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Geschrieben von: Kroete (Usernummer # 2464) an
Zimmerlautstärke 002 - tribal by Pasquale Maassen
002.1 - Pasquale Maassen - gajomard (4:33)
002.2 - Pasquale Maassen - cenu (6:43)
002.3 - Pasquale Maassen - help i`m stupid (5:43)
002.4 - Pasquale Maassen - tabaluga bill (6:22)
002.5 - Pasquale Maassen - tribal2 (6:12)
002.6 - Pasquale Maassen - gerk (5:25)
002.7 - Pasquale Maassen - dreadnought (4:56)
-> Internet Archive
[ 01.11.2005, 21:53: Beitrag editiert von: Kroete ]
Geschrieben von: Dive (Usernummer # 10821) an
Sehr schöne EP
mir gefällt der Track vom Flow her sehr gut.
002.3 - Pasquale Maassen - help i`m stupid
Geschrieben von: pre-amp tango (Usernummer # 10117) an
grandios wie immer, der herr maassen.
mir persönlich sind die meisten tracks zwar zu hart, aber immer noch gut hörbar. und das weil man sich dem groove einfach nicht entziehen kann.
mein favorit hier ist "tabaluga bill".
irgendwie drängt sich mir beim hören der 7 tracks immer wieder der namen einer stadt auf, in der es gute pizza gibt - neapel. ich find, dass der hier gebotene sound nicht weit von den herrn vigorito oder carola entfernt ist. immer groovig mit der nötigen portion gesunder (aber nicht übertriebener) härte.
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
ja, Carola kam mir auch in den sinn.. und 'Dreadnought' hat züge einer Luke Slater-produktion.
dieser sound ist in den letzten 2-3 jahren im forum und außerhalb seltener geworden, er verfängt aber immer noch, wenn auch die langzeithörmotivation zuhause nicht so gegeben ist - mehr was für's 2-minütige auftauchen im hitzig slammenden club, das material.
und bei Tribal2 versteht man auch Chris Liebing, der in der August-Raveline meinte, dass harter techno ad absurdum geführt wurde, als produktionen zunahmen, die schon bei der produktion so verzerrt klangen, wie Rush- oder Liebingproduktionen erst auf einer übersteuerten club-PA..
Geschrieben von: Herr Minimal (Usernummer # 3603) an
help i'm stupid ist sehr cool. aber den kenn ich ja bereits.
Geschrieben von: KryStuff (Usernummer # 230) an
meine favs sind "help i´m stupid" und "gajomard" hätte ich wohl auch gern in 320 oder so, aber gibts ja leider nie von daher auch kein einsatz im club.
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
oh danke schön ...
Geschrieben von: Tierex (Usernummer # 1376) an
Naja ich hab halt immer was zu meckern... so fehlt mir - aber nur zur ultimativen Perfektion - noch der letzte Arrangement-Schliff bei den Längen der einzelnen Trackabschnitte, damit man die Tracks auch ungemixt hören kann. Aber im Mix entfalten sie sicher eine ordentlich treibende Wirkung.
Meine (persönlich-geschmackliche) Wertung:
Geschrieben von: Kroete (Usernummer # 2464) an
Zimmerlautstärke 003 - ethnic EP by Afion
003.1 - Afion - show me a wonder (5:21)
003.2 - Afion - atmospheric clouds (5:56)
003.3 - Afion - distance doesn`t matter (7:54)
003.4 - Afion - byzant trip (4:42)
003.5 - Afion - child of the universe (4:51)
003.6 - Afion - night walk (4:44)
003.7 - Afion - ambience (4:12)
003.8 - Afion - supradub (4:28)
003.9 - Afion - little dawn travelling (5:10)
-> Internet Archive
eine remixreihe ist ebenfalls in planung...
[ 01.11.2005, 21:55: Beitrag editiert von: Kroete ]
Geschrieben von: SpeedyJ (Usernummer # 984) an
hmm... ich finde, jeder neue release verdient seinen eigenen thread!
anyway, hab mir die 02 angehört. solide tribal techno tools... sauber!
Geschrieben von: Kroete (Usernummer # 2464) an
Finde ich eigentlich auch, aber so ist es doch auch übersichtlich oder nicht? Alles was neu rauskommt, kommt in den Thread hier rein. Das ist doch ok?
Geschrieben von: vlan23 (Usernummer # 9572) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Dive:
Sehr schöne EP
mir gefällt der Track vom Flow her sehr gut.
002.3 - Pasquale Maassen - help i`m stupid
80%/100% :-)
Muss mal in die andren Tracks reinhoeren.
Geschrieben von: Tierex (Usernummer # 1376) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Kroete:
Zimmerlautstärke 003 - ethnic EP by Afion
gediegene dubbige nummern mit ethnischen einflüssen
Erinnert mich von den Sounds und den Melodien her an Chris Hülsbecks Amiga-Kompositionen (Turrican-Trilogie usw.). Zu der damaligen Zeit hätte mich das noch angesprochen, heute jedoch stehe ich auf Techno.
Geschrieben von: Omara (Usernummer # 11269) an
Zimmer 02:
find ich sehr fein, ist wirklich nah an neapel-technischen sound dran. Gefällt mir gut
Geschrieben von: Stahltrompete (Usernummer # 13180) an
das 002er-release gefällt mir vom ersten durchshufflen her
schon recht gut - geht ordentlich nach vorne
das 003er-release scheint für bestimmte hörkontexte ge-
macht und ich werde es mir anhören wenn ich in etwa einen
solchen erreicht habe
das 001er-release umgehe ich jetzt erstmal weil ich das wort
minimal nicht mehr hören kann
ausführlicheres echo später...
Geschrieben von: TobiTobsucht (Usernummer # 8568) an
Zimmer 004 - technoid EP by Celtic Rhythm
Min.Cutz p. #1 [Re-Released]
004.1 - Celtic Rhythm - untitled (8:55)
004.2 - Celtic Rhythm - sten (5:58)
004.3 - Celtic Rhythm - imprint#2 (6:16)
004.4 - Celtic Rhythm - cycler (4:59)
004.5 - Celtic Rhythm - turntablist (6:29)
004.6 - Celtic Rhythm - distance (6:24)
-> Internet Archive
This EP was Originally released on 20kbps-Records (Min.Cutz p. #1),
and is re-released on zimmer-records in high quality
nach einem sehr verträumten und spherischen Zimmer Nr. 3,
geht es nun mit Igor O. Vlasovs Alter Ego 'Celtic Rhythm' wieder
schnurstraks auf die Überholspur. Solider Techno irgendwo zwischen
Detroit, Frankfurt und Moskau. 6 frische Tracks mit einem hauch Nostalgie.
viel Spass
[ 30.10.2005, 21:56: Beitrag editiert von: TobiTobsucht ]
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer 005 - moody EP by exp
If only there were something...
7 tracks - 17min - mp3 - 128kbps - stereo
005.1 - exp - when you take me down (3:30)
005.2 - exp - shine (1:54)
005.3 - exp - esrever (0:25)
005.4 - exp - the sun (3:44)
005.5 - exp - thoughts (2:36)
005.6 - exp - is there anything (2:44)
005.7 - exp - if only there were something (2:06)
-> Internet Archive
[ 27.05.2009, 02:51: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: TobiTobsucht (Usernummer # 8568) an
Zimmerlautstärke 006 - crackpot EP by V.Rotz
4 Tracks - 192kbps - 23min - mp3 - stereo
006.1 - V.Rotz - raspin (5:20)
006.2 - V.Rotz - sinergi (6:24)
006.3 - V.Rotz - clonique (6:03)
006.4 - V.Rotz - any noise (5:36)
-> Internet Archive
noisy...? funky...? crackpot!
zimmer schaltet nun nach der traumhaften 005 locker 2 gänge nach oben:
zurück in der welt des 4/4. mit einer verpeilten minimalscheibe aus Spanien.
viel spass...
Geschrieben von: TobiTobsucht (Usernummer # 8568) an
tja, herr vlasov nun auch auf dem schönen zimmerlabel
Zimmerlautstärke 007 - dubbytech EP by Igor O. Vlasov
4 Tracks - 192kbps - 18min - mp3 - stereo]
007.1 - Igor O. Vlasov - dark wood (5:12)
007.2 - Igor O. Vlasov - mountain raid (4:25)
007.3 - Igor O. Vlasov - madagaskar (3:12)
007.4 - Igor O. Vlasov - elektrostatik (5:36)
-> Internet Archive
what a nice record to begin the winter. for the last time sunlight is coming over the mountain and is ligthing up the dark freezing forest. 4 warm tracks for cold days. the music is the room, igor vlasov is the radiator...
Geschrieben von: Tierex (Usernummer # 1376) an
Zimmerlautstärke 007 - dubbytech EP by Igor O. Vlasov [/QB]
Sehr schöne EP, super produziert!
Wobei die Drumpatterns aus Track 3 so schon in einem älteren Vlasov-Netrelease komplett verwendet wurden.
"Warm" kommen die Tracks aber irgendwie nicht rüber, eher kühl, finde ich. Aber schön deep, wie es sich für Dubtech gehört.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmerlautstärke012a - politech EP by psyCodEd (Germany)
6 Tracks - mp3 - 192kbps - 57min - stereo
012a.1 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails (8:16)
012a.2 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - ambeyond remix (10:11)
012a.3 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - kazooo remix (6:18)
012a.4 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - igor o. vlasov remix (6:22)
012a.5 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - cancer remix by CRUtCH (20:07)
012a.6 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - V.Rotz remix (6:08)
-> internet-archive
to be continued soon...
[ 27.05.2009, 02:52: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmerlautstärke 008 - skunkfunk EP by kazooo
6 Tracks - 192kbps - 47min - mp3 - stereo
008.1 - kazooo - broken cowbell (6:06)
008.2 - kazooo - lefthand urinating (6:18)
008.3 - kazooo - tinitus (6:30)
008.4 - kazooo - eastern europe (6:13)
008.5 - kazooo - skunkfunk (6:06)
008.6 - kazooo - lace panties (6:18)
-> Internet Archive
[ 27.05.2009, 02:52: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
hab mir mal 8 tracks quer durch den fundus der letzten releases geladen.. konsistente und handwerklich okaye sachen, auch wenn nicht unbedingt so markante tunes dabei waren, auf die man zurückkommen muss.
ausnahme und highlight bleibt für mich fürs erste der aus dem mytracks bekannte psyCodEd__Chemtrails_ambeyond_rmx.
vielleicht kann der ein oder andere noch trackempfehlungen geben?
und kann es sein, dass der erste track von Celtic Rhythm kodierfehler hat, z.b. bei 3:32 und 4:01?
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
ist mir auch aufgefallen. schade. naja. ich mag besonders: skunkfunk von kazooo. sehr funkige nummer. eastern europe geht gut nach vorne. vlasovs EP ist eigentlich durchweg gut. clonique von V.Rotz geht auch gut ab...
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmerlautstärke 009
knobs on trees /concept LP by Pasquale Maassen (Germany)
mp3, 192kbps, stereo
009.01 - pasquale maassen - i looked up (3:48)
009.02 - pasquale maassen - and saw (0:15)
009.03 - pasquale maassen - a tree (2:19)
009.04 - pasquale maassen - it was a (2:13)
009.05 - pasquale maassen - green one (0:17)
009.06 - pasquale maassen - but (2:20)
009.07 - pasquale maassen - perhaps (1:42)
009.08 - pasquale maassen - it could be a (2:05)
009.09 - pasquale maassen - white one too (1:07)
009.10 - pasquale maassen - the crown gleamed (0:47)
009.11 - pasquale maassen - as it (1:12)
009.12 - pasquale maassen - would be polished by hand (0:12)
009.13 - pasquale maassen - i listened to the sounds (2:39)
009.14 - pasquale maassen - which came from (1:47)
009.15 - pasquale maassen - everywhere (0:12)
009.16 - pasquale maassen - 'maybe 10 birds' (0:59)
009.17 - pasquale maassen - i thought (1:14)
009.18 - pasquale maassen - listened once again (3:09)
009.19 - pasquale maassen - 'maybe (2:44)
009.20 - pasquale maassen - 10 big and 899 little birds' (2:31)
009.21 - pasquale maassen - i was (1:59)
009.22 - pasquale maassen - looking around (1:16)
009.23 - pasquale maassen - but (1:24)
009.24 - pasquale maassen - no birds were to be seen (2:18)
009.25 - pasquale maassen - and i was surprised (3:03)
009.26 - pasquale maassen - 'where came the tones from' (0:52)
009.27 - pasquale maassen - and then (0:40)
009.28 - pasquale maassen - i saw all those little knobs and potis (2:40)
009.29 - pasquale maassen - hanging on the brunches (2:58)
009.30 - pasquale maassen - they looked like (0:20)
009.31 - pasquale maassen - bird-berries calling (1:59)
009.32 - pasquale maassen - 'hold the left (2:31)
009.33 - pasquale maassen - and set the value' (0:45)
009.34 - pasquale maassen - who cares the nature (2.01)
-> *.ZIP (80MB)
i looked up and saw a tree. it was a green one but perhaps it was a white one too. the crown gleamed as it would be polished by hand. i listened to the sounds which came from everywhere. 'maybe 10 birds' i thought. listened once again 'maybe 10 big and 899 little birds' i was looking around but no birds were to be seen. and i was surprised. where came the tones from, and then i saw all those little knobs and potis hanging on the brunches. they looked like bird-berries calling 'hold the left and set the value' who cares the nature.
Zimmer010 - V.A. - battle beats
Zimmer011 - egohygiene[/quote]
[ 27.05.2009, 02:53: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: oskar (Usernummer # 7383) an
minimol bounce...fängt an hört auf fängt an hört auf, hört auf fängt an...ei oder huhn? nach einem durchlauf verliere ich den überblick..kann weiterlaufen. wunderbare skippy untermalung für jedewede art von sich wiederholenden vorgängen.
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmerlautstärke 010 - BGeP by Bushman Groove Project
4 Tracks - 128kbps - 24min - mp3 - stereo - techno
Zimmer010.1 - Bushman Groove Project - Bushman Grooves 1 (4:29)
Zimmer010.2 - Bushman Groove Project - Bushman Grooves 2 (4:57)
Zimmer010.3 - Bushman Groove Project - Bushman Grooves 3 (7:24)
Zimmer010.4 - Bushman Groove Project - Bushman Grooves 4 (7:07)
-> *.ZIP (22MB)
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
uga! for our 10th release we invited some strangers to come into our world!
2 Bushman answered with this great 4 track ep with some weird techno and
some warm melodies. great stuff folks. don`t hesitate - celebrate!
[ 06.03.2006, 01:33: Beitrag editiert von: obi-wan ]
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
ich bin mal wieder so frei und kopiere mal den text hier rein:
Zimmerlautstärke 011 - neutronenschablett LP by egohygiene
8 Tracks - 192kbps - 40min - mp3 - stereo - breaks/experimental
011.1 - egohygiene - zweiergruppe (4:24)
011.2 - egohygiene - neutronenschablett (4:58)
011.3 - egohygiene - klipper (5:04)
011.4 - egohygiene - grizzlytape (3:25)
011.5 - egohygiene - lotion (6:08)
011.6 - egohygiene - ops (4:41)
011.7 - egohygiene - evilduster (4:46)
011.8 - egohygiene - byeeye (6:06)
-> *.ZIP (55MB)
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
no words needed! just listen...
[ 06.03.2006, 00:03: Beitrag editiert von: obi-wan ]
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmerlautstärke 013 - black ink EP by Izidor Radmanovic
3 Tracks - 192kbps - 22min - mp3 - stereo - techno
Zimmer013.1 - Izidor Radmanovic - black ink (7:01) HIT!!
Zimmer013.2 - Izidor Radmanovic - handy-shop (7:24)
Zimmer013.3 - Izidor Radmanovic - i love techno 2006 (7:57)
-> *.ZIP (31MB)
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
Here & now..
It's the wheel of fortune time these days.
You can never know what tomorrow may bring.
There's only one thing we can try to rely on and that ONE thing is:
trust in each other..
Some will maybe think and say that there's no real connection between these three little stories of this EP... Look closely, listen with your heart (not mind) open to the message this one is sending.. Each tracks` story for sure is "a story" but only combined together you get a full meaning or "the full picture".
Anyway... I could share a part of this story with you by words. But that would be it - just "a part", a slice of what there is for real.. So, I'm not going to waste any more of your precious time...Sit back, release your heart from the slavery of your mind and everyday's troubles, and take a travel in this one.. Good luck & enjoy!
zimmer014 - po-len
zimmer015 - patrick reith
[ 06.03.2006, 00:06: Beitrag editiert von: obi-wan ]
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
weiter gehts
Zimmerlautstärke 014 - ambience EP by po-len
4 Tracks - 192kbps - 22min - mp3 - stereo - downtempo
Zimmer014.1 - po-len - tropiko (3:56)
Zimmer014.2 - po-len - muuouum (4:08)
Zimmer014.3 - po-len - viento del sur (4:34)
Zimmer014.4 - po-len - arena (3:55)
-> *.ZIP (23MB)
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
here we are: entering new spheres of consciousness. flying high without a chance to fall. lay back and listen to our newest invention: pol-en from spain (orig. from chile) show us whats ment bei ambience. enjoy
zimmer015 - patrick reith
[ 15.03.2006, 14:45: Beitrag editiert von: obi-wan ]
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Izidor Radmanovic aus Kroatien startet sein 3 Track Debut auf Zimmer und in
der Netaudio-Szene im allgemeinen, mit einer wahren Hymne, die sich wohl
lange Zeit in vielen Sets von PC-Mix-Freunden wiederfinden sollte.
Weiter geht´s mit typischen Kanzleramtstyle und das in einer Qualität, bei der
man sich nur glücklich schätzen kann, diesen Track unter der CCl geniessen
zu können.
I Love Techno 2006, könnte man meinen wurde von Japanern produziert. Er ist
funktionabel, minimal aufgebaut und wird dann mit einer asiatischen Happyness
zum Höhepunkt geschaukelt.
Fazit: Muss man haben!
[ 22.02.2006, 23:42: Beitrag editiert von: obi-wan ]
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmerlautstärke 015 - furztrocken by Patrick Reith
7 Tracks - 160kbps - 38min - mp3 - stereo
Zimmer015.1 - patrick reith - dark (4:32)
Zimmer015.2 - patrick reith - suction pile (6:05)
Zimmer015.3 - patrick reith - accurate placement (5:05)
Zimmer015.4 - patrick reith - frau fischer (5:13)
Zimmer015.5 - patrick reith - made in germany (5:35)
Zimmer015.6 - patrick reith - vip party (5:34)
Zimmer015.7 - patrick reith - imageberater (5:42)
-> *.ZIP (archive)
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
BAM! what the F***?
no. no. take him, take him. leave me alone. i dont want that shit!
pleaaassseeee... mercy!
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmerlautstärke 016 - moments of past by CRUtCH
mp3, 128kbps, 26min, stereo, 25MB, ambient
016.1 - CRUtCH - moments of past (12:05)
016.2 - CRUtCH - tracked track (7:29)
016.3 - CRUtCH - 73 mg der Gefuehle (6:28)
-> *.ZIP (archive)
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
"The mathematical rules of the universe are visible to men in the form of beauty" (c) John Michell
"Die fuenf wildesten Jahre aus unserem bisherigen Leben
liegen hinter uns und wir haben Dinge gesehen und getan von
denen andere kaum zu träumen wagten.
Wir sind zur Sonne geflogen und durch die Scheiße gewatet.
Wir haben die verbotene Frucht probiert und Gott einen guten Mann sein lassen.
Wir haben gelacht, getanzt, getrunken, geliebt, gevögelt und gebrannt.
Wir haben gekotzt.
Wir haben Haare verloren und uns Geschlechtsskrankheiten geholt.
Wir haben Mama und Papa angelogen und in Momenten starker Verwirrung aus der Toilette getrunken.
Yeah- wir waren gut drauf"
[ 14.03.2006, 20:30: Beitrag editiert von: obi-wan ]
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Gast001 | vadim lankov | kitsbits LP
7 Tracks | 192kbps | 39mins | 44MB | techno
001.1 - vadim lankov - unashed (5:27)
001.2 - vadim lankov - hidden stage of a dream (5:26)
001.3 - vadim lankov - smell green aroma (6:39)
001.4 - vadim lankov - eclipse (5:42)
001.5 - vadim lankov - smaaile (3:34)
001.6 - vadim lankov - cream (6:54)
001.7 - vadim lankov - very fine xp - vintamin mix (4:52)
-> *.ZIP (
hi my friends. welcome to our first Release of our new Sublabel:
Gastarbeiter. We will feature techno stuff and hard tunes from
all over the globe. the main focus will be on eastern europe.
our first guest is vadim lankov with his kitsbits LP. 7 tracks between
old skool rave, techno and madness. have fun with this one...
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmerlautstaerke017 | Uros Tosic | cell & quad LP
17 Tracks | 192kbps | 80mins | 109MB | ambient
017.01 - uros tosic - low frequency pain (5:48)
017.02 - uros tosic - it is coming (3:21)
017.03 - uros tosic - reprogramming song (2:42)
017.04 - uros tosic - horror organs (3:44)
017.05 - uros tosic - digital holocaust (1:59)
017.06 - uros tosic - fear of unknown space (4:17)
017.07 - uros tosic - the sacred mushroom (4:08)
017.08 - uros tosic - at dawn they sleep (2:25)
017.09 - uros tosic - brain devastation (5:27)
017.10 - uros tosic - ambient bells (8:37)
017.11 - uros tosic - night (9:40)
017.12 - uros tosic - on the dark trail (5:43)
017.13 - uros tosic - blue water (6:43)
017.14 - uros tosic - lucid dreams (5:11)
017.15 - uros tosic - bells of horror (3:42)
017.16 - uros tosic - farewell (5:36)
017.17 - uros tosic - the poet (0:44)
-> *.ZIP (
where is the light? have we lost it?
Uros Tosic gives us a hint with this great
experimental ambient work out from
Serbia. Dark and weird Tracks not far
from Reality. The full lenght LP Cell & Quad
contains 17 tracks between the square
of living, and the circle of life!
[ 13.04.2006, 20:42: Beitrag editiert von: obi-wan ]
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmer012b - the chemtrails remix sessions EP
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 47MB, deep - techno
012b.1 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - stratosphere mix by Afion (4:42)
012b.2 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - Jylz remix (4:38)
012b.3 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - Sascha Mueller remix (7:00)
012b.4 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - Omara remix (6:46)
012b.5 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - aluminium remix by Vadim Lankov (6:06)
012b.6 - psyCodEd - Chemtrails - Hardmate remix (5:12)
-> *.ZIP (
new year, old patterns: here we are with the latest chemtrail-remixes from our Zimmer-Crew. the second part of that remix-project contains 6 nice tracks between deep, dub and techno... take a seat and fly with us above the trails...
to be continued soon..
