Zimmer Remix
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
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Usernummer # 21831
alle drei remixe mega fett geworden..jeder Track hat seinen eigenen reiz...spielen!!
Aus: Putensberg | Registriert: Jan 2018
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Hyp Nom
Morgen Wurde
Usernummer # 1941
im original können die höhen effektiver nach vorne zerren, wenn der bass etwas zurückgenommen wird - kann man ja am EQ regeln. die remixe sind gewaltige boliden - ob gebreakt (Paul Birken), getrümmert (Sane) oder stakkato (Aleks)
Aus: Kiel | Registriert: Feb 2001
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Usernummer # 4608
freut mich dass er dir gefällt. ich selbst war ziemlich unzufrieden damit. und hätte ulf nicht darauf bestanden dass er veröffentlicht wird, wäre mein remix wohl in der tonne gelandet. merci
Aus: detroit | Registriert: Dec 2001
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