Usernummer # 4770
The Stringed Theory - Universal Relativity
The Aesthetics Of Everything
Celebrating our first US-based artist, we would like to introduce 'The Stringed Theory', a project by Dustin Frelich from Vista, California.
The string theory's main predication is that everything we see, from the smallest particles modern physics can perceive up to the greatest objects in our universe, is made up of tiny vibrating and oscillating strings.
With these strings, the universe is supposed to be a great cosmic symphony based upon unbelievable mathematical beauty.
Unfortunately, these strings are so small, that most likely no experiment is ever going to prove the theory's predictions. Though, assuming that string theory is a candiate for the theory of everything, it would sound like this.
01. Boson 02. Quark 03. Sparticle 04. Equivalence 05. Parallel 06. Topology 07. Clairvoyance
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Kommentare natürlich erwünscht
-- best regards, martin
3J Phu
Usernummer # 6007
naja, so spektakulär wie sich das anhört, ist's dann doch nicht.