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmerlautstaerke018 - behold a pale horse LP by Chungo
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 105MB, electronic
Zimmer018.01 - chungo - ein rosa traum (13:28)
Zimmer018.02 - chungo - massivstyle (11:55)
Zimmer018.03 - chungo - jazzsoundz (9:30)
Zimmer018.04 - chungo - psycho (13:02)
Zimmer018.05 - chungo - brummelbass (5:42)
Zimmer018.06 - chungo - luggis ha (14:52)
Zimmer018.07 - chungo - brechrhythmus (8:50)
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Fear, and Darkness followed with him. And power was given unto them to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death and with the beats of the earth. And so, the Four Horsemen were unleashed as foretold, and their names are Famine, Pestilence, War and Death.
I am the line that separates life from death, war from peace and good from evil. I am known as chungo. And though I walk through the shadow of death I shall fear no evil...
…because evil fears me.
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
stern 05.06:
"zimmer präsentiert uns hier mit chungo ein stück musikalische zeitgeschichte welches wohl in 100 jahren mit mozart und mahler in einem atemzug genannt werden dürfte. musik ohne konzepte. musik ohne verstand. musik ohne vorlagen. und genau dass macht sie so unglaulich stark. intuition trifft auf ästhetik. improvisation auf eingebung. wenn die töne anfangen zu fliessen, weisst du das dein zimmer das richtige ist."
viva 05.06:
"wow. jeah. was das denn? wo her kommt das? total flääschig. alda. wieso ist das erst jetzt draussen? kein plan ey. ihr könnt aber mal anrufen und raten 0221...."
rolling stone 05.06:
"no comment"
strassenticker 05.06:
dass das absolut geilste zeuch. fahrt euch da mal ne bahn von rein. hier. kannste mal testen. geht auch runter wie zucker. kannste immer weiter..
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmerlautstaerke019 - sternenkonstelationen EP by Nick Zero
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 54MB, techno
019.01 - nick zero - elementare energie (07:21)
019.02 - nick zero - kometensturm (07:29)
019.03 - nick zero - kosmische nebel (07:29)
019.04 - nick zero - supernova (09:06)
019.05 - nick zero - zeit und raum (06:44)
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
just go for it and dance, ladies.
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmerlautstaerke020 - hello LP by Omara
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 94MB, techno, trance
020.01 - omara - hello (07:31)
020.02 - omara - konnichiwa (07:51)
020.03 - omara - bon jorno (05:03))
020.04 - omara - john porno (09:13)
020.05 - omara - gruetzi (06:19)
020.06 - omara - buenas dias (06:05)
020.07 - omara - namaste (05:24)
020.08 - omara - dobar den (05:52)
020.09 - omara - bonsoir (07:03)
020.10 - omara - servus (08:03)
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
hello LP. hello world. hello styles. hello consumer. hello?
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmer021 - vogelgrippe EP by Level77
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 35MB, deep techno
021.01 - level77 - vogelgrippe (07:11)
021.02 - level77 - hypnose (07:39)
021.03 - level77 - gegenmittel (04:43)
021.04 - level77 - vogelgrippe - monoton mix (05:12)
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
H5N1-info (german)
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmerlautstärke022 - ****** im wald by Kazooo (Germany)
mp3, 224kbps, stereo, 60MB, deep techno
022.01 - Kazooo - stoopid buttons (06:12)
022.02 - Kazooo - trippy already (06:27)
022.03 - Kazooo - midibrain (06:03)
022.04 - Kazooo - jalapeno (06:03)
022.05 - Kazooo - quasar (06:30)
022.06 - Kazooo - transworld (06:00)
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
huhuhu. a long hot summer with a long hot EP from kazooo. more techno than ever. fierce guys raping their synths.. and lovely bitches fucking their beats. all in only one package. order now and you´ll get a second download for free. just dial 0190-......
Geschrieben von: oskar (Usernummer # 7383) an
Zimmerlautstärke023 - Da ni EP by phonout (Germany)
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 62MB, bigbeat, triphop, techno?
023.01 - phonout - sunderthorm (06:26)
023.02 - phonout - Jutro (06:08)
023.03 - phonout - Sleeping Mimint (05:33)
023.04 - phonout - Dais (05:37)
023.05 - phonout - 36untouchable (04:11)
023.06 - phonout - Vchira Beach (06:55)
023.06 - phonout - Vinylia (10:19)
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
16. September
Good morning mrs. america!
how are you today? ..In the mood of making some pie?
I thought of starting some riot in the hood, so I´ll get back hungry, honey.
I prepared some kool songs to listen to in the meanwhile;
the CD is waiting for you in the kitchen.. you know, that new place we have to store eggs, flour and sugar. Ask Condi for the Room Number. I guess it was 23.
Love you, babe
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmer024 - Sondermuell EP by CRUtCH
mp3, 128kbps, stereo, 19MB, minimal, techno!
024.01 - CRUtCH - lost strobe network fever (08:18)
024.02 - CRUtCH - Biotonne (06:14)
024.03 - CRUtCH - Metamizol (06:39)
-> *.ZIP (
"Nach einer reifen Überlegung die knapp 5 Jahre dauerte, hier das Ergebnis ebendieser"
Stolz & Present: "Sondermüll EP"
these legendary songs are actualy lost... as everything from CRUtCH..
so we are forced to release the only copy of this one in 128kbps.
but as we had to release it, we think its no pain to listen to it now :)
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmer025 - Richtigstellung EP by msei (Germany)
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 42MB, deep, techno
025.01 - msei - Blütenstaub2 (04:38)
025.02 - msei - Klangsubtractor (05:24)
025.03 - msei - Blütenstaub (04:58)
025.04 - msei - Nachtkind2b (05:39)
025.05 - msei - Zupfer (04:14)
025.06 - msei - Grooveboxer (05:36)
-> *.ZIP (
please delete Zimmer021 due to copyright-abuse. this is the original artist with his songs. the main tracks from the stolen #021 are released now under the original artistname together with some fresh tunes. sorry to you and msei for this one, but the artist 'level77' lied to us. take this wonderful piece of music and enjoy msei`s "richtigstellung"!
[ 12.10.2006, 17:23: Beitrag editiert von: obi-wan ]
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmer026 - Jupiter Tales LP by psychosonic (Germany)
mp3, 160kbps, stereo, 92MB, ambient|trance
026.01 - psychosonic - intro (01:50)
026.02 - psychosonic - blue light (04:54)
026.03 - psychosonic - my little 202 (03:51)
026.04 - psychosonic - jupiter island (05:13)
026.05 - psychosonic - endstation himmel | instrumental (09:58)
026.06 - psychosonic - shoemaker levy (06:28)
026.07 - psychosonic - der sinn des seins (06:29)
026.08 - psychosonic - einsamer krieger (09:07)
026.09 - psychosonic - endstation himmel (10:04)
026.10 - psychosonic - looking around (06:00)
026.11 - psychosonic - whispering words (05:28)
026.12 - psychosonic - midi message (04:00)
-> *.ZIP (
the sunlight comes back after a long dark night. the tree above me sends me energy... the energy i need to breathe. breathe the warm silky air around me. yet another moment and i will suffer in hunger and pain. just dont let me slip away. my ship is ready for take-off. destination: unknown!
ENDLICH eine LP vm Meister!!!
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmer027 - Collecting Dust EP by B. Bommersheim (Germany)
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 52MB, techno
027.01 - b.bommersheim - collecting dust (05:30)
027.02 - b.bommersheim - collecting dust - acidrain remix (05:03)
027.03 - b.bommersheim - collecting dust - bastian götz remix (07:35)
027.04 - b.bommersheim - collecting dust - jörn päinika remix (06:05)
027.05 - b.bommersheim - collecting dust - jukka bauen remix (07:02)
027.06 - b.bommersheim - collecting dust - marius keller remix (06:32)
-> *.ZIP (
Cosmic dust particles evolve cyclically: chemically, physically and dynamically. The evolution of the dust particles traces out paths in which the universe recycles material, with analog processes to the daily recycling steps with which we are familiar: production, storage, processing, collecting, consumption, and discarding. Scientific observations and measurements of cosmic dust provide an important view onto the universe's recycling process, where we "see" dust in different dust populations: in the clouds of the interstellar medium, in molecular clouds, in the disks surrounding young stars, and in planetary systems, such as our own solar system. The static snapshots, which observations provide of dust at different stages of its life, over time, form more complete movie of the universe's complicated recycling steps.
Geschrieben von: obi-wan (Usernummer # 15837) an
Zimmer029 - Faith EP by Sead Redzic (Sweden)
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 27MB, techno, tribal
029.01 - sead redzic - faith (05:07)
029.02 - sead redzic - svek (05:09)
029.03 - sead redzic - tjena (05:08)
029.04 - sead redzic - el bosancero (05:59)
-> *.ZIP (
When Earth's last picture is painted, and the tubes are twisted and dried,
When the oldest colors have faded, and the youngest critic has died,
We shall rest, and, faith, we shall need it - lie down for an aeon or two,
Till the Master of All Good Workmen shall put us to work anew.
And those that were good shall be happy; they shall sit in a golden chair;
They shall splash at a ten-league canvas with brushes comets' hair.
They shall find real Saints to draw from - Magdalene, Peter, and Paul;
They shall work for an age at a sitting and never be tired at all!
And only The Master shall praise us, and only The Master shall blame;
And no one shall work for money, and no one shall work for fame,
But each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
Shall draw the Thing as he sees It for the God of Things as They are!
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
jo. die tante wird 30. unglaublich.
und dabei ist sie fitter und flotter denn je.
man. wo nimmt die alte bloss die energie her?!
man weiss es nicht..
Zimmer030 - extrem solution by Nick Zero (Germany)
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 38MB, techno!
#030.01 - nick zero - de la cream (07:47)
#030.02 - nick zero - sign (06:49)
#030.03 - nick zero - shake ya ass (05:53)
#030.04 - nick zero - venus (06:58)
-> *.ZIP (
Cover (666px)
[ 27.05.2009, 02:55: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
wieso reviewed die keiner mehr? sind die letzten so scheisse gewesen? also ich mag die sachen. besonders die beiden aktuellen releases! schöner techno wie er mal war, und auch sein sollte! aber mit netlabels ist das ja eh immer so ne sache. schade
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
gerade gestern mal ein paar releases rausgepickt:
Zimmer 17
simple miniaturen, kleine ideen relativ breit entweder als soundscape oder distorted beats ausgedehnt. alles in allem eher aus der industrial-klamottenkiste früherer jahre.
("On the dark Trail" hat massivstes DC-offset ( ), boxengift und dynamikkiller.)
Zimmer 22
Kazooo kannte ich von seinem release auf Legoego, dagegen wirkt dieses hier leider wie resteverwertung mit 2-3 klassen abstand - viel unbestimmter.
Zimmer 23
bestes album.. von unserem Phonout, dessen einzelne tracks sich ja schon im mytracks huldigen liessen.
get it
Zimmer 27
das original bleibt irgendwie weit hinter dem zurück, was über die jahre an Bommersheim'schem stoff auf meiner platte hängengeblieben ist. strange.. und das nicht wegen seines stilwechsels.
Acidrains mix wie gehabt kaum von seinen anderen tracks unterscheidbar, hier mit polka-thematik, und in dem schwebenden atmo-dunst läßt sich immerhin versuchen, etwas herauszulesen, mehr als aus dem original.
Bastian Götz dann mit dem besten mix, vereint elemente aus allen mixen stimmig, bringt damit den größten gehalt und bleibt dabei ganz transparent. sehr gelungen!
die drei folgenden mixe bauen sukzessive ab, bis Marius Keller einen schließlich mit nur etwas geräusch um die beats zurückläßt.
Zimmer 29
percussion-endlosrillen, wie man sie identisch und in schieren mengen noch von vor 7, 8, 9 jahren kennt, mit manchmal einer weiteren spur als beigabe.
der letzte track dann noch extrem auf der latino-schiene a la Monika Kruse-hit, hinterläßt doch sehr den geschmack der nachmache.
Zimmer 30
auch hier vor allem die beatloops, die man 1:1 auf all den platten von damals hat. nur auf track 3 passiert daneben noch ein wenig markantes.
Geschrieben von: DerKleinePilot (Usernummer # 2066) an
@sternchen: nich gleich bockisch werden weil keiner wat schreibt
[ 26.01.2007, 02:52: Beitrag editiert von: DerKleinePilot ]
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Hyp Nom:
Zimmer 29
percussion-endlosrillen, wie man sie identisch und in schieren mengen noch von vor 7, 8, 9 jahren kennt, mit manchmal einer weiteren spur als beigabe.
der letzte track dann noch extrem auf der latino-schiene a la Monika Kruse-hit, hinterläßt doch sehr den geschmack der nachmache.
die nummern von sead haben schon mind. 4-5 jahre auf dem buckel und wer sich mit der person hinter dem release beschäftigt, wird feststellen das hier nur einer kopiert wurde: sead redzic. dennoch danke für dein ausführliches review. meinungen sind halt verschieden, aber ich habe bei dir das gefühl das du ständig auf der suche nach dem rad bist, welches allerdings schon vor einiger zeit erfunden wurde.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Hyp Nom:
Zimmer 30
auch hier vor allem die beatloops, die man 1:1 auf all den platten von damals hat. nur auf track 3 passiert daneben noch ein wenig markantes.
na. das ist dann doch ein ungewolltes kompliment. ich persönlich würde diese nummern nicht nur 'damals' auf platte pressen sondern auch heute. klingt in der tat 'älter', allerdings mit etwas mehr druck als produktionen antiker technotage, mehr synth und noch mehr nick zero! schade das du dich nur so oberflächlich mit den sachen auseinandergetzt hast, aber immerhin hast du dich damit auseinandergesetzt!
@dkp: bockig? finde es einfach nur schade das die nummern teilweise kommentarlos untergehen.
[ 27.01.2007, 08:59: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: DerKleinePilot (Usernummer # 2066) an
irgendwie werde ich nicht das gefühl los, daß da jemand anders schreibt
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
wird denn bei den sachen, die ich im mytracks oder in meinen jahrescharts gut finde, das rad neu erfunden? nein.
Sead Redzic als losgelöst und nur selbstreferentiell hinzustellen würde ja gerade bedeuten, dass er deiner meinung nach das rad neu erfunden hat. wovon er aber eher am weitesten aller Zimmer-artists entfernt ist.
und Nick Zeros qualitäten würde ich nicht ausgerechnet beim druck und den synths suchen, wenn ich daneben derartigen sound von "damals" höre.
auf's lesen vertiefter auseinandersetzungen bin ich jedenfalls immer gespannt. insbesondere, was dabei alles aus den loops herausgehört wird, was mir entging.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
zimmer ab sofort mit schnellerem download ( ist ja bekanntlich nicht gerade berühmt für seine DL-raten): Klick for Mirror
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer031 - wheel of fortune EP by Veztax (Slovenia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 89MB, techno!
031.01 - veztax - anyone (05:44)
031.02 - veztax - delcycer (06:22)
031.03 - veztax - beer (05:28)
031.04 - veztax - hopsasa (04:35)
031.05 - veztax - pump it (04:22)
031.06 - veztax - monster (05:55)
031.07 - veztax - wheel of fortune (06:20)
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (
Cover (666px)
The Wheel of Fortune represents the cyclical nature of all reality.
Life is change. Stability is stagnation. All things pass.
Yet for all that things change, the essentials remain the same.
The wheel turns - day becomes night becomes day,
rain becomes sun becomes rain, joy becomes pain becomes joy.
If well aspected in a Tarot reading, this card can indicate good fortune
through change, the wheel turning for now to a better position.
If badly aspected this card can indicate what appears to be misfortune.
It can also represent resistance to the inevitability of change.
Geschrieben von: gedaechtnissrecords (Usernummer # 17272) an
jau...hab mich heut nacht interessiert umgeschaut in diesem Thread und muss feststellen nun...das ich nun alle technolautstärke releases zuhaus im imaginären schrank stehen habe...wenn ich nachher aufsteh kann ich ja mitteilen welche und warum...muss dringend pennen..
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
ZIMMER-XP002 - otaku - haushaltsware
avi, 1010kbps, 4:52min, 35MB, experimental
Download (
Download (
The otaku, the passionate obsessive, the information age's embodiment of the connoisseur, more concerned with the accumulation of data than of objects, seems a natural crossover figure in today's interface of British and Japanese cultures. I see it in the eyes of the Portobello dealers, and in the eyes of the Japanese collectors: a perfectly calm train-spotter frenzy, murderous and sublime. Understanding otaku -hood, I think, is one of the keys to understanding the culture of the web. There is something profoundly post-national about it, extra-geographic. We are all curators, in the post-modern world, whether we want to be or not.
[EMAIL]demo (at)[/EMAIL]
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmerlautstärke 032 - xxx EP by Pasquale Maassen
mp3, 320kbps, 20min, stereo, 47MB, techno !
032.01 - Pasquale Maassen - fahrgestell (06:35)
032.02 - Pasquale Maassen - tragflaeche (07:25)
032.03 - Pasquale Maassen - extermination (06:32)
-> *.ZIP (archive)
-> *.ZIP (mirror)
Some comments are intended as warnings to other programmers that code may not be complete or may have known limitations which should be addressed. One convention for such comments is to prefix them with XXX in order to allow ease of later identifications of potential problems.
Geschrieben von: gedaechtnissrecords (Usernummer # 17272) an
jaau...schnörkellos einfach gerade aus..genau das richtige für meine gotteswillen den style so beibehalten..und jaa nicht das rad neu erfinden wollen..
Geschrieben von: TonE (Usernummer # 7579) an
der videoclip von afion (ZIMMER-XP001_Afion__distance_doesnt_matter_PAL.mpg), ich meine mehr die musik dazu, hat mir sehr gut gefallen, läuft schon die ganze zeit im loop hier bei mir. entspannt schön. da diit dit daat dat... schöne pfeif-/flötenmelodien. wer den noch nicht kennt unbedingt reinhören!
Geschrieben von: TonE (Usernummer # 7579) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: gedaechtnissrecords:
und jaa nicht das rad neu erfinden wollen..
kann jemand, der sich auskennt, das schon erfundene rad beschreiben, wenn schon hier mehrmals davon die rede ist?
kurz: was ist das rad und wer hat's wann, wo, wieso und wie erfunden?
Geschrieben von: gedaechtnissrecords (Usernummer # 17272) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: TonE:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: gedaechtnissrecords:
und jaa nicht das rad neu erfinden wollen..
kann jemand, der sich auskennt, das schon erfundene rad beschreiben, wenn schon hier mehrmals davon die rede ist?
kurz: was ist das rad und wer hat's wann, wo, wieso und wie erfunden?
kenn mich zwar nit damit aus,aber die rede ist von styles oder musik dies schon gab oder gibt..jedenfalls interpretier ich das soo.Und das der Künstler mit seinen Beatz keine neuen wege eingeht..sondern evtl..etwas älteren styles treu bleibt..und das find ich super..
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: TonE:
der videoclip von afion (ZIMMER-XP001_Afion__distance_doesnt_matter_PAL.mpg), ich meine mehr die musik dazu, hat mir sehr gut gefallen, läuft schon die ganze zeit im loop hier bei mir. entspannt schön. da diit dit daat dat... schöne pfeif-/flötenmelodien. wer den noch nicht kennt unbedingt reinhören!
dann auch unbedingt das Album (Zimmer003) checken. da gibts dann noch mehr von afion. wirklich schöne musik.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer033 - Sonntag Morgen EP by Da Face (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 59MB, style: All-inclusive
#033.01 - Da Face - sonntag morgen (06:09)
#033.02 - Da Face - sonic the hegdog (03:04)
#033.03 - Da Face - into space (06:24)
#033.04 - Da Face - train of mushrooms (06:24)
#033.05 - Da Face - jump n run (03:36)
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (kommando7)
Cover (666px)
Why should she give her bounty to the dead?
What is divinity if it can come
Only in silent shadows and in dreams?
Shall she not find in comforts of the sun,
In pungent fruit and bright, green wings, or else
In any balm or beauty of the earth,
Things to be cherished like the thought of heaven?
Divinity must live within herself:
Passions of rain, or moods in falling snow;
Grievings in loneliness, or unsubdued
Elations when the forest blooms; gusty
Emotions on wet roads on autumn nights;
All pleasures and all pains, remembering
The bough of summer and the winter branch.
These are the measures destined for her soul.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer034 - Techniques EP by Amer Mutic & Sead Redzic (Sweden)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 55MB, style: techno !
034.01 - Amer Mutic & Sead Redzic - A1 (06:56)
034.02 - Amer Mutic & Sead Redzic - A2 (06:06)
034.03 - Amer Mutic & Sead Redzic - B1 (04:40)
034.04 - Amer Mutic & Sead Redzic - B2 (06:30)
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (
Cover (666px)
The Surrealist movement has been a fractious one since its inception. The value and role of the various techniques has been one of many subjects of disagreement. Some Surrealists consider automatism and surrealist games to be sources of inspiration only, while others consider them as starting points for finished works. Others consider the items created through automatism to be finished works themselves, needing no further refinement.
Geschrieben von: Def (Usernummer # 18783) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Hyp Nom:
wird denn bei den sachen, die ich im mytracks oder in meinen jahrescharts gut finde, das rad neu erfunden? nein.
Sead Redzic als losgelöst und nur selbstreferentiell hinzustellen würde ja gerade bedeuten, dass er deiner meinung nach das rad neu erfunden hat. wovon er aber eher am weitesten aller Zimmer-artists entfernt ist.
und Nick Zeros qualitäten würde ich nicht ausgerechnet beim druck und den synths suchen, wenn ich daneben derartigen sound von "damals" höre.
auf's lesen vertiefter auseinandersetzungen bin ich jedenfalls immer gespannt. insbesondere, was dabei alles aus den loops herausgehört wird, was mir entging.
ich lese immer wieder gerne deine beiträge,habe aber das gefühl das gerade der praktische teil bei dir das empfinden überlagert.
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
soll ich mehr musik gut finden? ich wünsche mir für 2008 mehr sensibilität, damit ich endlich viel mehr musik scheiße finden kann. es gibt so endlos viel gutes da draußen..
zu den letzten zimmer-releases: entweder nichts für mich oder so austauschbar mit dem, was schon x-fach im schrank steht.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Hyp Nom:
austauschbar mit dem, was schon x-fach im schrank steht.
ein ungewolltes kompliment
//viel tool-techno kommt ja anno 2007 nicht mehr raus. ein grund mehr beim konzept zu bleiben, und genau da anzusetzen wo dein schrank aufgehört hat
[ 31.12.2007, 10:41: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
immer gewollt, die komplimente ,) und der schrank hört ja gerade nicht da auf, sondern es steht schon drin, was man hier hört.
dem einen reicht zur unterscheidbarkeit bzw. existenzberechtigung eines tracks, wenn althergebrachte loops nochmal ein bißchen anders equalized werden, dem anderen eben nicht.
früher hat es auch noch nicht ganz so massig sampling-CDs gegeben, mit denen jeder solche tool-loops vorgefertigt haben kann. artists, die auf der stelle treten, werden so von technologie und verfügbarkeit überholt.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
aber schon bishen dreist hier billigne sample-cd abklatsch zu unterstellen. gibt halt immernoch leute die auf den end 90er tribal-tool-schranz stehen und ihn machen. wenn ne drumcode so klingt wie die davor ists ok ja? bei nem netlabel sind alles sample-cd-user? schon bishen arg was du hier vom stapel lässt. wenns nich dein style ist, schön und gut. aber sowas als patchwork bzw. abkupferung zu verurteilen ist blödsinn. gibt halt leute die lieben was sie tun. und auch welche die sich nicht krampfhaft an den sound von heute klammern. da ist mir so ein end-90er tool-loop (wenn er denn ehrlich ist) 100x lieber.
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
es ist wie gesagt genau andersrum: wenn gute percussionloops jedem bastler in allen variationen nachgeworfen werden, haben's "ehrliche" tools, die ohne viel arrangement und beigabe aus genau sowas bestehen, immer schwerer sich von abklatschproduktionen zu unterscheiden.
nicht mein style, wenn ichs im schrank stehen hab? aber nicht mehr ok, wenn ne drumcode klingt wie die davor.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
najo. aber man muss doch zugeben das so ein style anno 2007 nicht mehr wirklich oft erscheint. und dann auch noch for free?! gibt doch nur ne handvoll leute die das machen. da mit masse/flut zu kommen ist doch schon bishen daneben oder?
Geschrieben von: FeldFunker (Usernummer # 13849) an
Ich hab mir mal die 29 angehört, bin da ganz bei Hypnom, ist aber auch nicht mein Geschmack und ich gebe die Feststellung "Tool-Tracks" völlig wertfrei ab. Werd mir die nächsten Tage noch paar mehr Releases anhören.
Geschrieben von: rec.order (Usernummer # 2893) an
google sagt:
"Für Musik gilt IMMER Zimmerlautstärke"
"Was ist Zimmerlautstärke?Wo fängts und wo hörts auf?"
"Zimmerlautstärke. Nicht jedes Geräusch, das stört, ist deshalb auch gleich verboten."
"Wie viel Lärm ist Zimmerlautstärke? "
"Zimmerlautstärke: Offenbar gehen die Meinungen auseinander "
"Sex auf Zimmerlautstärke"
"Zimmerlautstärke muss zu jeder Tag- und Nachtzeit herrschen."
"Beschränkung des Musizierens „auf Zimmerlautstärke“ "
"Zimmerlautstärke. Mein Herz ist schwer, die Ruh' ist hin,"
"Ab wann in der Nacht Zimmerlautstärke? "
"Nein, es muss Zimmerlautstärke sein, auch während des Tages"
"Zimmerlautatärke? Das muss man LAUT hören."
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer035 - new NullpointerException () LP by Y.danneg (Estonia)
mp3, 192kbps, stereo, 75MB, style: techno !
035.01 - Y.Danneg - kromizm* (07:08)
035.02 - Y.Danneg - struktur (05:10)
035.03 - Y.Danneg - integral (05:33)
035.04 - Y.Danneg - africana n1 (06:01)
035.05 - Y.Danneg - africana n2 (05:39)
035.06 - Y.Danneg - cosinus (05:09)
035.07 - Y.Danneg - untitled04 (04:43)
035.08 - Y.Danneg - emotions (08:00)
035.09 - Y.Danneg - slut (06:26)
035.10 - Y.Danneg - loop works v1.01 (00:55)
*= originally released on
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (
Cover (666px)
Null is a special pointer value (or other kind of object reference) used to signify that a pointer intentionally does not point to (or refer to) an object. Such a pointer is called a null pointer. Many implementations use a value of 0 (all bits zero) to represent the null pointer, as this is at the bottom of the address space of most CPUs (although some architectures use a signed address space and use the most negative value). Many operating systems generate an exception when an attempt is made to access this memory address. Some languages use other nomenclature for such a pointer, e.g., Pascal uses nil.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer036 - toolz EP by Zettt (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 140MB, style: techno
036.01 - Zettt - waves (07:36)
036.02 - Zettt - trick me (04:55)
036.03 - Zettt - sandras darkness (05:23)
036.04 - Zettt - delay madness (05:05)
036.05 - Zettt - one day before i was a raggae song (05:38)
036.06 - Zettt - low frequency oscillator (06:01)
036.07 - Zettt - brennwert 320 (04:50)
036.08 - Zettt - merkina (05:49)
036.09 - Zettt - club night (05:58)
036.10 - Zettt - 8bit games (05:35)
036.11 - Zettt - cut (05:06)
-> *.ZIP (
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Cover (666px)
A broader definition of a tool is an entity used to interface between two or more domains that facilitates more effective action of one domain upon the other. The most basic tools are simple machines. For example, a crowbar simply functions as a lever. The further out from the pivot point, the more force is transmitted along the lever. A hammer typically interfaces between the operator's hand and the nail the operator wishes to strike.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer037 - klangperspektiven by Frequenzkiller (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 96MB, style: techno
037.01 - Frequenzkiller - advent (06:07)
037.02 - Frequenzkiller - bubble (05:00)
037.03 - Frequenzkiller - electricbuzz (06:05)
037.04 - Frequenzkiller - hard times (06:25)
037.05 - Frequenzkiller - jolly jumper (04:30)
037.06 - Frequenzkiller - chaos drums (08:00)
037.07 - Frequenzkiller - another part of my live (05:42)
-> *.ZIP (
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Cover (666px)
long live the queen! god bless america! free tibet! i want more zimmer releases! you go! starting the new season with this double impact: 037 frequenzkiller & 036 zettt. some warm techno for some cold days.
flashplayer mit streamfunktion gibts auf der seite (daher hier nur die zip verlinkt):
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer038 - Code EP by Kenni Sosa (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 48MB, style: techno
038.01 - Kenni Sosa - rotate (05:43)
038.02 - Kenni Sosa - talk back (05:00)
038.03 - Kenni Sosa - testify (05:16)
038.04 - Kenni sosa - tribal area (04:51)
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-> Stream
Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]
Kant believed that what created the problem of ethical behavior is the duality of human nature. Since humans are both sensible and intellectual, and at the same time motivated by impulse, they must be guided by rules of conduct to balance the two. He believed that everyone could decide right and wrong based on the will behind the action, rather than the action itself. In deciding whether one's actions were moral, he said it should be considered what the universal benefit would be if everyone behaved in such a fashion. For example, if everyone stole, the result would be chaos and violence. Therefore, a moral person would consider it unethical to steal. In abiding by these laws, it is possible to see how a universal code of ethics could be built up. //
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
dass der cover-artist das mit sich machen läßt, die artworks jedes mal mit diesem schnöden zahlenwerk zu verunzieren...
der erste track von Zimmer38 wäre sicher doppelt so cool, wenn da mal eine hallfahne über eine achtelnotenlänge hinauskäme. irgendwie wird da jeder sound und effekt ausser in den breaks pauschal abgeschnitten, als wäre die polyphonie erschöpft. klingt so mehr nach unfreiwilliger technischer beschränkung als musikalisch gewolltem stilmittel.
der dritte ist schön umtriebig quirky, der zweite eigentlich auch, aber zu sehr auf den offbeat versteift. der vierte nochmal auf den größten gemeinsamen nenner runtergebrochen, braucht nicht.
in Zimmer36 riecht es etwas abgestanden. der eine oder andere track hätte in den '90ern vielleicht gerade so für eine B2-seite gereicht, nur 'delay madness' für ne B1.
Zimmer37 sehr oldschool sequentiell auch, kaum ein instrument, dessen noten nicht alle gleiche länge und gleichen abstand haben. mit willenlosigkeit verträglich, mit dem quentchen restwillen, das ich mir für dieses jahrzehnt herausnehme, nicht ganz.
also Zimmer38 ist noch die beste von den dreien.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer039 - regenerate EP by Pasquale Maassen (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 26MB, style: techno
039.1 - Pasquale Maassen - regenerate (07:05)
039.2 - Pasquale Maassen - granulator (04:08)
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (
Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]
In biology, an organism is said to regenerate a lost or damaged part if the part regrows so that the original function is restored. Regenerative capacity is inversely related to complexity: in general, the more complex an animal is the less regeneration it is capable of. Whereas newts, for example, can regenerate severed limbs mammals cannot. Limb regeneration in newts occurs in two major steps, first de-differentiation of adult cells into a stem cell state similar to embryonic cells and second, development of these cells into new tissue more or less the same way it developed the first time. Simpler animals like planaria have an enhanced capacity to regenerate because the adults retain clusters of stem cells within their bodies which migrate to the parts of the body that need healing then divide and differentiate to provide the required missing tissue. //
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Sternchen:
wieso reviewed die keiner mehr?
ja, ich bin der einzige seit jahren, der sich hier noch für zimmer rec. interessiert. woran das wohl liegt?
von wem ist eigentlich die lieblose idee, einfach pauschal w'pedia-texte als subtext zu den releases reinzuklatschen? wenn die teile schon nichts hergeben, um individuell betextet zu werden, ist beliebigkeit auch keine lösung.
hallo pasquale,
wenn ich die tracks mit deinem ersten zimmer-release von vor 4 jahren vergleiche (favorit: Gerk), war dieser trotz seiner auch-tooligkeit vielseitiger, sowohl die track selber als auch das release als ganzes. wo woll's denn hingehen?
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
keine panik die tracks sind auch 4 jahre alt ;>
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Hyp Nom:
ja, ich bin der einzige seit jahren, der sich hier noch für zimmer rec. interessiert.
dann frag ich mich wo der ganze traffic herkommt
und so lieblos ist die idee mit wikipedia nicht, da die ausgesuchten texte meist einen grossen bezug zur thematik der ep oder dem vertretenen künstler haben. sowohl konzept der seite (blogger com template), der texte (kopiert von wikipedia), cover und releasepromotion sind von der wirkung her ähnlich um den jetzigen zeitgeist einzufangen. es soll vll dem user den spiegel vorhalten. und dem der ihn als solchen nicht erkennt, solls einfach nur die arbeit und/oder grosses gesülze und schnickschnack ersparen. ausserdem mögen wir beiden platte releasetexte mit "this is techno, please listen" nicht so besonders. der ders hört, hörts auch so. dann kann der wenigstens noch bishen was aus wikipedia lesen in der zeit. und das interesse in form von demos, und die nackten zahlen beweisen auch dass selbst techno in dieser urform heute noch gern gehört ist. was auch toleriert werden sollte. die einen suchen halt immernoch das rad, die anderen freuen sich einfach hin und wieder gute tools zu hören.
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
der traffic.. halt wohl nicht von TFlern. was ich auch beschränkt finde - zu junges forum, keine old-schooler hier.
ich glaub auch nicht, dass pasquale sich bei den tracks das gedacht hat, was in dem wikitext steht.. pasquale?
aber die labelphilosophie ist interessant. also alles um die musik herum (website, texte, cover, promotion) sollen "den jetzigen zeitgeist einfangen", die musik selber ("techno in dieser urform") aber das gegenteil?
würde ja auch mal gern jemanden kennenlernen, der das rad sucht, und erfahren was er sich darunter vorstellt.
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
ne der philosophische text ist nicht meiner feder entsprungen... würd ich aber jetz auch nicht zu ernst nehmen. :>
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
"The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open." - The Kyballion
Zimmer040 - v/a - #1 the principle of mentalism
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 206MB, versatile electronics
040.01 - Hierophant - Moonlight over Jerusalem (14:33)
040.02 - Gruen - Higher Rising (14:02)
040.03 - Vadz - Crystal Meth (03:51)
040.04 - Markojux - Convalesce (06:34)
040.05 - Octad - Above and Below (08:20)
040.06 - Raganova - Save our Souls (08:20)
040.07 - Andreas Florin - sixteen maybe seventeen maybe eighteen (05:26)
040.08 - Pagalve - Materials (04:50)
040.09 - The Bee - Signal Effect (07:06)
040.10 - Sead Redzic - Sve je to ono (06:01)
040.11 - Amer Mutic - Retarded Funk (06:11)
040.12 - Christian Mohr - Rush me (05:08)
-> (Stream &Download)
-> Faster Mirror (zip-file)
Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]
This principle embodies the understanding that everything in the universe is created by thought or mind. There is nothing that exists in the material universe where this is not the case.
The great Edgar Cayce, in his Universal Mind channelings, would over and over again say "thoughts are things". The entire universe was created by the thought of God. We, as God’s sons and daughters, create our reality both metaphysically and physically by the power of our minds. The great law of spiritual psychology is that it is our thought that creates our reality. Everything that exists is spirit. Matter is just densified spirit. Spirit is just refined matter. All is just energy.
[ 28.03.2009, 01:38: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
hyp nom - übernehmen sie.
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
cooles cover.. später mehr.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
na gut. dann halt wieder was zum verreissen:
Zimmer041 - The Doors of Perception by plan-e (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 55MB, style: techno
041.1 - plan-e - bloodworks (05:41)
041.2 - plan-e - conspiracy (05:07)
041.3 - plan-e - quod erat demonstrandum (05:44)
041.4 - plan-e - sonataque (07:27)
-> *.ZIP (
-> *.ZIP (
Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]
If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern. //william blake
Geschrieben von: Spycho (Usernummer # 9842) an
vielleicht doch noch ein paar worte zur nr.40:
zimmer releases überleben in der regel nicht lange auf meiner festplatte - ist mir dann doch etwas zuviel 'bumm'. aber die 40 hat ein hübsches, weit gefächertes spektrum, da ist tatsächlich was für mich dabei gewesen. track-nr. 4, 6, 7 und 9 kommen auf jeden in die engere auswahl, falls ich in nächster zeit mal wieder meinen traktor anwerfen sollte!
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
sehr gut. danke
da kommen noch mehr compis in der art. bei den EPs ists hauptsächlich so hart weil ich da den meisten stuff zugeschickt bekomme und es auch gerne noch höre, auch wenn die aussenwelt gar nicht mehr kompatibel zu solch funktionalem techno ist. zumindest nicht in unseren breiten. wenn gutes zeug ranrollt, werden wir aber mit sicherheit auch nochmal sowas releasen wie zu anfang - damals war zimmer ja bishen breiter gefächert als die letzten beiden jahre.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
"The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open." - The Kyballion
Zimmer042 - v/a - #2 the principle of correspondence
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 209MB, versatile electronics
042.01 - Creepy Candles - Wandered (05:07)
042.02 - Elektronova - Doppelmord im Fahrradschlauch (07:48)
042.03 - Sancho - Believe (08:49)
042.04 - D.Ment - Row Your Goat (08:39)
042.05 - Finegrind & Benson - Reflex (07:48)
042.06 - Nick Robson - Staged (09:39)
042.07 - Hermético - Boulevard (07:37)
042.08 - Veztax - Brejkolacija (06:14)
042.09 - Dessben - A Cuestas (06:04)
042.10 - Strial - #3654-A (07:25)
042.11 - Black Dominant - Ayahuasca (06:38)
042.12 - Jerzz - U Gotta Get Mad (09:22)
-> *.ZIP (
-> Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]
This famous aphorism was created by Hermes. I have mentioned it many times in my books because it has such wide application. What this law means is that the thoughts and images that we hold in our conscious and subconscious mind will manifest its mirror likeness in our external circumstance. The outer world is a mirror of our inner world. If we hold thoughts of poverty
we will have no money. If we hold thoughts and images of lack of good health, this will manifest within our physical bodies.
The thoughts and images we hold in our mind will attract their physical likeness to us in our external circumstance. This law works unceasingly for the good or the bad. By understanding this law we can use it for our benefit instead of our detriment. The most profound application of this law is seen in the life of Sathya Sai Baba. Whatever he thinks instantly manifests,
even on a material level. He creates physical objects with the wave of his hand, and he says he does this by just thinking and imaging upon what he wants to create. This is the same law just speeded up. Earth is a school for practicing these laws of mind and spiritual control. Imagine what would happen if the average person on the street were manifesting his thoughts instantly as Sai Baba does. If he had a negative thought about someone at this level of vibration it might actually physically kill this person.
Imagine what all the negative thoughts and emotions would instantly do to one’s health. For most of us it is a good thing that things don’t manifest that quickly yet, or we would be in a lot of trouble. The higher we go in vibration and initiation, the quicker your manifestation of your thoughts will occur. That is why the spiritual path at these higher levels has been called the straight and narrow path, and is visualized like a pyramid that gets narrower as you move towards the apex.
[ 02.05.2009, 19:42: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer043 - NeoG - in my world (hungary)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 95MB, techno
043.01 - NeoG - Deep Inside (08:01)
043.02 - NeoG - Electronic Anthem (08:05)
043.03 - NeoG - Virtual Fantasy (08:03)
043.04 - NeoG - Tribal Life (08:01)
043.05 - NeoG - Princess Bridget (09:45)
-> *.ZIP (
Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]
In philosophy, the World is everything that makes up reality. While clarifying the concept of world has arguably always been among the basic tasks of Western philosophy, this theme appears to have been raised explicitly only at the start of the twentieth century and has been the subject of continuous debate. The question of what the world is has by no means been settled //wikipedia
>go for it
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
wie kann man nur die grafiken jedes mal so verhunzen mit dem drübergeklatschten text? jedes kommerzlabel zeigt da mehr sensibilität, indem es aufkleber auf das cd-case macht, wenn z.b. der artistname nicht teil der covergrafik ist.
bei netreleases entfällt sowieso die notwendigkeit beschrifteter cover, dieser gedanke scheint noch nicht ins 'Zimmer' vorgedrungen zu sein.
die zweite zeile dazu immer mit den unwichtigsten informationen überhaupt. ich weiss nicht, wieviel drogen ihr dem grafiker gebt, damit der das jedes mal mit sich machen lässt. macht dieser unseligkeit doch mal ein ende.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
schonmal dran gedacht dass es ohne die zeilen dass nackte bild wäre? zur freien verfügung? und daran dass vll jemand das CC der musik fehlinterpretiert und es auch aufs cover bezieht?
unser maler (ja es sind zeichnungen - keine grafiken) hat keine lust irgendwann seine bilder auf irgendwelchen blogs zu entdecken, oder schlimmer noch, in irgendwelchen magazinen wieder zu finden. bei "jedem kommerzlabel" wurde der artist bereits entlohnt, und es gibt sowas wie copyright. wird schwer zu argumentieren wenn die musik CC ist, und das cover nicht.
aber danke für dein reges interesse was unseren artworker betrifft, er weiss es wirklich zu schätzen.
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
zeichnungen sind grafiken ("Grafik im weitesten Sinn ist der Sammelbegriff für alle künstlerischen oder technischen Zeichnungen" - wiki).
eine menge der cover büßen auch mit abgeschnittenem text nicht viel ein und liessen sich ohne weiteres weiterverwenden - z.b. alle auf der vorigen threadseite außer 31, 32 und 41. und was wäre schlimm, wenn sie weiter rumkommen? geld sieht er für die cover doch so oder so nicht, publicity gibts aufgrund dieser verunstaltung aber ebenso wenig.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
findest du nicht auch dass die diskussion langsam aber sicher flüssiger als wasser wird? die cover bleiben so; die artists bleiben; die seite bleibt; die releasetexte bleiben; die URL bleibt. eigentlich bleibt alles so wie es ist. denn weder die macher, noch die involvierten artists haben ein problem damit. danke
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
aber das die artist zeile manchmal störend das cover überdeckt, is mir auch schon aufgefallen...
vll. so komplett drunterlegen, anstatt bleich mittig...
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Sternchen:
eigentlich bleibt alles so wie es ist.
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
pasquale, das sind die netlabels von heute.. reflexion, auseinandersetzung und hörerschaft sind denen wurscht, sogar ihre artists ,)
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
falsch. du und deine penetrante art bist denen wurscht
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
ich hab nur für pasquale gesprochen (s.o.) ,)
wenn er es als erster gesagt hätte, wärs dir auch wurscht gewesen.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
d.h. weil unser artworker nicht will dass seine bilder unbearbeitet im netz stehen, und weil ein gewisser hyp nom das ganze aber gerne anders haben würde, nehmen wir keine rücksicht auf unsere artists? interessante these.
[ 27.05.2009, 03:25: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
pasquale, der oben gesprochen hat, ist doch euer artist..
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
ja, und? der meckert aber nich alle 3 wochen über die cover. und wenn ist es nicht so penetrant wie du es hier wieder zelebrierst
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
ja, und? geht ihr drauf ein, wenn er es sagt? nein. also..
ich bin ja der einzige, der die covers hier lobt. vorhin hast du noch danke gesagt dafür ,)
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
das war ironisch.
aber was genau möchtest du denn jetzt hören? ich hab doch schon mehrfach gesagt dass unser artworker das GENAU SO haben will. natürlich setzen wir uns mit unseren artists auseinander. als label tut man das in der regel.
wenn pasquale nur ein einziges mal zu uns gesagt hätte: "das stört mich extremst - ändert das bitte sofort ab sonst muss ich die musik offline nehmen" dann würden wir auch was ändern, und auf die wünsche eingehen. bisher bist du allerdings der einzige der sich mit einem solchen elan um das thema kümmert.
deswegen bitte ich dich einfach in die tischkante zu beissen wenn du wieder aus versehen in diesem thread landest, und solch eine gestalterische missgeburt mit ansehen musst. wäre schön wenn ich das nicht bei jedem 2ten Release aufs neue erklären muss.
p.s. Zimmer ist ein Musiklabel. kein "cover" label. die artworks sind sekundär.
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
keine unwahrheiten bitte, zu den covers hast du noch nie was gesagt. tut mir leid, dass mir dazu was einfiel ,)
statt tischkanten beisse ich schlechte artists, die ich mir zu diesem zweck halte und die für die untaten ihrer kollegen büßen müssen. ich hol gleich mal wieder einen aus seinem käfig..
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
gut. dann hab ichs hiermit gesagt. hoffe das thema ist dann auch durch
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
für mich schon, frag lieber pasquale ,)
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
ich denke dass er mit dem status quo leben kann. zumindest konnte er es noch bis vor kurzem
Geschrieben von: cari (Usernummer # 2005) an
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
also, ich kann mit der covers schon leben ... ich wollte ja auch nur ausdrücken das ich hypnom im grunde nachvollziehen kann. aber das is haltn coverkünstlerischer aspekt, und wenn der coverartist dieses dann eben genauso in diesem layout haben möchte/muss (man kennt das ja)... geht das sowieso vor :>
Geschrieben von: Blond.Chick (Usernummer # 10931) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: cari:
*hihi* DAS hab ich mir auch grad beim lesen gedacht
Geschrieben von: Omara (Usernummer # 11269) an
btw. einer favourites auf zimmer ist immer noch
nick zero - supernova auf der zimmer019
was ist eigentlich mit haushaltsware ? ich hätte da noch n remix von psychotronics waschmaschine und von soulcatcher
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
immer her damit
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Sternchen:
Zimmer040 - v/a - #1 the principle of mentalism
beim ersten track traut man tatsächlich seinen ohren nicht, dass man ein zimmerlautstärke-release hört. eklektizistischer ambient, bei dem wohl einiges zusammengesamplet ist, aber das ergebnis soll den ausschlag geben.
track 2 setzt darauf auf, wird dann aber bald steifer und anstrengend mit hartem 16tel-geruckel. nennen wir es deadschool, um oldschool seine Würde zu lassen.
3 springt zusammenhanglos aber für sich allein gut gemacht zu einem anderen stil, der auf ein eigenes release gehört hätte, instrumental psychedelic hip hop, Ninja Tune läßt grüßen.
stattdessen gerät man bei track 5 mit dem einen chord auch noch ins feindeslager minimal, der musikalischen entsprechung von heuschreckenkapitalismus. und das auf zimmer mit all dem linken hintergrund! nicht zu fassen.
aber dann: Raganova - Save Our Souls ist einer der besten zimmer-tracks, im stil einer kultig verspulten b-seite, die irgendwie auch von dem Väth-album "Contact" stammen könnte.
die anderen tracks tun nicht so zur sache.
ps: bei fast jedem anderen netlabel entpackt sich so ein album in ein eigenes verzeichnis und nicht nur die losen files ins current dir, die man dann zusammenklauben darf.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
vielen dank.
das mit dem zippen muss ich wohl noch üben
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer044 - TheBee - death stories (hungary)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 52MB, techno, elektro
044.01 - TheBee - Reality (06:00)
044.02 - TheBee - Soft Training (05:24)
044.03 - TheBee - Kick Ass (06:00)
044.04 - TheBee - Paranoid Disco (05:11)
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[by nadrealizam]
Today, where a definition of the moment of death is required, doctors and coroners usually turn to "brain death" or "biological death" to define a person as being clinically dead; people are considered dead when the electrical activity in their brain ceases. It is presumed that an end of electrical activity indicates the end of consciousness. However, suspension of consciousness must be permanent, and not transient, as occurs during certain sleep stages, and especially a coma. In the case of sleep, EEGs can easily tell the difference. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
ich mag die raue offensive von Reality und Kick Ass.. dieses sich reinwerfen in den sound, ohne den aufprall zu scheuen.
auch technisch über dem hardtechno-/postschranz-durchschnitt.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
"The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open." - The Kyballion
Zimmer045 - v/a - #3 the principle of vibration
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 189MB, versatile electronics
045.01 - New Delhi FM - Done Bröckeln (04:34)
045.02 - Someonelikeme - Flashmob (07:35)
045.03 - Jon Doe - Deepnesses (06:36)
045.04 - psycoded - chemtrails - elektronova rmx (04:49)
045.05 - V.Rotz - Unfound (06:49)
045.06 - Anri - Old Tape (06:42)
045.07 - Dr.Nojoke - Unwohlfühlindustrie (06:34)
045.08 - Doctor´s Orders - Kardiak (07:06)
045.09 - psychosonic - Brainwaves (11:52)
045.10 - Drugstore - Metadona (08:18)
045.11 - Mike Absolom - Hijackers (06:33)
045.12 - Tuomas Rantanen - Tritium Armors (05:13)
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[by nadrealizam]
This Principle embodies the truth that "everything is in motion";"everything vibrates"; "nothing is at rest"; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify. And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago, by the Masters of Ancient Egypt. This Principle explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, Energy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of Vibration. From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the grossest formof Matter, all is in vibration--the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. The vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it is practically at rest-just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. And at the other end of the scale, there are gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest. Between these poles, there are millions upon millions of varying degrees of vibration. From corpuscle and electron, atom and molecule, to worlds and universes, everything is in vibratory motion. This is also true on the planes of energy and force (which are but varying degrees of vibration); and also on the mental planes (whose states depend upon vibrations); and even on to the spiritual planes. An understanding of this Principle, with the appropriate formulas, enables Hermetic students to control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. The Masters also apply this Principle to the conquering of Natural phenomena, in various ways. "He who understands thePrinciple of Vibration, has grasped the sceptre of power," says one of theold writers. //Dr Joshua David Stone
Geschrieben von: Omara (Usernummer # 11269) an
nettes release die va compilation, dertrack vom jürschen is toll
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
kick ass is wirklich sehr fett, hammergroove... nur das vocal stört nach ner zeit.
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer046 – Andreas Florin – for the kids (germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 77MB, techno, minimal
046.01 – Andreas Florin – Der Regen der von der Nase tropft (06:38)
046.02 – Andreas Florin – Meet you@Painthouse (06:01)
046.03 – Andreas Florin – For the Kids (04:30)
046.04 – Andreas Florin – Lost (05:34)
046.05 – Andreas Florin – Lost Horizon – Deep Mix (04:40)
046.06 – Andreas Florin – Detroit Trip (07:06)
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[by nadrealizam]
Goat meat, often called chevon when from adults and cabrito or just kid when from young animals, is the meat of the domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus). While “goat” is usually the name for the meat found in common parlance, producers and marketers may prefer to use the French-derived word chevon (from chèvre), since market research in the United States suggests that “chevon eater” is more palatable to consumers than “goat eater”. Cabrito is a word of Spanish origin for goat kid, and refers specifically to young, milk-fed goat. In the English-speaking islands of the Caribbean, and in some parts of Asia, particularly Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and India, the word âmuttonâ is often used to describe both goat and lamb meat, despite technically only referring to sheep meat. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: Boosi67 (Usernummer # 19823) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Sternchen:
Zimmer038 - Code EP by Kenni Sosa (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 48MB, style: techno
038.01 - Kenni Sosa - rotate (05:43)
038.02 - Kenni Sosa - talk back (05:00)
038.03 - Kenni Sosa - testify (05:16)
038.04 - Kenni sosa - tribal area (04:51)
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-> Stream
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[by nadrealizam]
Kant believed that what created the problem of ethical behavior is the duality of human nature. Since humans are both sensible and intellectual, and at the same time motivated by impulse, they must be guided by rules of conduct to balance the two. He believed that everyone could decide right and wrong based on the will behind the action, rather than the action itself. In deciding whether one's actions were moral, he said it should be considered what the universal benefit would be if everyone behaved in such a fashion. For example, if everyone stole, the result would be chaos and violence. Therefore, a moral person would consider it unethical to steal. In abiding by these laws, it is possible to see how a universal code of ethics could be built up. //
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer047 – Drugstore – anphybia (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 63MB, techno
047.01 – Drugstore – anphybia (07:20)
047.02 – Drugstore – oasis – remix2 (06:02)
047.03 – Drugstore – aborigena – remix2 (07:03)
047.04 – Drugstore – aborigena – remix3 (07:03)
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[by nadrealizam]
Drugstore is a common American term for a pharmacy. Drugstores sell not only medicines, but also miscellaneous items such as candy, cosmetics, and magazines, as well as light refreshments. //wikipedia
ps: die seite ist auch überarbeitet worden. jetzt alles auf einen blick.
[ 21.11.2009, 05:40: Beitrag editiert von: Sternchen ]
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
“The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open.” – The Kyballion
Zimmer048 – v/a – #4 the principle of polarity
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 218MB, versatile electronics
048.01 – Monopole – I thought she was the one (19:40)
048.02 – Junior85 – For Reason, forgotten (05:24)
048.03 – Anri – Transparent (07:25)
048.04 – Da Face – Herbsthimmel (07:10)
048.05 – Epios – Thelema (05:56)
048.06 – Alec Troniq – Operation Nears (06:43)
048.07 – Shroomtune – The Tweak (04:57)
048.08 – Juan Farcik – Porción Mecánica (08:84)
048.09 – Domovoy – Small Box (09:22)
048.10 – GabeeN – 1988 (06:14)
048.11 – Revy – Nat5ive (07:55)
048.12 – Mehotex – Experience (05:33)
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[by nadrealizam]
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair ofopposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; allparadoxes may be reconciled.”–The Kybalion.
This Principle embodies the truth that “everything is dual”; “everythinghas two poles”; “everything has its pair of opposites,” all of which wereold Hermetic axioms. It explains the old paradoxes, that have perplexed somany, which have been stated as follows: “Thesis and antithesis are identicalin nature, but different in degree”; “opposites are the same, differing onlyin degree”; “the pairs of opposites may be reconciled”; “extremes meet”;”everything is and isn’t, at the same time”; “all truths are but half truths”;”every truth is half-false”; “there are two sides to everything,” etc., etc.,etc. It explains that in everything there are two poles, or opposite aspects,and that “opposites” are really only the two extremes of the same thing,with many varying degrees between them. To illustrate: Heat and Cold, although”opposites,” are really the same thing, the differences consisting merelyof degrees of the same thing. Look at your thermometer and see if you candiscover where “heat” terminates and “cold” beginsl There is no such thingas “absolute heat” or “absolute cold”–the two terms “heat” and “cold” simplyindicate varying degrees of the same thing, and that ’same thing” which manifestsas “heat’ and ‘cold” is merely a form, variety, and rate of Vibration. So”heat” and “cold” are simply the “two poles’ of that which we call “Heat”–andthe phenomena attendant thereupon are manifestations of the Principle of Polarity.
The same Principle manifests in the case of “Light and Darkness,”which are the same thing, the difference consisting of varying degrees between the two poles of the phenomena. Where does “darkness” leave off, and “light”begin? What is the difference between “Large and Small”? Between “Hard andSoft”? Between “Black and White”? Between “Sharp and Dull”? Between “Noiseand Quiet”? Between “High and Low”? Between “Positive and Negative”? ThePrinciple of Polarity explains these paradoxes, and no other Principle cansupersede it. The same Principle operates on the Mental Plane. Let us takea radical and extreme example-that of “Love and Hate,” two mental statesapparently totally different. And yet there are degrees of Hate and degreesof Love, and a middle point in which we use the terms “Like or Dislike,”which shade into each other so gradually that sometimes we are at a lossto know whether we “like” or “dislike” or “neither.” And all are simply degrees of the same thing, as you will see if you will but think a moment. And, morethan this (and considered of more importance by the Hermetists), it is possibleto change the vibrations of Hate to the vibrations of Love, in one’s ownmind, and in the minds of others. Many of you, who read these lines, havehad personal experiences of the involuntary rapid transition from Love toHate, and the reverse, in your own case and that of others. And you willtherefore realize the possibility of this being accomplished by the use ofthe Will, by means of the Hermetic formulas. “Good and Evil” are but thepoles of the same thing, and the Hermetist understands the art of transmutingEvil into Good, by means of an application of the Principle of Polarity.In short, the “Art of Polarization becomes a phase of “Mental Alchemy” knownand practiced by the ancient and modern Hermetic Masters. An understandingof the Principle will enable one to change his own Polarity, as well as thatof others, if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art. //Dr Joshua David Stone
Geschrieben von: Gleichtakt (Usernummer # 20019) an
ui.....bin gespannt.......greetz....
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer049 – zmitser von holzman – a beard like a bird
mp3, 256kbps, stereo, 118MB, freestyle, instrumental
049.01 – zmitser von holzman – trrulala (02:38)
049.02 – zmitser von holzman – olelej (02:41)
049.03 – zmitser von holzman – shshsh (02:45)
049.04 – zmitser von holzman – tut-tut (03:02)
049.05 – zmitser von holzman – o-la-la (01:46)
049.06 – zmitser von holzman – intro (02:12)
049.07 – zmitser von holzman – ladybird (01:57)
049.08 – zmitser von holzman – piano forte (05:21)
049.09 – zmitser von holzman – papa (03:23)
049.10 – zmitser von holzman – this is how i feel now (03:08)
049.11 – zmitser von holzman – outro (06:33)
049.12 – zmitser von holzman – objects in the mirror are closer than they appear (03:59)
049.13 – zmitser von holzman – lighthouse (02:53)
049.14 – zmitser von holzman – 2nd floor (02:08)
049.15 – zmitser von holzman – it just slipped my mind (05:44)
049.16 – zmitser von holzman – trampampam (02:47)
049.17 – zmitser von holzman – morning breakfast evening (05:13)
049.18 – zmitser von holzman – repetetive etude no2 – live (06:33)
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[by nadrealizam]
In the course of history, men with facial hair have been ascribed various attributes such as wisdom and knowledge, sexual virility, masculinity, or high social status; and, conversely, filthiness, crudeness, or an eccentric disposition, such as in the case of a bum, hobo, hippie or vagrant. In many cultures beards are associated with nature and outdoorsmen.//wikipedia
Geschrieben von: Gleichtakt (Usernummer # 20019) an
sehr starkes release.....bleibt länger aufm ipod....sehr geil.....gruss stephan
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Zimmer050 – afion – insomnia dreams (Macedonia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 121MB, ambient, downtempo
050.01 – afion – isien (03:39)
050.02 – afion – abstract feeling (03:42)
050.03 – afion – not penelope (06:20)
050.04 – afion – karaburma (07:40)
050.05 – afion – tristesse (02:59)
050.06 – afion – the dream poet (06:30)
050.07 – afion – mondian (03:14)
050.08 – afion – parfum gothique (04:43)
050.09 – afion – too dangerous (04:16)
050.10 – psycoded – chemtrails – stratosphere mix by afion (04:34)
050.11 – afion – light in light (04:41)
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[by nadrealizam]
Throughout history, people have sought meaning in dreams or divination through dreams. Dreams have been described physiologically as a response to neural processes during sleep, psychologically as reflections of the subconscious, and spiritually as messages from gods or predictions of the future. Many cultures had practiced dream incubation, with the intention of cultivating dreams that were prophetic or contained messages from the divine.
Judaism has a traditional ceremony called “hatovat chalom” â literally meaning making the dream a good one. Through this rite disturbing dreams can be transformed to give a positive interpretation by a rabbi or a rabbinic court.//wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer051 – carara – horseman (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 53MB, techno
051.1 – carara – 4 yai 001 (08:13)
051.2 – carara – slow down (08:58)
051.3 – carara – morninglight (05:51)
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[by nadrealizam]
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer052 – christian mohr – polterabend (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 55MB, techno !
052.01 – christian mohr – chloronose (04:03)
052.02 – christian mohr – polterabend (05:12)
052.03 – christian mohr – ente süss-sauer (04:03)
052.04 – christian mohr – polterabend 2010 (04:26)
052.05 – christian mohr – polterabend – mary huna remix (06:20)
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[by nadrealizam]
In recent years, as computer technology has become more accessible and music software has advanced, interacting with music production technology is now possible using means that bear no relationship to traditional musical performance practices: for instance, laptop performance (laptronica) and live coding. In the last decade a number of software-based virtual studio environments have emerged. These software-based music production tools provide viable and cost-effective alternatives to typical hardware-based production studios, and thanks to advances in microprocessor technology, it is now possible to create high quality music using little more than a single laptop computer. Such advances have democratized music creation, leading to a massive increase in the amount of home-produced music available to the general public via the internet. Artists can now also individuate their sound by creating personalized software synthesizers, effects modules, and various composition environments. Devices that once existed exclusively in the hardware domain can easily have virtual counterparts. In some sense, as a result of technological innovation, the DIY mentality that was once a core part of dance music culture is seeing a resurgence. //
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer053 – the bee & gabeen – brothers in arms (Hungary)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 77MB, techno !
053.01 – gabeen – x (05:45)
053.02 – the bee – fly or die (06:12)
053.03 – gabeen – afterhour (05:02)
053.04 – the bee – castellmore (05:20)
053.05 – gabeen vs andy j. electribe – tribal wars (05:27)
053.06 – the bee – destructive machines (05:53)
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[by nadrealizam]
These mist covered mountains – Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands – And always will be
Some day you’ll return to – Your valleys and your farms
And you’ll no longer burn – To be brothers in arms
Through these fields of destruction – Baptisms of fire
I’ve witnessed your suffering – As the battle raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad – In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me – My brothers in arms
There’s so many different worlds – So many different suns
And we have just one world – But we live in different ones
Now the sun’s gone to hell – And the moon’s riding high
Let me bid you farewell – Every man has to die
But it’s written in the starlight – And every line in your palm
We’re fools to make war – On our brothers in arms
//dire straits
Geschrieben von: Omara (Usernummer # 11269) an
also track 1 von der 53 is cool. mächtiger groove und nich zu schranzig sondern solider moderner techno. hätte ruhig 2min länger gehen können aber egal... wird gespielt
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
sehr gut. hier gibts nachschub:
Zimmer054 – doryk – destructive material (Hungary)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 46MB, techno
054.01 – doryk – fear factor (05:24)
054.02 – doryk – black sheep (04:45)
054.03 – doryk – conclusion (04:48)
054.04 – doryk – thriller (04:55)
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[by nadrealizam]
Warning! New form of destructive terrorist material. Deadly for those who doubt.
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer055 – christian mohr – polterabend – the maassen remixes
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 97MB, techno !
055.01 – christian mohr – chloronose – i-kula remix v1 (03:55)
055.02 – christian mohr – chloronose – pasquale maassen remix (05:27)
055.03 – christian mohr – chloronose – pasquale maassen remix v3 (07:56)
055.04 – christian mohr – polterabend – pasquale maassen 3in1 remix v2 (07:13)
055.05 – christian mohr – ente suess sauer – pasquale maassen remix v2 (05:05)
055.06 – christian mohr – polterabend – pasquale maassen remix (05:24)
055.07 – christian mohr – polterabend – pasquale maassen 3in1 remix (07:22)
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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]
In recent years, as computer technology has become more accessible and music software has advanced, interacting with music production technology is now possible using means that bear no relationship to traditional musical performance practices: for instance, laptop performance (laptronica) and live coding. In the last decade a number of software-based virtual studio environments have emerged. These software-based music production tools provide viable and cost-effective alternatives to typical hardware-based production studios, and thanks to advances in microprocessor technology, it is now possible to create high quality music using little more than a single laptop computer. Such advances have democratized music creation, leading to a massive increase in the amount of home-produced music available to the general public via the internet. Artists can now also individuate their sound by creating personalized software synthesizers, effects modules, and various composition environments. Devices that once existed exclusively in the hardware domain can easily have virtual counterparts. In some sense, as a result of technological innovation, the DIY mentality that was once a core part of dance music culture is seeing a resurgence. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: SpeedyJ (Usernummer # 984) an
wow, die remixes vom pasquale brettern mal wieder ordentlich!
schicke artworks, btw...
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
mila graice. oh ja. pasquale brettert alles weg :) hier auch schon nachschub
Zimmer056 – plan-e – electric stimulation (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 58MB, techno !
056.01 – plan-e – stromschlag (05:20)
056.02 – plan-e – socket (07:06)
056.03 – plan-e – later (05:58)
056.04 – plan-e – slow motion (06:42)
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[by nadrealizam]
Electrical stimulation for the purpose of helping persons with paralysis of the arms or legs mainly focuses on the neuromuscular transmission peripherally. E-stim can also be used for central nervous system stimulation to hasten awakening from coma or the vegetative state. There is a long history of neurosurgeons who have implanted electrodes into the brain and spinal cord, especially in Japan, for increasing cerebral blood flow and certain neurotransmitters in persons in long term coma states. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
“The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open.” – The Kyballion
Zimmer057 – v/a – #5 the principle of rhythm
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 159MB, versatile electronics
057.01 – XANC – Electromonk (07:10)
057.02 – Tape3000 – Valse de Meduse (04:48)
057.03 – Erischa Koli – Federball (06:24)
057.04 – Paralytic – Endlesssky (06:31)
057.05 – Andreas Florin – Tuned Modulation (06:25)
057.06 – Bactee&Tito – Shap (05:22)
057.07 – Omara – Dark Minimal (07:21)
057.08 – The Bee & GabeeN – Herr Koenig (06:33)
057.09 – Christian Mohr – Gyros Komplett (04:26)
057.10 – Heike Becker – Several Lines (04:42)
057.11 – Energun – Made In (06:33)
057.12 – Stomptools – Systemausfall (04:58) *deleted
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[by nadrealizam]
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” –The Kyballion
This Principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, to and from; a flow and inflow; a swing backward and forward; a pendulum-like movement; a tide-like ebb and flow; a high-tide and low-tide; between the two poles which exist in accordance with the Principle of Polarity described a moment ago. There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat; a rising and a sinking. This is in the affairs of the Universe, suns, worlds, men, animals, mind, energy, and matter. This law is manifest in the creation and destruction of worlds; in the rise and fall of nations; in the life of all things; and finally in the mental states of Man (and it is with this latter that the Hermetists find the understanding of the Principle most important). The Hermetists have grasped this Principle, finding its universal application, and have also discovered certain means to overcome its effects in themselves by the use of the appropriate formulas and methods. They apply the Mental Law of Neutralization. They cannot annul the Principle, or cause it to cease its operation, but they have learned how to escape its effects upon themselves to a certain degree depending upon the Mastery of the Principle. They have learned how to USE it, instead of being USED BY it. In this and similar methods, consist the Art of the Hermetists. The Master of Hermetics polarizes himself at the point at which he desires to rest, and then neutralizes the Rhythmic swing of the pendulum which would tend to carry him to the other pole. All individuals who have attained any degree of Self-Mastery do this to a certain degree, more or less unconsciously, but the Master does this consciously, and by the use of his Will, and attains a degree of Poise and Mental Firmness almost impossible of belief on the part of the masses who are swung backward and forward like a pendulum. This Principle and that of Polarity have been closely studied by the Hermetists, and the methods of counteracting, neutralizing, and USING them form an important part of the Hermetic Mental Alchemy. //dr joshua david stone
[ 24.06.2010, 15:23: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer058 – bran lanen – extinction of exceptions (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 61MB, techno
058.01 – Bran Lanen – Exception One (06:04)
058.02 – Bran Lanen – Exception Two (06:10)
058.03 – Bran Lanen – Exception Three (05:52)
058.04 – Bran Lanen – Exception Four (06:25)
058.05 – Bran Lanen – Extinction (02:54)
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Artwork (666px)
[by nadrealizam]
In biology and ecology, extinction is the end of an organism or group of taxa. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species (although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point). Because a species’ potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively. This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus taxa, where a species presumed extinct abruptly “re-appears” (typically in the fossil record) after a period of apparent absence.//wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer059 – drugstore – anphybia / eden remixes (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 195MB, techno
059.01 – drugstore – anphybia – mootiv remix (08:04)
059.02 – drugstore – anphybia – banding! remix (07:18)
059.03 – drugstore – anphybia – hermético remix (08:53)
059.04 – drugstore – anphybia – neural society remix (05:39)
059.05 – drugstore – anphybia – drugstore 2010 remix (07:16)
059.06 – drugstore – anphybia – drugstore 2010 alternative remix (05:50)
059.07 – drugstore – eden – atesh k. remix (06:37)
059.08 – drugstore – eden – bran lanen remix (05:47)
059.09 – drugstore – eden – doryk remix (05:14)
059.10 – drugstore – eden – pucet remix (07:31)
059.11 – drugstore – eden – gabeen remix (05:35)
059.12 – drugstore – eden – the bee remix (06:19)
059.13 – drugstore – eden – drugstore 2010 remix (07:42)
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
--check also their new ZimmerMix "crashed dreams"
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
wieso eigentlich "057.12 – Stomptools – Systemausfall (04:58) *deleted" ?
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
gute frage
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
ja komm komm, raus mit den soapgeschichten :P
Geschrieben von: djchuko (Usernummer # 19720) an
Some previews of this last zimmer release:
Here are some previews:
[Zimmer 059] Drugstore - Eden (Drugstore's 2010 Remix)
[Zimmer 059] Drugstore - Anphybia (Drugstore's 2010 mix)
[Zimmer 059] Drugstore - Anphybia (Drugstore's 2010 Alternative mix)
Drugstore - Eden (Atesh K. Remix)
Drugstore - Eden (The Bee rmx)
Drugstore - Eden (Bran Lanen Remix)
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: PasqualeM:
ja komm komm, raus mit den soapgeschichten
nöö. keine lust auf schmutzige wäsche
btw. gibt was neues:
Zimmer060 – ulf kramer – brainbug (germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 88MB, minimal techno
060.01 – Ulf Kramer – Klagelied 001.2
060.02 – Ulf Kramer – Quitschen
060.03 – Ulf Kramer – Anonym 17
060.04 – Ulf Kramer – Flanger Pulse
060.05 – Ulf Kramer – Klagelied oo5
060.06 – Ulf Kramer – Ohrspule
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
Despite rapid scientific progress, much about how brains work remains a mystery. The operations of individual neurons and synapses are now understood in considerable detail, but the way they cooperate in ensembles of thousands or millions has been very difficult to decipher. Methods of observation such as EEG recording and functional brain imaging tell us that brain operations are highly organized, while single unit recording can resolve the activity of single neurons, but how individual cells give rise to complex operations is unknown. //wikipedia
ps: die tage kommt noch ein schickes hörspiel von detektiv knork auf haushaltsware. watch out
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer061 – christian mohr – polterabend – the remixes II (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 76MB, techno
061.01 – christian mohr – chloronose – i-kula remix v2
061.02 – christian mohr – chloronose – revy remix
061.03 – christian mohr – polterabend – pasquale maassen remix v2
061.04 – christian mohr – chloronose – the bee remix
061.05 – christian mohr – polterabend – gabeen remix
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
In recent years, as computer technology has become more accessible and music software has advanced, interacting with music production technology is now possible using means that bear no relationship to traditional musical performance practices: for instance, laptop performance (laptronica) and live coding. In the last decade a number of software-based virtual studio environments have emerged. These software-based music production tools provide viable and cost-effective alternatives to typical hardware-based production studios, and thanks to advances in microprocessor technology, it is now possible to create high quality music using little more than a single laptop computer. Such advances have democratized music creation, leading to a massive increase in the amount of home-produced music available to the general public via the internet. Artists can now also individuate their sound by creating personalized software synthesizers, effects modules, and various composition environments. Devices that once existed exclusively in the hardware domain can easily have virtual counterparts. In some sense, as a result of technological innovation, the DIY mentality that was once a core part of dance music culture is seeing a resurgence. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer062 – unorace – surface (russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 38MB, techno
062.01 – UnoRace – Latent
062.02 – UnoRace – Punish
062.03 – UnoRace – Rotten Machine
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
Historically, surfaces were initially defined as subspaces of Euclidean spaces. Often, these surfaces were the locus of zeros of certain functions, usually polynomial functions. Such a definition considered the surface as part of a larger (Euclidean) space, and as such was termed extrinsic.
In the previous section, a surface is defined as a topological space with certain property, namely Hausdorff and locally Euclidean. This topological space is not considered as being a subspace of another space. In this sense, the definition given above, which is the definition that mathematicians use at present, is intrinsic.
A surface defined as intrinsic is not required to satisfy the added constraint of being a subspace of Euclidean space. It seems possible at first glance that there are surfaces defined intrinsically that are not surfaces in the extrinsic sense. However, the Whitney embedding theorem asserts that every surface can in fact be embedded homeomorphically into Euclidean space, in fact into E4. Therefore the extrinsic and intrinsic approaches turn out to be equivalent.//wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer063 – unorace – engine (russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 46MB, techno
063.01 – UnoRace – Strong as a horse
063.02 – UnoRace – Closed Mind
063.03 – UnoRace – Never Again
063.04 – UnoRace – Engine
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
During the Muslim Agricultural Revolution from the 9th to 13th centuries, Muslim engineers developed numerous innovative industrial uses of hydropower, early industrial uses of tidal power, wind power, and fossil fuels such as petroleum, together with the earliest large factory complexes (tiraz in Arabic). The industrial uses of watermills in the Islamic world date back to the 7th century, whereas horizontal-wheeled and vertical-wheeled water mills were both in widespread use since at least the 9th century. A variety of industrial mills were invented in the Islamic world, including fulling mills, hullers, steel mills, sugar refineries, and windmills. By the 11th century, every province throughout the Islamic world had these industrial mills in operation, from the Middle East and Central Asia to al-Andalus and North Africa [wikipedia]
Geschrieben von: Bewegungstherapie (Usernummer # 20355) an
immer noch das netlabel mit den für mich am attraktivsten Sound..ein Set ohne Zimmer geht gar nicht..das letzte komplett meine Kragenweite..kann also allen Tracks etwas positives abgewinnen..
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
sowas hört man natürlich gerne
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer064 – steve pain – pandorum (germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 62MB, techno
064.01 – Steve Pain – Pandorum
064.02 – Steve Pain – Eisentanz
064.03 – Steve Pain – A guy called Sarrazin
064.04 – Brad Lee – The Draw (Aspertam against Steve Pain rmx)
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[by nadrealizam]
While exploring the spacecraft under Payton’s radio guidance, Bower talks with Payton about Pandorum, a psychological condition brought on by extended periods of deep-space travel and hypersleep. Its symptoms and effects include severe paranoia, vivid hallucinations, and homicidal tendencies. Payton recounts the story of another ship, the Eden, in which a single member of the flight crew, affected by Pandorum, jettisoned 5000 others into the oblivion of space. As Bower continues searching the ship, he encounters dead bodies and fast-moving humanoid creatures [wikipedia]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer065 – kenni sosa – flying dutchman (germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 6oMB, minimal techno
065.01 – Kenni Sosa – Flying Dutchman
065.02 – Kenni Sosa – Cell
065.03 – Kenni Sosa – Toxic
065.04 – Kenni Sosa – Sway
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
The legend of the Flying Dutchman concerns a ghost ship that can never make port, doomed to sail the oceans forever. It probably originates from 17th century nautical folklore. The oldest extant version dates to the late 18th century. Sightings in the 19th and 20th centuries report the ship to be glowing with ghostly light. It is said that if hailed by another ship, its crew will try to send messages to land or to people long dead. In ocean lore, the sight of this phantom ship is a portent of doom. [wikipedia]
for the art - from the heart
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
“The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open.” – The Kybalion
Zimmer066 – v/a – #6 the principle of cause and effect
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 159MB, versatile electronics
066.01 – Acmme– Subconscious Cannibals
066.02 – SXtheMadArtist – Destination: Space
066.03 – Someone like me – theanythingscore
066.04 – John Ming – Floating
066.05 – Falk – Don`t Laugh
066.06 – D.Ment – Joris
066.07 – Andreas Florin – JHW
066.08 – Patten – Keel
066.09 – Kenni Sosa – Unexpected Journey
066.10 – Blurix – Bit-Forcer
066.11 – Sead Redzic – Kasetefon
066.12 – Steve Pain – Broadcast
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”–The Kybalion
This Principle embodies the fact that there is a Cause for every Effect; an Effect from every Cause. It explains that: “Everything Happens according to Law”; that nothing ever “merely happens”; that there is no such thing as Chance; that while there are various planes of Cause and Effect, the higher dominating- the lower planes, still nothing ever entirely escapes the Law. The Hermetists understand the art and methods of rising above the ordinary plane of Cause and Effect, to a certain degree, and by mentally rising to a higher plane they become Causers instead of Effects. The masses of people are carried along, obedient to environment; the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves; heredity; suggestion; and other outward causes moving them about like pawns on the Chessboard of Life. But the Masters,rising to the plane above, dominate their moods, characters, qualities, and powers, as well as the environment surrounding them, and become Movers instead of pawns. They help to PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE, instead of being played and moved about by other wills and environment. They USE the Principle instead of being its tools. The Masters obey the Causation of the higher planes,but they help to RULE on their own plane. In this statement there is condensed a wealth of Hermetic knowledge – let him read who can.
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer067 – unorace – bastard (russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 57MB, techno
063.01 – UnoRace – Acid Rain
063.02 – UnoRace – What the shit is going on today?
063.03 – UnoRace – Fire Death
063.04 – UnoRace – Bastard
063.05 – UnoRace – You don’t quit
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
In Medieval Wales, prior to its conquest by and incorporation in England, a “bastard” was defined solely as a child not acknowledged by his father. All children acknowledged by a father, whether born in or out of wedlock, had equal legal rights including the right to share in the father’s inheritance. This legal difference between Wales and England is often referred to in the well-known “Brother Cadfael” series of Medieval detective mysteries, and provides the solution to the mystery in one of them. [wikipedia]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer068 – unorace – the only one black gay which i know (russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 48MB, techno
068.01 – UnoRace – Straight
068.02 – UnoRace – The Piece Of Shit
068.03 – UnoRace – The Only One Black Gay Which I Know
068.04 – UnoRace – The Truth About
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
The word “gay” arrived in English during the 12th century from Old French gai, most likely deriving ultimately from a Germanic source. For most of its life in English, the word’s primary meaning was “joyful”, “carefree”, “bright and showy”, and the word was very commonly used with this meaning in speech and literature. For example, the optimistic 1890s are still often referred to as the Gay Nineties. The title of the 1938 French ballet Gaîté Parisienne (“Parisian Gaiety”), which became the 1941 Warner Brothers movie, The Gay Parisian, also illustrates this connotation. It was apparently not until the 20th century that the word began to be used to mean specifically “homosexual”, although it had earlier acquired sexual connotations. [wikipedia]
Geschrieben von: Bewegungstherapie (Usernummer # 20355) an
also der erste..war schon der Oberburner..gefällt..fordert auf..die Nachbarn an den Rand des Auszugs zu treiben...rummst ganz gut..schön alte schule..als dann um 1.25 die nexte Steigerung begann..musste ich dochmal..eeeeeeehm..die Füsse zappeln lassen..kicher*
wobei der 2te Track schon wieder in die Rubrik Nervenkostüm überprüfen geht..ich mag das..
der auch geilo..aber der vierte ist der Hit auf dem release..
und die nummerierung ist bei falsch geschrieben..aleks..
es sei dir verziehen..over*
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
oh, die schnöden technischen angaben sind aus dem cover raus.. zwei jahre nach meinem entsprechenden vorschlag ,)
Kenni Sosas track Toxic von der zimmer 65 und sein track von der 66 sind mal derbe slammer
aber auf der neuen ist der black gay nicht menschlich, sondern sächlich (which).. was man heute als antirassist noch alles erleben muss!
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Bewegungstherapie:
und die nummerierung ist bei falsch geschrieben..aleks..
oops. änder ich später mal... danke für den hinweis
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Hyp Nom:
oh, die schnöden technischen angaben sind aus dem cover raus.. zwei jahre nach meinem entsprechenden vorschlag ,)
vielleicht kann ich jetzt endlich besser schlafen ^^
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer069 – dj wank – thumping things (sweden)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 45MB, techno
069.01 – DJ Wank – Loop Thumping
069.02 – DJ Wank – Stretch Things
069.03 – DJ Wank – End
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
1. thumping – a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)
clunk, thud, thump, clump. sound – the sudden occurrence of an audible event; “the sound awakened them” [thefreedictionary]
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
der letzte is ganz cool, der erste is mir mit seinem geshuffle zu neumodisch ...
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
...die 070 hatte ja nen extra-thread (kosmoraum)...
hier nun die 071
Zimmer071 – krzho – lovebite (slovenia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 64MB, minimal, deephouse
071.01 – Krzho – Lovebite
071.02 – Krzho – Pause your Life
071.03 – Krzho – Two to Two
071.04 – Krzho – Under Lucky Star
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
A hickey (or love bite) is a temporary bruise or mark caused by kissing, sucking, or biting the skin forcefully enough to burst blood vessels beneath the skin.
Hickeys typically last from four to twelve days and may be treated in the same way as other bruises. Hickeys can be a purple-like color similar to other types of bruises, or a cluster of red speckles.
According to common belief, one way to help the hickey heal is to put a block of ice on the affected area, although this will only help if the hickeys have been present for under 10 minutes. They can be covered with foundation, powder or concealer if one wishes to hide them. Another method of concealment is to use an article of clothing such as a scarf or polo neck. [wikipedia]
Geschrieben von: Omara (Usernummer # 11269) an
hmm hmm
ich hab nen hit erwartet von krzho aber das alles nur standartgeplänkel irgendwie
geht doch nix über fire escape
Geschrieben von: Bewegungstherapie (Usernummer # 20355) an
sämtliche cover...von zimmer..würde ich übrigens sehr gerne in meiner Wohnung aufhängen..
inspiriert mich durch zudrehn..
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
das darfst du gerne machen. spart auch tinte
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
jo die cover sind einzigartig ... neue ep gefällt auch .. wie immer
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
die ersten drei tracks sind nice... der letzte is nich so mein fall.
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
“There is something within me that might be illusion as it is often case with young delighted people, but if I would be fortunate to achieve some of my ideals, it would be on the behalf of the whole of humanity. If those hopes would become fulfilled, the most exiting thought would be that it is a deed of a Serb.” (Nikola Tesla)
For some he is a genius. For some he is the greatest Inventor of modern history. For some he is still unknown – although we use his technology nearly every day. Nikola Teslas life and visions are exciting stories – some of the visions sound unbelievable, but worth a listen. His concepts of Electromagnetic Fields and Free Energy are more than just fiction and could solve many modern Problems…
Zimmer-Records wants to honour this great man, and plans to Release a Special Collection following his path: Free Energy for all! Artists and other Netlabels are called to participate. Please send us your best track – the one with the most energy – the one with the most ideals. Deadline for contributors is June 23.
The Release will be online on 10 July 2011 – the 155th Birthday of Nikola Tesla. All involved Netlabels will present this package simultaneously.
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer072 – pasquale maassen – intervention (germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 32MB, techno, tool
072.01 – Pasquale Maassen – Inventional
072.02 – Pasquale Maassen – Exventional
072.03 – Pasquale Maassen – Outvetional
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
In law, intervention is a procedure to allow a nonparty, called intervenor (also spelled intervener) to join ongoing litigation, either as a matter of right or at the discretion of the court, without the permission of the original litigants. The basic rationale for intervention is that a judgment in a particular case may affect the rights of nonparties, who ideally should have the right to be heard. [wikipedia]
[ 19.06.2011, 03:21: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
da fehltn n bei outventional
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
hmpf. haste gepennt junge.. ist mir allerdings auch zu spät aufgefallen. werds später mal ändern
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer073 – unorace – eruption (russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 48MB, techno
073.01 – UnoRace – The last warning
073.02 – UnoRace – The Shake
073.03 – UnoRace – Eruption
073.04 – UnoRace – The Shake (Request)
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[by nadrealizam]
There are two types of eruptions in terms of activity, explosive eruptions and effusive eruptions. Explosive eruptions are characterized by gas-driven explosions that propels magma and tephra. Effusive eruptions, meanwhile, are characterized by the outpouring of lava without significant explosive eruption.
Volcanic eruptions vary widely in strength. On the one extreme there are effusive Hawaiian eruptions, which are characterized by lava fountains and fluid lava flows, which are typically not very dangerous. On the other extreme, Plinian eruptions are large, violent, and highly dangerous explosive events. Volcanoes are not bound to one eruptive style, and frequently display many different types, both passive and explosive, even the span of a single eruptive cycle. Volcanoes do not always erupt vertically from a single crater near their peak, either. Some volcanoes exhibit lateral and fissure eruptions. Notably, many Hawaiian eruptions start from rift zones, and some of the strongest Surtseyan eruptions develop along fracture zones. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
..uns gibt es nun auch mit ausgewählten highlights auf soundcloud ->
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer074 – drugstore & kwartz – solidarity (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 57MB, techno
074.01 – Drugstore – Deimos
074.02 – Drugstore – Deimos (Kwartz Remix)
074.03 – Kwartz – Still Dead
074.04 – Kwartz – Still Dead (Drugstore Remix)
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
While the media has been full of Obama’s ‘triumphant’ visit to Europe, or the scandal about Dominique Strauss-Khan, they have not told us much about the real earthquake hitting Europe: a vast social movement which is centred in Spain but which is having an immediate echo in Greece and threatens to break out in other countries as well.
The events in Spain have been unfolding since 15 May with the occupation of the Puerto del Sol Square in Madrid by a human wave made up mainly of young people rebelling against unemployment, the Zapatero government’s austerity measures, and the corruption of politicians. The movement spread like wildfire to all the main cities in the country – to Barcelona, Valencia, Grenada, Seville, Malaga, Leon – making use of social media like Facebook and Twitter, and videos uploaded onto Youtube; and that’s largely how we have got information about the movement outside of Spain, because the bourgeois media have pretty much imposed a black-out on the events. If they would far rather have us thinking about Obama, or Dominique Strauss Kahn, or the travails of Cheryl Cole, it’s because this movement represents a very important step in the development of social struggles and of the combat of the world working class faced with the dead-end that is capitalism. //internationalism
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
hab heut morgen ein kleines video gebastelt. als teaser für unsere nächste compilation. viel spass damit:
Geschrieben von: Bewegungstherapie (Usernummer # 20355) an
sehr geil.und der track erst........g*
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
mile gracie
[ 03.07.2011, 04:17: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
hab auch grad noch eins gemacht:
nico grubert - thriller
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
da isser...
Zimmer075 – v/a – tesla 155
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 554MB, versatile electronics
Phase I
Tesla155.1.01 maximinus – for thoose who dont feel music
Tesla155.1.02 rafal fürst – street of…
Tesla155.1.03 lackluster – 588177 apparatus for producing ozone
Tesla155.1.04 aerror – distant connection
Tesla155.1.05 pissoir – quanya
Tesla155.1.06 clear planet – what we see
Tesla155.1.07 cagey house – billboard whiskers
Tesla155.1.08 g shame – core meltdown
Tesla155.1.09 narcotic 303 – fusion
Tesla155.1.10 mirza zadeh – reflections
Tesla155.1.11 nuance – utopist
Tesla155.1.12 christian fricker – burning
Phase II
Tesla155.2.01 omara – distress flashing before me
Tesla155.2.02 marvelous – on rail
Tesla155.2.03 oliver martini – return to nowhere
Tesla155.2.04 falk – falscher applaus
Tesla155.2.05 revy – coagulate
Tesla155.2.06 pasquale maassen – frozen attic
Tesla155.2.07 ulf kramer – 010711190418
Tesla155.2.08 blurix – the morning after
Tesla155.2.09 dj wank – cutting jazz
Tesla155.2.10 j.p.morgan – wardenclyffe tower
Tesla155.2.11 doryk – big blunt theory
Tesla155.2.12 nick robson – high vibrations
Phase III
Tesla155.3.01 dJ airshot – explosions in the sky
Tesla155.3.02 vector commander – offbeat system
Tesla155.3.03 gabeen – ctrl
Tesla155.3.04 tony silver – naomi
Tesla155.3.05 xilinox aka the bee – pandorum
Tesla155.3.06 psychosonic – fooling around
Tesla155.3.07 nico grubert – thriller
Tesla155.3.08 psycoded – US-Pat Nr. 685.957
Tesla155.3.09 tuomas rantanen – shadow generator
Tesla155.3.10 andreas florin – the result
Tesla155.3.11 dj fm – iron lung
Tesla155.3.12 joern hollmann~~~~~
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Artwork (1200px)
phase I | phase II | phase III
[by psycoded]
”There is something within me that might be illusion as it is often case with young delighted people, but if I would be fortunate to achieve some of my ideals, it would be on the behalf of the whole of humanity.
If those hopes would become fulfilled, the most exiting thought would be that it is a deed of a Serb.” (Nikola Tesla)
For some he is a genius. For some he is the greatest Inventor of modern history. For some he is still unknown – although we use his technology nearly every day. Nikola Teslas life and visions are exciting stories – some of the visions sound unbelievable, but worth a listen. His concepts of Electromagnetic Fields and Free Energy are more than just fiction and could solve many modern Problems…
zimmer-records (germany), diggarama (croatia), bleepsequence (usa) and klangboot radio (germany) honour this great man, and releases a special collection following his path:
video 1 ->
video 2 ->
Happy Birthday Nikola – your ideals are not forgotten……. | | |
[ 11.07.2011, 01:06: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
happy birthday tesla,
paar feine sachen mit dabei, saugen lohnt sich...
Geschrieben von: Inkubator (Usernummer # 3755) an
phu, high voltage monster. beim querhören stellte ich alsbald fest, dass mir persönlich die phase I am besten tut. bin aber noch lange nicht fertig...
cooler release!
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
in der tat ein dickes ding. würdiges geschenk für einen grossen mann... sind auch ganze 12 TF'ler mit dabei. rekord
Geschrieben von: psychosonic (Usernummer # 417) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Inkubator:
high voltage monster.
die bezeichnung passt... aber eher auf phase III, die mir am besten gefällt. endlich mal all das arschtretzeugs versammelt auf einer compi, wonach man im netaudiobereich sonst mühsam suchen muss.
hey, szene, die phase 3 kann starten, die gammelei sollte ein ende haben.
Geschrieben von: psychosonic (Usernummer # 417) an
hat jemand ein paar euro für die hardware um auch so schön abzuknarzen?
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
ich sammel schon materialien für meinen eigenen turm ^^
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
wir waren im fernsehen damit:
Geschrieben von: Bewegungstherapie (Usernummer # 20355) an
herausragend für mich auf dieser ehm etwas grösseren V/A ist das Teil als ganzes..feine Zusammenstellung..der Herr..
Geschrieben von: SpeedyJ (Usernummer # 984) an
yeah dickes paket! (musste erst mal platz auf meiner festplatte schaffen, bevor ich es downloaden konnte *g*). find alle drei phasen gleichermaßen gut. freut mich dabei sein zu dürfen!
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
schade das ich kein mazedonisch verstehe.... aber die sprache is irgendwie angenehm :)
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: psyCodEd:
wir waren im fernsehen damit:
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
joah. ist auch in die heavy-rotation im hiesigen musikfernsehen gerutscht.
Geschrieben von: Inkubator (Usernummer # 3755) an
ach? infos? link?
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
link hab ich keinen. die videos laufen aber halt hier öfters mal in diversen sendungen im makedonischen musikfernsehen. kann beim nächsten mal ja die cam drauf halten - wobei: die clips kennen wir ja.
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
du musst halt den fernseher mit auf das foto packen, dann machts athmosphärisch noch sinn, am besten verschiedene fernseher ;>
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
hmm. ok. hab die glotze halt nur so selten an hier. immer durch zufall entdeckt, oder wenn mich jemand darauf hingewiesen hat mal einen bestimmten sender einzuschalten.. aber ma gucken. vll erwisch ichs ja mal
Geschrieben von: Inkubator (Usernummer # 3755) an
ach so. hiesig = da. auch gut
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
jo. bin ja noch bis september hier aufm balkan. war vll nicht zu erkennen aus dem post. sry
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
juchu. seit heute bishen mehr bandbreite. habs direkt mal genutzt um nachschub zu liefern:
Zimmer076 – roberto ayensa – continue to follow (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 50MB, techno
076.01 – Roberto Ayensa – Dible
076.02 – Roberto Ayensa – EDF
076.03 – Roberto Ayensa – Gaba Hey
076.04 – Roberto Ayensa – R Dex
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
I can say that if one ‘follows a light’, then this means that it is dark otherwise one could not see any light. Every thing else probably will not have *light* only that what is reflected when there *is light*. So if one really follows the *light* then there can’t be any ‘distraction’ unless one is not capable to distinguish what is *light* and what only reflects light. If there is a difficulty showing up, then the first thing would be, to question the appearance, to investigate and finding out about the true nature of what you are following and then you can decide and then it will show, if you are really interested to ‘follow the light’ or this is just an entertainment and ‘distraction’ among others…
have come to the ability to relate and respond to what ever shows up in my daily life, by being aware and very critical about the many games that are going on in this society and in people who follow all kind of goals. These goals are often or mostly mixed up and are followed parallel with each other, although one would think that they exclude each other, like being on a materialistic level and wanting possessions and worldly properties and on an other level following religious belief systems that deny these materialistic goals. Or one likes to be excited and follows entertainment and then mixing these with spiritual colored entertainment. Or one is pretending to help people in need and at the same time making money with it. So knowing all this and being critical, I can distinguish and make a clear decision in favor of the *light*. //BeiYin – via hubpages
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
hier schonmal ein kleiner teaser für den letzten teil unserer "hermetic principles" reihe:
[sinus force - träumerhythmen 2011]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
weiter gehts:
Zimmer077 – lolo – evolution (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 53MB, techno, acid, breaks
077.01 – Lolo – Evolution
077.02 – Lolo – Flurry Fluck
077.03 – Lolo – Bass Drop
077.04 – Lolo – Nerve Cell
077.05 – Lolo – Para Que Tu Lo Balles
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
Whereas the Ancient Mayans defined consciousness in almost evolutionary terms, the Inca civilization considered it a progression of awareness and concern for others, similar to the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama.
The ancient Indian Vedas texts have lent a comparable view of unified consciousness, with a key difference in the purpose of human ascension from stage to stage. Instead of oneness with the universe, the Vedic vision of consciousness emphasizes the importance of attaining knowledge and pure intelligence.
Fluctuations in consciousness theories are not particular to Eastern cultures. A surprising degree of overlap can be found within the field of health and social sciences with regard to dulled, standard, and heightened intensities of awareness, both naturally and as a result of injury or disorder. //wiki
Geschrieben von: Sternchen (Usernummer # 2102) an
fette ep mal wieder
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
nochmal ein teaser für unsere finale compilation. mit dabei auch 2 tracks die schonmal auf aerotone kamen. hier einer davon im 2011er remaster. gefilmt hab ich.
[planet boelex - peflet]
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
nerve cell is cool...
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
“The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open.” – The Kybalion
Zimmer079 – v/a – #7 the principle of gender
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 185MB, versatile electronics
079.01 – Turnus– Heartglue *
079.02 – Planet Boelex – Peflet 2011 *
079.03 – Sinus Force – Traeumerhythmen 2011 **
079.04 – Hecrom – Black Eye Galaxy
079.05 – Ema Geerez – Sumerian
079.06 – Johannes Heil – Within Three Bodies
079.07 – Pop and Wave – Nasty Dreams
079.08 – Cristian Paduraru – If you want
079.09 – Finegrind & Benson – Underground Vibes
079.10 – TechnoQuest – Guru
079.11 – Ulf Kramer – 150611220738
079.12 – Andreas Florin – Hermetic Principles
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[by nadrealizam]
* = edited version. originally released on “soundtrack for your wedding”. 2005 on former netlabel
** = part of the forthcoming album “sinus therapy”. coming 2012 on
“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”–The Kybalion
This Principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in everything–the Masculine and Feminine Principles ever at work. This is true not only of the Physical Plane, but of the Mental and even the Spiritual Planes. On the Physical Plane, the Principle manifests as SEX, on the higher planes it takes higher forms, but the Principle is ever the same. No creation, physical, mental or spiritual, is possible without this Principle. An understanding of its laws will throw light on many a subject that has perplexed the minds of men. The Principle of Gender works ever in the direction of generation, regeneration, and creation. Everything, and every person, contains the two Elements or Principles, or this great Principle, within it, him or her. Every Male thing has the Female Element also; every Female contains also the Male Principle. If you would understand the philosophy of Mental and Spiritual Creation, Generation, and Re-generation, you must understand and study this Hermetic Principle. It contains the solution of many mysteries of Life. We caution you that this Principle has no reference to the many base, pernicious and degrading lustful theories, teachings and practices, which are taught under fanciful titles, and which are a prostitution of the great natural principle of Gender. Such base revivals of the ancient infamous forms of Phallicism tend to ruin mind, body and soul, and the Hermetic Philosophy has ever sounded the warning note against these degraded teachings which tend toward lust, licentiousness, and perversion of Nature’s principles.If you seek such teachings, you must go elsewhere for them–Hermeticism contains nothing for you along these lines. To the pure, all things are pure; to the base, all things are base. //dr joshua david stone
listen to the other parts of truth:
#1: the principle of mentalism
#2: the principle of correspondence
#3: the principle of vibration
#4: the principle of polarity
#5: the principle of rhythm
#6: the principle of cause and effect
for the art - from the heart
Geschrieben von: psychosonic (Usernummer # 417) an
krass... der heil.
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
jo. voll gut.. .eine wahre legende aus detroit ist ebenfalls dabei. getarnt als pop & wave... insgesamt die ruhigste compi von allen.. aber vll auch die schönste..
Geschrieben von: Omara (Usernummer # 11269) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: psyCodEd:
...insgesamt die ruhigste compi von allen.. aber vll auch die schönste..
unterschreib ich so.
if you want ist geil... den vermix ich auf jeden fall
Geschrieben von: psychosonic (Usernummer # 417) an
böses thema
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
[zimmer079] hecrom - black eye galaxy
Geschrieben von: Der C (Usernummer # 717) an
i Like you..i like sex!
Geschrieben von: Der C (Usernummer # 717) an
Scheisse.den hatt ich ja schon seit knapp nem jahr net mehr...örx. egal. fuck CDU *GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG++G*
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
what are this? ^^
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer080 – raszia – abductions (spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 66MB, techno
080.01 – Raszia – Abducted 1
080.02 – Raszia – Abducted 2
080.03 – Raszia – Abducted 3
080.04 – Raszia – Abducted 4
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
Eventually the abductors will return the abductees to terra firma, usually to exactly the same location and circumstances they were in prior to being taken. Usually, explicit memories of the abduction experience will not be present, and the abductee will realize they have experienced “missing time” upon checking a timepiece.
Sometimes the alleged abductors appear to make mistakes when returning their captives. Famed UFO researcher Budd Hopkins has joked about “the cosmic application of Murphy’s Law” in response to this observation. Hopkins has estimated that these “errors” accompany 4–5 percent of abduction reports. One type of common apparent mistake made by the abductors is failing to return the experiencer to the same spot that they were taken from initially. This can be as simple as a different room in the same house, or abductees can even find themselves outside and all the doors of the house are locked from the inside. //wikipedia
for the art - from the heart
[ 15.04.2012, 04:24: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer081 – unorace – yes right now (russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 55MB, techno, deep, progressive
081.01 – UnoRace – yes right now – part 1
081.02 – UnoRace – yes right now – part 2
081.03 – UnoRace – yes right now – part 3
081.04 – UnoRace – yes right now – part 4
081.05 – UnoRace – yes right now – part 5
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
Winston Smith: I know you’ll fail. Something in this world… some spirit you will never overcome…
O’Brien: What is it, this principle?
Winston Smith: I don’t know. The spirit of man.
O’Brien: And do you consider yourself a man?
Winston Smith: Yes.
O’Brien: If you’re a man, Winston, you’re the last man. Your kind is extinct. We are the inheritors. Do you realize that you are alone? You are outside history. You unexist. Get up.
[Winston gets up and O'Brien shows him his reflection in a mirror. Winston is disheveled and beaten]
O’Brien: That is the last man. If you are human, that is humanity.
//george orwell – 1984
for the art - from the heart
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer082 – pasquale maassen – fallen kingdom (germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 55MB, techno, tribal
082.01 – Pasquale Maassen – Huffle Shuffle
082.02 – Pasquale Maassen – Lady Sampler
082.03 – Pasquale Maassen – Crash Nero
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
In biology, kingdom (Latin: regnum, pl. regna) is a taxonomic rank, which is either the highest rank or in the more recent three-domain system, the rank below domain. Kingdoms are divided into smaller groups called phyla (in zoology) or divisions in botany. The complete sequence of ranks is life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.
Currently, textbooks from the United States use a system of six kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea and Bacteria) while British, Australian and Latin American textbooks may describe five kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista and Prokaryota, or Monera).
Historically, the number of kingdoms in widely accepted classifications has grown from two to six. However, phylogenetic research from about 2000 onwards does not support any of the traditional systems.//wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer083 – Raszia – Shock (Spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 66MB, techno, deep
083.01 – Raszia – Shock
083.02 – Raszia – Reflection
083.03 – Raszia – Strike
083.04 – Raszia – Pulsations
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
Electric shock occurs upon contact of a (human) body with any source of electricity that causes a sufficient current through the skin, muscles, or hair. Typically, the expression is used to denote an unwanted exposure to electricity, hence the effects are considered undesirable.
Other issues affecting lethality are frequency, which is an issue in causing cardiac arrest or muscular spasms. Very high frequency electric current causes tissue burning, but does not penetrate the body far enough to cause cardiac arrest (see electrosurgery) Also important is the pathway: if the current passes through the chest or head, there is an increased chance of death. From a main circuit or power distribution panel the damage is more likely to be internal, leading to cardiac arrest. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer084 – Hecrom – Apofis (Spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 58MB, experimental, deep, dark
084.01 – Hecrom – Rea
084.02 – Hecrom – Andromeda
084.03 – Hecrom – Apofis
084.04 – Hecrom – Deimos
084.05 – Hecrom – Sedna
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
In Egyptian mythology, Apep (also spelled Apepi, and Aapep, or Apophis in Greek) was an evil god, the deification of darkness and chaos (ı͗zft in Egyptian), and thus opponent of light and Ma’at (order/truth), whose existence was believed from the 8th Dynasty (mentioned at Moalla) onwards. His name is reconstructed by Egyptologists as *ʻAʼpāpī, as it was written ꜥꜣpp(y) and survived in later Coptic as Aphōph.
Tales of Apep’s battles against Ra were elaborated during the New Kingdom. Since nearly everyone can see that the sun is not attacked by a giant snake during the day, every day, storytellers said that Apep must lie just below the horizon. This appropriately made him a part of the underworld. In some stories Apep waited for Ra in a western mountain called Bakhu, where the sun set, and in others Apep lurked just before dawn, in the Tenth region of the Night. The wide range of Apep’s possible location gained him the title World Encircler. It was thought that his terrifying roar would cause the underworld to rumble. Myths sometimes say that Apep was trapped there, because he had been the previous chief god and suffered a coup d’etat by Ra, or because he was evil and had been imprisoned.
In his battles, Apep was thought to use a magical gaze to hypnotize Ra and his entourage, attempting to devour them whilst choking the river on which they travelled through the underworld with his coils. Sometimes Apep had assistance from other demons, named Sek and Mot. Ra was assisted by a number of defenders who travelled with him, the most powerful being Set, who sat at the helm.
In a bid to explain certain natural phenomena it was said that occasionally Apep got the upper hand. The damage to order caused thunderstorms and earthquakes. Indeed: it was even thought that sometimes Apep actually managed to swallow Ra during the day, causing a solar eclipse, but since Ra’s defenders quickly cut him free of Apep, the eclipse always ended within a few minutes. On the occasions when Apep was said to have been killed, he was able to return each night (since he lived in the world of the dead already). In Atenism it is Aten who kills the monster since Aten is the only god in the belief system.
However, in other myths, it was the cat goddess Bast, daughter of Ra, who slew Apep in her cat form one night, hunting him down with her all seeing eye. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer085 – Pasquale Maassen – Trix and Stuff (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 70MB, techno, tool, tribal
085.01 – Pasquale Maassen – Shapetrigger
085.02 – Pasquale Maassen – Shapewaver
085.03 – Pasquale Maassen – Wapeshaver
085.04 – Pasquale Maassen – Waveshaper
085.05 – Pasquale Maassen – Nut Weaver
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Artwork (667px)
[by nadrealizam]
The Stuxnet virus was planted at the Natanz nuclear facility by “an Israeli proxy” using a corrupt memory stick, former and serving US intelligence officials told the Industrial Safety and Security Source website. The unnamed sources said a saboteur used a memory stick to infect the machines at Natanz nuclear facility.
In October 2010, Iran’s Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi said an unspecified number of nuclear spies were arrested in connection with the virus.
The Americans said the insider was a member of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). Former head of the CIA Counterterrorism Vince Cannistraro said Israel is using the MKO as the assassination arm of its spy agency, Mossad, for targeted killings of Iranian scientists. He said the MKO is in charge of executing “the motor attacks on Iranian targets chosen by Israel. They go to Israel for training, and Israel pays them.” Stuxnet, first indentified by the Iranian officials in June 2010, is a malware designed to infect computers using Siemens supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) — a control system favored by industries that manage water supplies, oil rigs, and power plants.
In July 2010, media reports claimed that Stuxnet had targeted industrial computers around the globe, with Iran being the main target of the attack. They said the country’s Bushehr nuclear power plant was at the center of the cyber attack. //presstv
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer086 – UnoRace – The Album (Russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 152MB, electronic, versatile, tool
086.01 – UnoRace – Stars
086.02 – UnoRace – Hailstone
086.03 – UnoRace vs. Xalm Retribution – In the Dark
086.04 – UnoRace – Side View
086.05 – UnoRace – Fury
086.06 – UnoRace – Empty Road
086.07 – UnoRace feat. Xalm Retribution – The Mist
086.08 – UnoRace – Robotronic – Xalm Retribution Remix
086.09 – UnoRace – My little Party
086.10 – UnoRace – State of Public Opinion
086.11 – UnoRace feat. Xalm Retribution – The War
086.12 – UnoRace – Creak
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Artwork (667px)
[by nikola janeski]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer087 – Raszia – Tannhaeuser Gate (Spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 97MB, techno, minimal, dark
087.01 – Raszia – Ghost Soul
087.02 – Raszia – Tannhaeuser Gate
087.03 – Raszia – Ehoes
087.04 – Raszia – Defective
087.05 – Raszia – Waves from the Future
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Artwork (667px)
[by nikola janeski]
Tyrell: We began to recognize in them a strange obsession. After all, they are emotionally inexperienced, with only a few years in which to store up the experiences which you and I take for granted. If we gift them with a past, we create a cushion or a pillow for their emotions, and consequently, we can control them better.
Deckard: Memories! You’re talking about memories!
“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain… Time to die.” [blade runner]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer088 – FM – DeSelected (Croatia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 22MB, elektro
088.01 – FM – Start
088.02 – FM – Middle
088.03 – FM – End
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[by nikola janeski]
In the context of evolution, certain traits or alleles of genes segregating within a population may be subject to selection. Under selection, individuals with advantageous or “adaptive” traits tend to be more successful than their peers reproductively—meaning they contribute more offspring to the succeeding generation than others do. When these traits have a genetic basis, selection can increase the prevalence of those traits, because offspring will inherit those traits from their parents. When selection is intense and persistent, adaptive traits become universal to the population or species, which may then be said to have evolved. Scientists who do experimental genetics employ artificial selection experiments that permit the survival of organisms with user-defined phenotypes. Artificial selection is widely used in the field of microbial genetics, especially molecular cloning. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer089 – Someonelikeme – Selected (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 36MB, elektro, deep
089.01 – Someonelikeme – Lucapons
089.02 – Someonelikeme – DMCA
089.03 – Someonelikeme – Disher
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Artwork (667px)
[by nikola janeski]
Whether or not selection takes place depends on the conditions in which the individuals of a species find themselves. Adults, juveniles, embryos, and even eggs and sperm may undergo selection. Factors fostering selection include limits on resources (nourishment, habitat space, mates) and the existence of threats (predators, disease, adverse weather). Biologists often refer to such factors as selective pressures. //wikipedia
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
lucapons is glaub ich das was man unter komischer musik versteht....
dmca geht auch in die richtung, gefällt mir allerdings besser... die melodie is irgendwann richtig eingängig. top...
disher is auch recht cool... vorallem die bleeps die später hinzukommen.
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
zum jubiläum gibts ein neues artwork-konzept. seite bekommt dann demnächst auch mal wieder ein facelift.. alle 2-3 jahre sollte das drin sein
ZIMMER090 – Tuomas Rantanen – Quadrant EP (Finland)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 63MB, techno
090.1 – Tuomas Rantanen – Quadrant
090.2 – Tuomas Rantanen – Sculptures
090.3 – Tuomas Rantanen – Crater Valley
090.4 – Tuomas Rantanen – Arcade
download ->
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
A galactic quadrant, or quadrant of the galaxy, refers to one of four circular sectors in the division of the Milky Way galaxy. In actual astronomical practice, the delineation of the galactic quadrants is based upon the galactic coordinate system, which places the Sun as the pole of the mapping system. The Sun is used instead of the galactic center for practical reasons since all astronomical observations (by humans) to date have been based on Earth or within the solar system. [wikipedia]
[ 13.06.2014, 18:27: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
hab zu dem letzten release mal ein kleines video gebaut gehabt. will ich euch nicht vorenthalten:
Tuomas Rantanen - Arcade
hier dann auch direkt nachschub:
Zimmer091 – Lokodepo – Die Mikrofabrik EP (Russia)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 65MB, techno
091.1 – Lokodepo – Die Mikrofabrik
091.2 – Lokodepo – Algorithmus
091.3 – Lokodepo – Die staedtischen Tropfen
091.4 – Lokodepo – Ortung
091.5 – Lokodepo – Der Kopfschmerz
091.6 – Lokodepo – Die Gummipuppe
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
“When shall we three our forces unite?”
“At the seventh hour, at the bridge tonight.”
“At the center pier, let’s meet.”
“I’ll make the flames retreat.”
“Me, too, my dear.”
“From the north, I shall hail.”
“And I, from the south.”
“And I, from the sea shall sail.”
“Aye, we’ll be dancing in a ring,
And make the bridge fall down as we sing.”
“By the pricking of my thumbs,
At the seventh hour the train this way comes –
Shall it be dashed into the Tay?”
“Aye, ‘tis so – and now away!”
“Aye, must be – without delay!”
“Sand, sand, All that is built by the hand of man!.” [theodor fontane]
[ 13.06.2014, 18:27: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
zur 91 gibts auch noch 2 videos - hab ich aber glaub ich schon im videothread verlinkt gehabt.
hier nun fortsetzung von pasquale:
Zimmer092 – Pasquale Maassen – Terrorized EP (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 105MB, techno
092.1 – Pasquale Maassen – Synchronized
092.2 – Pasquale Maassen – Megamized
092.3 – Pasquale Maassen – Terrorized
092.4 – Pasquale Maassen – Thrilled
092.5 – Pasquale Maassen – Ready Run
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
The word “terrorism” is politically and emotionally charged, and this greatly compounds the difficulty of providing a precise definition. Studies have found over 100 definitions of “terrorism”. The concept of terrorism may itself be controversial as it is often used by state authorities (and individuals with access to state support) to delegitimize political or other opponents, and potentially legitimize the state’s own use of armed force against opponents (such use of force may itself be described as “terror” by opponents of the state).
Terrorism has been practiced by a broad array of political organizations for furthering their objectives. It has been practiced by both right-wing and left-wing political parties, nationalistic groups, religious groups, revolutionaries, and ruling governments. An abiding characteristic is the indiscriminate use of violence against noncombatants for the purpose of gaining publicity for a group, cause, or individual. The symbolism of terrorism can leverage human fear to help achieve these goals. [wikipedia]
for the art - from the heart
[ 13.06.2014, 18:26: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer093 – Ulf Kramer – Der weise Koenig Salomo (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 78MB, minimal techno
093.1 – Ulf Kramer – Station 3
093.2 – Ulf Kramer – Der letzte Zug
093.3 – Ulf Kramer – Sprueche 01
093.4 – Ulf Kramer – Sprueche 02
093.5 – Ulf Kramer – schwarzer Eiter
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchant? Behold his bed, which is Solomon's; threescore valiant men are about it, of the valiant of Israel. They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night. King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon. He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem. Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart.//Song of Solomon
for the art - from the heart
[ 13.06.2014, 18:26: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
sehr cooles release, der herr kramer in stereo...
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer094 – Hecrom – Sirius EP (Spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 51MB, experimental
094.1 – Hecrom – M-33
094.2 – Hecrom – Ceres
094.3 – Hecrom – Sirius
094.4 – Hecrom – Coma Berenices
094.5 – Hecrom – Vega
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: NASA/courtesy of]
Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. With a visual apparent magnitude of −1.46, it is almost twice as bright as Canopus, the next brightest star. The name “Sirius” is derived from the Ancient Greek: Σείριος Seirios (“glowing” or “scorcher”). The star has the Bayer designation Alpha Canis Majoris (α CMa). What the naked eye perceives as a single star is actually a binary star system, consisting of a white main sequence star of spectral type A1V, termed Sirius A, and a faint white dwarf companion of spectral type DA2, called Sirius B. The distance separating Sirius A from its companion varies between 8.1 and 31.5 AU.
Sirius appears bright because of both its intrinsic luminosity and its proximity to Earth. At a distance of 2.6 parsecs (8.6 ly), as determined by the Hipparcos astrometry satellite, the Sirius system is one of Earth’s near neighbors; for Northern-hemisphere observers between 30 degrees and 73 degrees of latitude (including almost all of Europe and North America), it is the closest star (after the Sun) that can be seen with a naked eye. Sirius is gradually moving closer to the Solar System, so it will slightly increase in brightness over the next 60,000 years. After that time its distance will begin to recede, but it will continue to be the brightest star in the Earth’s sky for the next 210,000 years.
Sirius A is about twice as massive as the Sun and has an absolute visual magnitude of 1.42. It is 25 times more luminous than the Sun but has a significantly lower luminosity than other bright stars such as Canopus or Rigel. The system is between 200 and 300 million years old. It was originally composed of two bright bluish stars. The more massive of these, Sirius B, consumed its resources and became a red giant before shedding its outer layers and collapsing into its current state as a white dwarf around 120 million years ago.
Sirius is also known colloquially as the “Dog Star”, reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Greater Dog). The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the “dog days” of summer for the ancient Greeks, while to the Polynesians it marked winter and was an important star for navigation around the Pacific Ocean. [wikipedia]
[ 13.06.2014, 18:25: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer095 – Structural Form – New Roads EP (Spain)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 52MB, techno, breaks
095.1 – Structural Form – Colaps
095.2 – Structural Form – Hell
095.3 – Structural Form – Not Book
095.4 – Structural Form – Pack
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
When all is lost
New roads open
perception shifts
and the veil surlely lifts
to a view anew
for what is life but a stream and a rift
an open ocean on a skiff
the nutrient spiral
how we spill
out the days of our lives
hungry bees in clumsy hives
i can feel it from my bronchial branches to my roots
the tipping point between man and nature
we became less than human
when we treated sisters and brothers less
like people
and more like commodity
pieces of the economy
the fall impaled us on treason’s steeple
our detachment from everything real
is similar to a moral lobotomy
how does it feel
to live in the age of unreason
no more rhymes to the season
the great homeostasis debate
where we love to decreate
and regress under the facade of progress
and recreate sanity’s gait
Will we come together as communities
and stand up before its too late?
when all is lost
new roads open
but not always taken
my dreams are slightly shaken
by these visions of tomorrow
burning incisions of sorrow
of what apathy and consumption have done to us
the concrete jungle and the rat race’s fuss
transnational chain stores
nothing but plastic conversations
dirty economy exchanges
this new language of commerce
another of history’s crazy crazy pages
when all is lost
new roads open
perception shifts
awaiting the resistance
the sun again slowly sets
What, oh what, will become of tomorrow?
[fathom of adam]
[ 13.06.2014, 18:25: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer096 – Agros – In the Dark (Earth)
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, 77MB, techno, experimental
096.1 – Agros – Nachtwanderung mit Krahe
096.2 – Agros – Ketamine Travel[/url]
096.3 – Agros – Friday night in Christiania
096.4 – Agros – Angels and Demons part 1
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Darkness, as polar to brightness, is understood to be an absence of visible light. It is also the appearance of black in a color space. Humans are unable to distinguish color when either light or darkness predominate. In the absence of light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. The emotional response to darkness has metaphorical connotations in many cultures.
In terms of physics, an object is said to be dark when it absorbs photons, causing it to appear dim compared to other objects. For example, a matte black paint does not reflect much visible light and appears dark, whereas white paint reflects much light and appears bright. For more information see color.
Light cannot be absorbed without limit. According to the principle of the conservation of Energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be converted from one type to another. Consequently, most objects that absorb visible light reemit it as heat. So, although an object may appear dark, it is likely bright at a frequency that humans cannot perceive. For more information see thermodynamics.
A dark area has limited light sources, making things hard to see. Exposure to alternating light and darkness (night and day) has caused several evolutionary adaptations to darkness. When a vertebrate, like a human, enters a dark area, its iris dilates, allowing more light to enter the eye and improving night vision. Also, the light detecting cells in the human eye (rods and cones) will regenerate more unbleached rhodopsin when adapting to darkness.
One scientific measure of darkness is the Bortle Dark-Sky Scale, which indicates the night sky’s and stars’ brightness at a particular location, and the observability of celestial objects at that location.
Artists use darkness to emphasize and contrast with light. Darkness can be used as a counterpoint to areas of lightness to create leading lines and voids. Such shapes draw the eye around areas of the painting. Shadows add depth and perspective to a painting. See chiaroscuro for a discussion of the uses of such contrasts in visual media.
As a poetic term in the Western world, darkness is used to connote the presence of shadows, evil, and foreboding.
The first day of the biblical creation narrative begins with darkness, into which is introduced the creation of light, and the separation of this light from the darkness (as distinct from the creation of the sun and moon on the fourth day of creation). Thus, although both light and darkness are included in the comprehensive works of God- darkness was considered “the second to last plague” (Exodus 10:21), and the location of “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 8:12)
The Qur’an has been interpreted to say that those who transgress the bounds of what is right are doomed to “burning despair and ice-cold darkness.” (Nab 78.25)
In Chinese philosophy Yin is the complementary feminine part of the Taijitu and is represented by a dark lobe.
The use of darkness as a rhetorical device has a long standing tradition. Shakespeare, working in the 16th and 17th centuries, made a character called the “prince of darkness” (King Lear: III, iv) and gave darkness jaws with which to devour love. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream: I, i) Chaucer, a 14th century Middle English writer, wrote that knights must cast away the “workes of darkness.” Dante described hell as “solid darkness stain’d.” //wikipedia
for the art - from the heart
[ 13.06.2014, 18:25: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
zur abwechslung mal wieder was experimentelles:
Zimmer097 – Uros Tosic – Principles of Cosmicism (Serbia)
mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, ambient, experimental
097.1 – Uros Tosic – Interstellar Alignment
097.2 – Uros Tosic – Space Planes
097.3 – Uros Tosic – Exaquare
097.4 – Uros Tosic – The Planet of Draco
097.5 – Uros Tosic – The Journey
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there is also a lossless FLAC-format available for DJs and Audionerds from now on
download ZIP (mp3)
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
The philosophy of cosmicism states that there is no recognizable divine presence, such as God, in the universe, and that humans are particularly insignificant in the larger scheme of intergalactic existence, and perhaps are just a small species projecting their own mental idolatries onto the vast cosmos, ever susceptible to being wiped from existence at any moment. This also suggested that the majority of undiscerning humanity are creatures with the same significance as insects in a much greater struggle between greater forces which, due to humanity’s small, visionless and unimportant nature, it does not recognize.
[ 13.06.2014, 18:24: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
space planes und the journey treffen meinen geschmack, die anderen sind mir etwas zu flächig....
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer098 – Jerzz – The Grand Escape (Netherlands)
mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, experimental
098.1 – Jerzz – Doh Bahar
098.2 – Jerzz – Nachtwerkz
098.3 – Jerzz – Zahlig
098.4 – Jerzz – The Grand Escape
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we will also provide a lossless FLAC-format for DJs and Audionerds from now on…
download ZIP (MP3)
download ZIP (FLAC)
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
“Without the grand escape from their experience, people are subjected to it – acted upon, or tossed about. Their brain overheats. Decisions they make while inside their experience are not to be trusted. Do they make them to escape discomfort? Are the decisions irrational or erratic, determined by impulse, not cool deliberation? People in their experience are out of their minds. Rather than having the experience, the experience has them! They are the feather. Something else is the wind.” (The Un-Game)
[ 13.06.2014, 18:21: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer099 – Pasquale Maassen – Try Two (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, techno, breaks
099.1 – Pasquale Maassen – Evil Knievel
099.2 – Pasquale Maassen – First Second
099.3 – Pasquale Maassen – Kamikaze
099.4 – Pasquale Maassen – Temporaer01
099.5 – Pasquale Maassen – From the Inside
099.6 – Pasquale Maassen – Helltoys
099.7 – Pasquale Maassen – Fegefeuer
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we will also provide a lossless FLAC-format for DJs and Audionerds from now on…
download ZIP (MP3)
download ZIP (FLAC)
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
[ 13.06.2014, 18:21: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer100 – Various Artists – One Hundred
mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, versatile electronics
100.01 – SXtheMadArtist – EmoLand
100.02 – Afion – Waternet
100.03 – Aris_h – Burning Leather
100.04 – HTMLoser – Θ
100.05 – G0dlike – The Art of Sound (SPCZ Remix)
100.06 – Dj Wank – Crizzy Jazz
100.07 – Ihy – Pranayama
100.08 – Epal – Ale Ty Hey
100.09 – Finegrind & Benson – Room 402 (Bilderberg Edit)
100.10 – Da_Face – The Girl from Bavaria
100.11 – Blurix – Step Dancer
100.12 – Krzho – Guilty as Charged
100.13 – Hermético – Patch 3
100.14 – rp – Raver (Midrange Dub)
100.15 – Revy – No Pressure
100.16 – Ulf Kramer – Foundsound
100.17 – Andreas Florin – AX3910
100.18 – Plural – Wrong Shoe
100.19 – Pasquale Maassen – Contra
100.20 – Structural Form – Sfitit
100.21 – psychosonic – Mahuna
100.22 – Christian Mohr – Urban Rail
100.23 – Christian E. – Error
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Artwork (909px)
[design: psycoded]
Celebrating 8 Years of Free Music with our 100th Release.
Thanks to more than 150 Artists for contributing their wonderful Music.
Thanks to all Fans and Listeners for the huge Interest over all those years.
Thanks for more than 700.000 Downloads from all over the Globe.
Thanks to all the DJs and Supporters who dropped this shit on the Dancefloors, the Radio and even on TV.
Thanks to Everyone who likes, links, helps and recommends us. Much more to come in the next 8 years …
Zimmer loves You ♥
[ 13.06.2014, 18:22: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: wizard of wor (Usernummer # 5122) an
sind ein paar gute tracks dabei. lad ich mir runter...
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
ich bitte darum
gibt auch noch 3 videos. eins davon hatte ich vor wochen schon in dem musikvideo-thread gepostet. nun kamen noch 2 weitere von den entsprechenden artists dazu. poste ich hier auch nochmal alle:
afion - waternet:
dj wank - crizzy jazz:
g0dlike - the art of sound (SPCZ remix)
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer101 – Abiz Sonko – Auer Chens
mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, electronic
101.1 – Abiz Sonko – Deir Fist
101.2 – Abiz Sonko – Buana Bi Bak (No Chords)
101.3 – Abiz Sonko – Auer Chens
101.4 – Abiz Sonko – Buana Bi Bak (Chords)
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download ZIP (MP3 | 70MB)
download ZIP (FLAC | 215MB)
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Ei nid help, Streinjah, for oldou ei hef tu Grendsonts, ei em lonli end anhepi bikos dei du not lof or ker for mi. Dei tel mi det ei em from en olda worlt. In mei janga deis tinks wor difrent. Olt men wor hepi. Wen dei deit, dei wor burit wit honor. Bat in mei kejs, Streinjah, mei olt ejtsh hes bin anhepi. End mei onli fir is det wen ei dei, mei Grendsonts wil not akort mi de honor du tu mei ejtsh. It wil be a disgrejs. Ferwel, Streinjah. if ju kol egen end ei em eleif, ei wil welkom ju bak. [Shejms Hensho - Auer Chens]
[ 13.06.2014, 18:22: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer102 – Sergio Gusto – Del Dios
mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, electronic
102.1 – Sergio Gusto – Black Swant
102.2 – Sergio Gusto – Black Dance
102.3 – Sergio Gusto – Spring Day
102.4 – Sergio Gusto – Andromeda
102.5 – Sergio Gusto – Mindcrime
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download ZIP (MP3 | 78MB)
download ZIP (FLAC | 258MB)
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
NASA announced today that its Curiosity Rover has found an unambiguous message from God written on tablets in a Martian cave. According to an official press release two giant stone slabs the size of small elephants were located deep inside a cavern abutting Aeolis Mons, a large mountain. Upon one tablet is a copy of the Ten Commandments and the text of John 3:16 written in 12 languages – including English, Spanish, Chinese, Basque and Hebrew. On the other tablet is a simple message in English reading “I am real.” [dailycurrant]
[ 13.06.2014, 18:22: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer103 – Angelo Krizashi – The Remixes (Chile)
mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, techno
103.1 – Angelo Krizashi – Corrupto – Remix
103.2 – Angelo Krizashi – Machines Resistance – Remix
103.3 – Angelo Krizashi – Consecución – Remix
103.4 – Angelo Krizashi – Subliminal – Remix
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download ZIP (FLAC | 227MB)
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
A remix in art often takes multiple perspectives upon the same theme. An artist takes an original work of art and adds their own take on the piece creating something completely different while still leaving traces of the original work. It is essentially a reworked abstraction of the original work while still holding remnants of the original piece while still letting the true meanings of the original piece shine through. Famous examples include the Marilyn prints of Andy Warhol (modifies colors and styles of one image), and The Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso, (merges various angles of perspective into one view). Some of Picasso’s other famous paintings also incorporate parts of his life, such as his love affairs, into his paintings. For example, his painting Les Trois Danseuses, or The Three Dancers, is about a love triangle.
Other types of remixes in art are parodies. A parody in contemporary usage, is a work created to mock, comment on, or make fun at an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironic imitation. They can be found all throughout art and culture from literature to animation. Current television shows are filled with parodies such as South Park, Family Guy, and the Simpsons.
The internet has allowed for art to be remixed quite easily, as evidenced by sites like (provides pictorial template upon which any words may be written by various anonymous users), and Dan Walsh’s (removes the main character from various original strips by Garfield creator Jim Davis). [wikipedia]
[ 13.06.2014, 18:23: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer106 – Pasquale Maassen – Hu (Germany)
mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, techno
106.01 – Pasquale Maassen – Hu
106.02 – Pasquale Maassen – Hu (Bassdub)
106.03 – Pasquale Maassen – Hu (Dub)
106.04 – Pasquale Maassen – Hu (Track Dub)
106.05 – Pasquale Maassen – Hu (Lex Gorecore Remix)
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download ZIP (MP3 | 80MB)
download ZIP (FLAC | 300MB)
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
“merry crisis and a happy new fear”
[ 13.06.2014, 18:23: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer107 – Kinko Acid – Electro Impulse (Argentina)
mp3, 320kbps, FLAC, stereo, acid, techno
107.01 – Kinko Acid – Weed is back
107.02 – Kinko Acid – Remember
107.03 – Kinko Acid – Broken Things
107.04 – Kinko Acid – Acid Lab
107.05 – Kinko Acid – Worm
107.06 – Kinko Acid – Room of Mirrors
107.07 – Kinko Acid – The last of its kind
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download ZIP (MP3 | 133MB)
download ZIP (FLAC | 695MB)
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
In classical mechanics, impulse (symbolized by J or Imp) is the change in linear momentum of a body. It may be defined or calculated as the product of the average force multiplied by the time over which the force is exerted. Impulse is a vector quantity since it is the result of integrating force, a vector quantity, over time. The SI unit of impulse is the newton second (N·s) or, in base units, the kilogram meter per second (kg·m/s).
A resultant force causes acceleration and a change in the velocity of the body for as long as it acts. A resultant force applied over a longer time therefore produces a bigger change in linear momentum than the same force applied briefly: the change in momentum is equal to the product of the average force and duration. Conversely, a small force applied for a long time produces the same change in momentum—the same impulse—as a larger force applied briefly. [wikipedia]
[ 13.06.2014, 18:24: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer110 – Andreas Florin – Anxious (Germany)
FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno
110.01 – Andreas Florin – Green Leaves
110.02 – Andreas Florin – Live is Live
110.03 – Andreas Florin – Anxious – Steve Pain Remix
110.04 – Andreas Florin – Room 2012
110.05 – Andreas Florin – Anxious
110.06 – Andreas Florin – We are the Future
110.07 – Andreas Florin – Salon Jessy
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download ZIP (MP3 | 106MB)
download ZIP (FLAC | 315MB)
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Anxiety is distinguished from fear, which is an appropriate cognitive and emotional response to a perceived threat and is related to the specific behaviors of fight-or-flight responses, defensive behavior or escape. Anxiety occurs in situations only perceived as uncontrollable or unavoidable, but not realistically so. David Barlow defines anxiety as “a future-oriented mood state in which one is ready or prepared to attempt to cope with upcoming negative events,” and that it is a distinction between future and present dangers which divides anxiety and fear. Another description of anxiety is agony, dread, terror, or even apprehension. In positive psychology, anxiety is described as the mental state that results from a difficult challenge for which the subject has insufficient coping skills.
Fear and anxiety can be differentiated in four domains: (1) duration of emotional experience, (2) temporal focus, (3) specificity of the threat, and (4) motivated direction. Fear is defined as short lived, present focused, geared towards a specific threat, and facilitating escape from threat; while anxiety is defined as long acting, future focused, broadly focused towards a diffuse threat, and promoting excessive caution while approaching a potential threat and interferes with constructive coping.
Symptoms of anxiety can range in number, intensity, and frequency, depending on the person. While almost everyone has experienced anxiety at some point in their lives, most do not develop long-term problems with anxiety.
The behavioral effects of anxiety may include withdrawal from situations which have provoked anxiety in the past. Anxiety can also be experienced in ways which include changes in sleeping patterns, nervous habits, and increased motor tension like foot tapping.
The emotional effects of anxiety may include “feelings of apprehension or dread, trouble concentrating, feeling tense or jumpy, anticipating the worst, irritability, restlessness, watching (and waiting) for signs (and occurrences) of danger, and, feeling like your mind’s gone blank” as well as “nightmares/bad dreams, obsessions about sensations, deja vu, a trapped in your mind feeling, and feeling like everything is scary.”
The cognitive effects of anxiety may include thoughts about suspected dangers, such as fear of dying. “You may … fear that the chest pains are a deadly heart attack or that the shooting pains in your head are the result of a tumor or aneurysm. You feel an intense fear when you think of dying, or you may think of it more often than normal, or can’t get it out of your mind. [wikipedia]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer111 – psycoded – pepper pot (Macedonia)
FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno, tool
111.1 – psycoded – pepper pot
111.2 – psycoded – pepper pot – Structural Form Remix
111.3 – psycoded – pepper pot – Andreas Florin Remix
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download ZIP (FLAC | 161MB)
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Pepperpot is an Amerindian-derived dish popular in Guyana. It is traditionally served at Christmas and other special events. Along with curried chicken, and cook up rice, pepperpot is one of Guyana’s national dish.
Pepperpot is a stewed meat dish, strongly flavoured with cinnamon, cassareep (a special sauce made from the cassava root) and other basic ingredients, including Caribbean hot peppers. Beef, pork, and mutton are the most popular meats used, though some have been known to use chicken. Pepperpot is popularly served with a dense Guyanese-style homemade or home-style bread, though like most food it can be eaten however one chooses, be it rice, or roti, though it is not the popular norm.
This dish is usually reserved for special occasions because it needs to cook for several hours, and mostly eaten on Christmas Day (like turkey in North America), or during the Christmas holiday season. Like the original Amerindian version it is usually made in a large pot and can be reheated and eaten over several days because the Cassareep starts preserving the meat.[citation needed] Versions of the dish are also served in several other countries in the Caribbean, including Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and St. Vincent. [wikipedia]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer112 – Shavina – Libertine (Germany)
FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno
112.01 – Shavina – Balustrade
112.02 – Shavina – Bliss
112.03 – Shavina – Libertine
112.04 – Shavina – Wanderlust
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[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
A libertine is one devoid of most moral restraints, which are seen as unnecessary or undesirable, especially one who ignores or even spurns accepted morals and forms of behaviour sanctified by the larger society. Libertines put value on physical pleasures, meaning those experienced through the senses. As a philosophy, libertinism gained new-found adherents in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, particularly in France and Great Britain. Notable among these were John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, and the Marquis de Sade.
The word “Libertine” was originally coined by John Calvin to negatively describe opponents of his policies in Geneva, Switzerland. This group, led by Ami Perrin, argued against Calvin’s “insistence that church discipline should be enforced uniformly against all members of Genevan society”. Perrin and his allies were elected to the town council in 1548, and “broadened their support base in Geneva by stirring up resentment among the older inhabitants against the increasing number of religious refugees who were fleeing France in even greater numbers”. By 1555, Calvinists were firmly in place on the Genevan town council, so the Libertines, led by Perrin, responded with an “attempted coup against the government and called for the massacre of the French. This was the last great political challenge Calvin had to face in Geneva”. Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand wrote that Joseph Bonaparte “sought only life’s pleasures and easy access to libertinism” while on the throne of Naples.//wikipedia
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer113 – Pasquale Maassen – Stupide mit Ziel (Germany)
FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno, tool
113.01 – Pasquale Maassen – Who cares
113.02 – Pasquale Maassen – Brain not found
113.03 – Pasquale Maassen – No Intelligence required
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[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Originally Released on 12″ as Jerkbox002 back in 2003.
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer114 – Ulf Kramer – Schmandhusten (Germany)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno
114.01 – Ulf Kramer – Soundschreck
114.02 – Ulf Kramer – Petshoptoys
114.03 – Ulf Kramer – Methhoden
114.04 – Ulf Kramer – Kreischsaege
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There are 32-Bit WAVE files available as well. Go get them at…
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer115 – Abiz Sonko – Markarian 421 (Spain)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno
115.01 – Abiz Sonko – Dip Insaid
115.02 – Abiz Sonko – Dip Insaid (Beatless Tool)
115.03 – Abiz Sonko – Red San
115.04 – Abiz Sonko – Blac Lait
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There are WAVE-files available as well. Go get them at…
Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: digitized sky survey]
Markarian 421 (Mrk 421, Mkn 421) is a blazar located in the constellation Ursa Major. The object is an active galaxy and a BL Lacertae object, and is a strong source of gamma rays. It is about 397 million light-years (redshift: z=0.0308 eq. 122Mpc) to 434 million light-years (133Mpc) from the Earth. It is one of the closest blazars to Earth, making it one of the brightest quasars in the night sky. It is suspected to have a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at its center due to its active nature, and has a companion galaxy (Markarian 421-5) that is fueling the gas jets observed pointing away from the galaxy.
It was first determined to be a very high energy gamma ray emitter in 1992 by M. Punch at the Whipple Observatory, and an extremely rapid outburst in very high energy gamma rays (15-minute rise-time) was measured in 1996 by J. Gaidos at Whipple Observatory
Markarian 421 also had an outburst in 2001 and is monitored by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope project.
Due to its brightness (around 13.3 magnitude, max. 11.6mag. and min. 16mag.) the object can also be viewed by amateurs in smaller telescopes. [wikipedia]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer116 – Noisesculptor – Bacteria (Hungary)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, ambient, noise
116.01 – Noisesculptor – Nostromo 7
116.02 – Noisesculptor – Bacteria
116.03 – Noisesculptor – In Vein
116.04 – Noisesculptor – Song of Asteroid
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[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
There are typically 40 million bacterial cells in a gram of soil and a million bacterial cells in a millilitre of fresh water. There are approximately 5×1030 bacteria on Earth, forming a biomass which exceeds that of all plants and animals. Bacteria are vital in recycling nutrients, with many of the stages in nutrient cycles dependent on these organisms, such as the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere and putrefaction. In the biological communities surrounding hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, bacteria provide the nutrients needed to sustain life by converting dissolved compounds such as hydrogen sulphide and methane to energy. On 17 March 2013, researchers reported data that suggested bacterial life forms thrive in the Mariana Trench, which with a depth of up to 11 kilometres is the deepest part of the Earth’s oceans. Other researchers reported related studies that microbes thrive inside rocks up to 580 metres below the sea floor under 2.6 kilometres of ocean off the coast of the northwestern United States. According to one of the researchers,”You can find microbes everywhere — they’re extremely adaptable to conditions, and survive wherever they are.” [wikipedia]
[seit neuesten auch als wave. ist einigen ja lieber als FLAC]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer118 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Bozal (Ukraine/Russia)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, deep, dubtechno
118.01 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Ianma Calling
118.02 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Technogenic Dub
118.03 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Kol yaska
118.04 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Issyk Cool
118.05 – King Imagine & illocanblo – Silver Glass Buildings
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[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
[is your connection too slow for high quality files? visit and get lossy derivates]
Bozal is a possible extinct Spanish-based creole language that may have been a mixture of Spanish and Congolese, with Portuguese influences. Attestation is insufficient to indicate whether Bozal Spanish was ever a single, coherent or stable language, or if the term merely referred to any idiolect of Spanish that included African elements.
Bozal Spanish was spoken by African slaves in Puerto Rico and Cuba and other areas of South and Central America from the 1600s up until its possible extinction at around 1850. Although Bozal Spanish is extinct as a language, its influence still exists. For instance, many Kongo words are found in the lexicon of the Puerto Rican dialect of Spanish. [wikipedia]
for the art - from the heart
[ 27.07.2015, 01:32: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer119 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Dawn Cloudy (Spain)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, deep, minimal, techno
119.01 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Wet Floor
119.02 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Without Clarity
119.03 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Dawn Cloudy
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
“A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.”
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
die ersten 10 jahre sind rum:
Zimmer121 – Various Artists – 10 Years later
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, deep, noise, minimal, techno
121.01 – Narcotic 303 – Wait
121.02 – Droneghost – Black Pill
121.03 – Abiz Sonko – Keios Befor Glouri
121.04 – Andreas Florin – Deleted Scenes
121.05 – Oscar Lopez Beat – Camel Toe
121.06 – MattK – Option
121.07 – Reloadams – Fake
121.08 – Paralytic – Hirnlappenblockade
121.09 – Dr.Cyanide – State of illness
121.10 – Bran Lanen – Positive Slope
121.11 – Pasquale Maassen – Stumpfspitzen
121.12 – Steve Pain – ABC
121.13 – Christian Mohr – No Fantasy
121.14 – ROBotron – Neptunus
121.15 – HZR – Surreal (Anniversary Version)
121.16 – Structural Form – Bad Education
121.17 – Untethered – Hectagonal Residue
121.18 – Zirkeltanz – Missing Rainbow
121.19 – rp – Dirty low Fuck
121.20 – Michéle Jackiewicz – Black Roses
121.21 – Oliver Martini – See you on the Dancefloor
121.22 – SXtheMadArtist – Volcanos and Rivers
121.23 – Jerzz – Zimmer Terror Attack
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Artwork (1500px)
[design: psycoded]
Check out the Videos as well. They are nice.
[is your connection too slow for high quality files? visit and get lossy derivates]
I think its time for a big THANK YOU!!
i wanted to make a longer posting, but no one reads it anyways, so i will keep it short:
Thanks to everyone who supported my little Label over the last 10 years. Thanks to you, It grew to one of the most respected techno-netlabels out there. Thanks to the 170 Artists from all over the Globe who were involved. Thanks for now more than 1.000.000 Downloads without any Advertisements or Campaigns. Thanks for all the friends and comrades i found through this project. Music connects. Thanks for all the unforgettable moments. And thanks for all the money we generated through our Sublabel “Limited Edition”. Every Cent went directly to a local Humanitarian Organization. We probably saved lives out there. But we will always keep it low Profile. It’s all about sharing. Thanks. You know who you are. Thanks for all the support in the “dark times” recently. Zimmer will never die… Lets bring on the next 10 years… –Aleks
Zimmer loves YOU. Yes, you!!!
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
zur feier des tages hab ich mal was zusammengestellt. die besten ambient/chill-tracks der letzten 10 jahre:
Zimmer122 – Various Artists – Selections – Green
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, deep, ambient, dub, acoustic, soundscapes
122.01 – Uros Tosic – The Journey [ZIMMER097]
122.02 – Hierophant – Moonlight over Jerusalem [ZIMMER040]
122.03 – Po-len – Tropiko [ZIMMER014]
122.04 – Anri – Transparent [ZIMMER048]
122.05 – psycoded – Chemtrails – Cancer Mix by CRUtCH [ZIMMER012]
122.06 – Chungo – Ein Rosa Traum [ZIMMER018]
122.07 – CRUtCH – 73mg der Gefühle [ZIMMER016]
122.08 – psychosonic – Endstation Himmel (Instrumental) [ZIMMER026]
122.09 – Someonelikeme – Flashmob [ZIMMER045]
122.10 – Turnus – Heartglue [ZIMMER079]
122.11 – G0dlike – The Art of Sound – SPCZ Remix [ZIMMER100]
122.12 – Afion – Not Penelope [ZIMMER050]
122.13 – Someonelikeme – Theanythingscore [ZIMMER066]
122.14 – Sternenspringer – Treibstoffmasse [ZIMMER070]
122.15 – Planet Boelex – Peflet [ZIMMER079]
122.16 – Sinus Force – Träumerhythmen [ZIMMER079]
122.17 – Da_Face – Sonntag Morgen [ZIMMER033]
122.18 – John Ming – Floating [ZIMMER066]
122.19 – Bound of Reflection – Sunbeam Busters [ZIMMER070]
122.20 – Phonout – Jutro [ZIMMER023]
122.21 – Egohygiene – Neutronenschablett [ZIMMER011]
122.22 – Aris_H – Burning Leather [ZIMMER100]
122.23 – Aerror – Distant Connection [ZIMMER075]
122.24 – Pasquale Maassen – Ride Kat [ZIMMER109]
122.25 – Hecrom – Sirius [ZIMMER094]
122.26 – Uros Tosic – Low Frequency Pain [ZIMMER017]
122.27 – Zmitser von Holzman – Tut-Tut [ZIMMER049]
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Artwork (909px)
[design: psycoded]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
...und eine auswahl für die open-air:
Zimmer123 – Various Artists – Selections – Blue
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, deep, house, deephouse, minimal, progressive
123.01 – Jon Doe – Deepnesses [ZIMMER045]
123.02 – Egohygiene – Klipper [ZIMMER011]
123.03 – Igor O. Vlasov – Danshii [ZIMMER007]
123.04 – Omara– Dark Minimal [ZIMMER057]
123.05 – Nick Zero – Kosmische Nebel [ZIMMER019]
123.06 – Björn Bommersheim – Collecting Dust – Bastian Götz Remix [ZIMMER018]
123.07 – Markojux – Convalesce [ZIMMER040]
123.08 – Veztax – Anyone [ZIMMER031]
123.09 – Alec Troniq – Operation Nears [ZIMMER048]
123.10 – psycoded – Chemtrails [ZIMMER012]
123.11 – Kwartz – Still Dead [ZIMMER074]
123.12 – Elektronova – Doppelmord im Fahrradschlauch [ZIMMER042]
123.13 – DJ Wank – End [ZIMMER069]
123.14 – Ulf Kramer – Der letzte Zug [ZIMMER093]
123.15 – Kazooo – Quasar [ZIMMER022]
123.16 – Gabeen – 1988 [ZIMMER048]
123.17 – Shroomtune – The Tweak [ZIMMER048]
123.18 – Cristian Paduraru – If you want [ZIMMER066]
123.19 – TechnoQuest – Guru [ZIMMER079]
123.20 – Raszia – Ghost Soul [ZIMMER087]
123.21 – Kenni Sosa – Toxic [ZIMMER065]
123.22 – Msei – Bluetenstaub [ZIMMER025]
123.23 – Sergio Gusto – Black Dance [ZIMMER102]
123.24 – Drugstore – Aborigena – Remix3 [ZIMMER109]
123.25 – The Bee and Gabeen – Herr König [ZIMMER057]
123.26 – Abiz Sonko – Buana Bi Bak (No Chords) [ZIMMER101]
123.27 – DJ Airshot – Explosions in the Sky [ZIMMER075]
123.28 – Msei – Zupfer [ZIMMER025]
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Artwork (909px)
[design: psycoded]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
...und natürlich noch eine zum ausflippen:
Zimmer124 – Various Artists – Selections – Red
mp3, 320kbps, stereo, techno
124.01 – Sead Redzic – Svek [ZIMMER029]
124.02 – Celtic Rhythm – Imprint [ZIMMER004]
124.03 – Pasquale Maassen – Synchronized [ZIMMER092]
124.04 – Structural Form – Colaps [ZIMMER095]
124.05 – Bran Lanen – Exception Three [ZIMMER058]
124.06 – Roberto Ayensa – Dible [ZIMMER076]
124.07 – Revy – Nat5ive [ZIMMER048]
124.08 – Doryk – Fear Factor [ZIMMER054]
124.09 – Lolo – Flurry Fluck [ZIMMER077]
124.10 – Plan-E – Stromschlag [ZIMMER056]
124.11 – Doctor’s Orders – Kardiak [ZIMMER045]
124.12 – Unorace – Fury [ZIMMER086]
124.13 – Raszia – Abducted 4 [ZIMMER080]
124.14 – Patrick Reith – Frau Fischer [ZIMMER015]
124.15 – Amer Mutic & SeadRedzic – B2 [ZIMMER034]
124.16 – Drugstore – Eden – Gabeen Remix [ZIMMER059]
124.17 – Pasquale Maassen – Tragfläche [ZIMMER032]
124.18 – The Bee – Destructive Machines [ZIMMER053]
124.19 – Christian Mohr – Polterabend – Pasquale Maassen 3in1 Remix [ZIMMER055]
124.20 – Structural Form – Sfitit [ZIMMER100]
124.21 – Unorace – Strong as a Horse [ZIMMER063]
124.22 – Christian Mohr – Polterabend – Mary Huna Remix [ZIMMER052]
124.23 – Tuomas Rantanen – Arcade [ZIMMER090]
124.24 – Plan-E – Quod erat Demonstrandum [ZIMMER041]
124.25 – Vadim Lankov – Very fineXP – Vintamin Mix [GAST001]
124.26 – DJ FM – Iron Lung [ZIMMER075]
124.27 – Energun – Made In [ZIMMER057]
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Artwork (909px)
[design: psycoded]
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer125 – Dr. SpaceKir – The depths of Universe (Russia)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, ambient
125.1 – Dr. SpaceKir – Apophis 2036
125.2 – Dr. SpaceKir – Betelgeuse
125.3 – Dr. SpaceKir – New world
125.4 – Dr. SpaceKir – New world II
125.5 – Dr. SpaceKir – Extension
125.6 – Dr. SpaceKir – All
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: dr. spacekir]
Throughout recorded history, cosmologies and cosmogonies, including scientific models, have been proposed to explain observations of the Universe. The earliest quantitative geocentric models were developed by ancient Greek philosophers and Indian philosophers. Over the centuries, more precise astronomical observations led to Nicolaus Copernicus’s heliocentric model of the Solar System and Johannes Kepler’s improvement on that model with elliptical orbits, which was eventually explained by Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity. Further observational improvements led to the realization that the Solar System is located in a galaxy composed of billions of stars, the Milky Way. It was subsequently discovered that our galaxy is just one of many. On the largest scales, it is assumed that the distribution of galaxies is uniform and the same in all directions, meaning that the Universe has neither an edge nor a center. Observations of the distribution of these galaxies and their spectral lines have led to many of the theories of modern physical cosmology. The discovery in the early 20th century that galaxies are systematically redshifted suggested that the Universe is expanding, and the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation suggested that the Universe had a beginning. Finally, observations in the late 1990s indicated the rate of the expansion of the Universe is increasing indicating that the majority of energy is most likely in an unknown form called dark energy. The majority of mass in the universe also appears to exist in an unknown form, called dark matter.
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer126 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Visual Textures (Spain)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, minimal, techno
126.1 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Two Dimensional
126.2 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Tactile Illusion
126.3 – Bebhionn Laboratory – Physical Texture
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: psycoded]
Visual texture is the illusion of having physical texture. Every material and every support surface has its own visual texture and needs to be taken into consideration before creating a composition. As such, materials such as canvas and watercolour paper are considerably rougher than, for example, photo-quality computer paper and may not be best suited to creating a flat, smooth texture. Photography, drawings and paintings use visual texture both to portray their subject matter realistically and with interpretation. Texture in these media are generally created by the repetition of shape and line.
Physical texture, also known as actual texture or tactile texture, are the actual variations upon a surface. This can include, but is not limited to, fur, wood grain, sand, smooth surface of canvas or metal, glass, and leather. It differentiates itself from visual texture by having a physical quality that can be felt by touch. Specific use of a texture can affect the smoothness that an artwork conveys. For instance, use of rough surfaces can be visually active, whilst smooth surfaces can be visually restful. The use of both can give a sense of personality to a design, or utilized to create emphasis, rhythm, contrast, etc.
Light is an important factor for physical artwork, because it can affect how a surface is viewed. Strong lights on a smooth surface can obscure the readability of a drawing or photograph, whilst they can create strong contrasts in a highly textural surface such as river rocks and sand. [wiki]
[ 18.12.2015, 04:04: Beitrag editiert von: psyCodEd ]
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
da ist ja einiges zusammengekommen.
meine favoriten von den 4 compilations zum 10-jährigen mit ihren über 100 tracks:
je weniger toolig, umso mehr raum ergab sich für individualismus - so lag die #122 für mich vorne.
besondere erwähnung:
Aris H - Burning Leather, der ursprünglich auf der #100-compilation erschien und mit trompete in die richtung meines letzten albums geht. gibt's noch mehr von dem herrn?
der mp3-paket-link zur "haupt"-jubiläumscompilation (zimmer121) mit den neuen tracks funktioniert übrigens nicht, auch nicht auf der zimmer-homepage.
und im ersten track der #122er stimmen interpret im dateiname und im tagging nicht überein (Uros Tosic / Uriel).. (ohne alle titel diesbzgl. gecheckt zu haben).
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Hyp Nom:
der mp3-paket-link zur "haupt"-jubiläumscompilation (zimmer121) mit den neuen tracks funktioniert übrigens nicht, auch nicht auf der zimmer-homepage.
und im ersten track der #122er stimmen interpret im dateiname und im tagging nicht überein (Uros Tosic / Uriel).. (ohne alle titel diesbzgl. gecheckt zu haben).
danke fürs reinhören - und für den hinweis. link ist geändert. und uros tosic und uriel sind ein und der selbe. k.a. warum das durcheinandergekommen ist.
achja. und von aris_h gibts hier noch bishen was:
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer129 – Redshifter – Two Red Stars (UK)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, techno, minimal
129.1 – Redshifter – Mira Alpha
129.2 – Redshifter – Draconis Beta
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: NASA]
Beta Draconis (β Draconis, β Dra) is the third brightest star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Draco. It has the traditional name Rastaban, which has also been used for Gamma Draconis. With an apparent visual magnitude of 2.79, it is bright enough to be easily seen with the naked eye. Based upon parallax measurements from the Hipparcos astrometry satellite, it lies at a distance of about 380 light-years (120 parsecs) from Earth.
Compared to the Sun, this is an enormous star with six times the mass and roughly 40 times the radius. At this size, Beta Draconis is emitting about 950 times the luminosity of the Sun from its outer envelope at an effective temperature of 5,160 K,[2] giving it the yellow hue of a G-type star. The spectrum matches a stellar classification of G2 Ib–IIa, with the luminosity class notation Ib–IIa indicating it lies part way between the bright giant and giant stages of its stellar evolution. It is about 67 million years old.
This is a binary star system, with a binary star designation of ADS 10611, in which the supergiant is orbited by a dwarf companion once every four millennia or so.
The traditional name, from the Arabic phrase ra’s ath-thu’ban (“head of the serpent”) is less commonly written Rastaben. It is also known as Asuia and Alwaid, the latter meaning “who is to be destroyed,” though some trace it to Arabic al’awwad (“the lute player”). It is part of the asterism of the Mother Camels (Arabic al’awa’id), along with γ Dra (Eltanin), μ Dra (Erakis) ν Dra (Kuma) and ξ Dra (Grumium), which was later known as the Quinque Dromedarii.
In Chinese, 天棓 (Tiān Bàng), meaning Celestial Flail, refers to an asterism consisting of β Draconis, ξ Draconis, ν Draconis, γ Draconis and ι Herculis. Consequently, β Draconis itself is known as 天棓三 (Tiān Bàng sān, English: the Third Star of Celestial Flail.) -wikipedia
Geschrieben von: Knuspermix (Usernummer # 21569) an
Von der über mir hier gefällt mir der erste Track gut. Artwork und Begleittext trifft meinen Nerv. Und jetzt update mal hier mit dem neuen Release, damit ich dazu auch noch meinen Senf abgeben kann.
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
Zimmer136 – Pasquale Maassen – Eternity is never long enough (Germany)
progressive, minimal, techno, speed garage:
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, stereo, techno, tool
136.1 – Pasquale Maassen – Eternity is never long enough
136.2 – Pasquale Maassen – Schrotten Geotten
136.3 – Pasquale Maassen – Shorty
136.4 – Pasquale Maassen – Stumpfspitzen
136.5 – Pasquale Maassen – Spitzstumpfen
next upcoming: rmx ep with remixes from Norman Quarill Németh, James Hanser, Christian Mohr, Denis Karimani
download and preview:
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
oha. scheinbar hab ich hier schon was länger nicht mehr neue releases angekündigt. mittlerweile sind wir schon bei der 148. diesmal von TF-member björn small:
Zimmer148 – Broker Jinn Lee – On a Junket (Germany)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, electronic, downtempo
148.01 – Broker Jinn Lee – Alone at Night
148.02 – Broker Jinn Lee – Somewhere else
148.03 – Broker Jinn Lee – Grey Palolem Beach
148.04 – Broker Jinn Lee – Morph
148.05 – Broker Jinn Lee – Indian Soul
148.06 – Broker Jinn Lee – Human Error
148.07 – Broker Jinn Lee – Whale Love Song
148.08 – Broker Jinn Lee – Just for You
148.09 – Broker Jinn Lee – Interlude
148.10 – Broker Jinn Lee – Little eternity
148.11 – Broker Jinn Lee – Lulled
148.12 – Broker Jinn Lee – Sound 10
148.13 – R.E.M. – It happened today – Broker Jinn Lee Remix
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Artwork (909px)
[design: jcbdrzr | photo: Aleksandar von Zimmer]
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: psyCodEd:
diesmal von TF-member björn small
da ist einiges dabei, was man von ihm aus dem mytracks von früher kannte. ich glaube, er hatte damals schon ein label dafür gesucht.
nette erinnerungen.. auch wenn's mittlerweile technisch etwas dated nach '90er und early '00 klingt, obwohl die tracks aus der zeit danach stammen.
Geschrieben von: Omara (Usernummer # 11269) an
eventuell sollte man mal die artistverlinkungen aktualisieren.. jede menge tote links da?
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Omara:
eventuell sollte man mal die artistverlinkungen aktualisieren.. jede menge tote links da?
mach ich jetzt. danke für den hinweis
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer156 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus
WAV, AIFF, mp3, 320kbps, techno, experimental
156.1 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus
156.2 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus – Paul Birken Remix
156.3 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus – Sane Remix
156.4 – Ulf Kramer – Dynamischer Tinnitus – Aleksandar von Zimmer Remix
Geschrieben von: Kramertorium (Usernummer # 21831) an
alle drei remixe mega fett geworden..jeder Track hat seinen eigenen reiz...spielen!!
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
im original können die höhen effektiver nach vorne zerren, wenn der bass etwas zurückgenommen wird - kann man ja am EQ regeln.
die remixe sind gewaltige boliden - ob gebreakt (Paul Birken), getrümmert (Sane) oder stakkato (Aleks)
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
freut mich dass er dir gefällt. ich selbst war ziemlich unzufrieden damit. und hätte ulf nicht darauf bestanden dass er veröffentlicht wird, wäre mein remix wohl in der tonne gelandet. merci
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
neues von TF-user merror:
Zimmer158 – MERROR – The Arrival (Germany)
WAV, AIF, mp3, 320kbps, tool, techno
158.1 – MERROR – Transformator
158.2 – MERROR – Dark Arrival
158.3 – MERROR – Timeline
158.4 – MERROR – Hollow Machine
Geschrieben von: dabase (Usernummer # 21890) an
158 - läuft
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer159 – Andreas Florin – Black Forest (Germany)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, downbeat, minimal, techno
159.01 – Andreas Florin – Morning Dew
159.02 – Andreas Florin – Panoramic Trail
159.03 – Andreas Florin – Hiking
159.04 – Andreas Florin – Ants
159.05 – Andreas Florin – Bark Beetles
159.06 – Andreas Florin – Powersaw
159.07 – Andreas Florin – Black Forest
159.08 – Andreas Florin – Hill Moor
159.09 – Andreas Florin – Dezember
159.10 – Andreas Florin – Biotope
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer160 – Bebhionn – Convergencia (Spain)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, techno, minimal
160.01 – Bebhionn – 77 Planet
160.02 – Bebhionn – Light So Far
160.03 – Bebhionn – Rotacion
160.04 – Bebhionn – Convergencia
160.05 – Bebhionn – Synchronous Lunar Orbit
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer161 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – The Noiyzze Kung Fu ov Poetry (Germany)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, ambient, jazz, electronic, breaks
161.1 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – Dance of the Blue Lotus – Part 1
161.2 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – Blacked old Church
161.3 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – loving his Enermy
161.4 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – City of thousand Suns
161.5 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – Viruz of God
161.6 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – River of Liuyang
161.7 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – The Ballerynaz
161.8 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – a Plume of Blood
161.9 – Esbyon D. Helvetesyon – Dance of the Blue Lotus – Part 2
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer162 – Bebhionn – System III (Spain)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, techno, minimal
162.01 – Bebhionn – System III
162.02 – Bebhionn – Ionized
162.03 – Bebhionn – Infinito
162.04 – Bebhionn – VV Cephei A
162.05 – Bebhionn – Lost in Transit
Geschrieben von: PasqualeM (Usernummer # 1448) an
sehr schoener minimal.....
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
find die haben sich seit der ersten EP von vor 4 jahren echt gut entwickelt. schöner minimaler sphärischer sound. würde mich nicht wundern wenn die bald bei polegroup landen. ein schönes release auf subsist hatten sie ja neulich:
Geschrieben von: Hyp Nom (Usernummer # 1941) an
ja, Bebhionn ist alles sehr Jeff Mills' spacetechno-mäßig.
bin gespannt, wenn Esbyon D. Helvetesyon mehr zu arrangements/entwicklungen in den tracks findet, über auf der stelle stehende szenen hinaus. da geht noch was..
allgemein fehlt mir (auch bei Andreas Florin, hab jetzt #159-162 gehört) mal das mittel des tonartwechsels, was gerade bei minimal riesen wirkung haben kann, für stimmungsschattierungen.
Geschrieben von: wizard of wor (Usernummer # 5122) an
Cooler, minimaler Science Fiction Sound... zeitlos
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
ganz vergessen hier zu posten:
Zimmer163 – EE7A – Ebb And Flow (USA)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, ambient, electronic, jazz
163.01 – EE7A – Ebb And Flow
163.02 – EE7A – Ebb And Flow – Jazz Edit
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
Zimmer164 – River of Deceit – Space Terrace 5am (Italy)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, electronic, dub, deep, ambient
164.01 – River of Deceit – Space Terrace 5am
164.02 – River of Deceit – Do you have cigarettes in heaven
164.03 – River of Deceit – La Sombra
164.04 – River of Deceit – Sheffield Wednesday
Geschrieben von: psyCodEd (Usernummer # 4608) an
und hier nun das alljährliche ulf kramer-weihnachts-release:
Zimmer165 – Ulf Kramer – Nachts weinen die Soldaten (Germany)
WAV, FLAC, mp3, 320kbps, electronic, techno
165.01 – Ulf Kramer – Fentanyl
165.02 – Ulf Kramer – ****** fuer Tracks
165.03 – Ulf Kramer – Nachts weinen die Soldaten
165.04 – Ulf Kramer – Schlafanzug vertont
165.05 – Ulf Kramer – Seele verkauft
165.06 – Ulf Kramer – Tuerproblematik
165.07 – Ulf Kramer – wenn der Vorhang faellt
Geschrieben von: Kramertorium (Usernummer # 21831) an
Aleks mein lieber...bist du denn sang und klanglos einfach aus der Szene ausgestiegen? Weiss da jemand was...bei mir häufen sich die Fragen wo du steckst..und niemand weiss es.. krämerliche Grüsse...meld dich gern privat egal auf welchen Kanal..
Geschrieben von: oskar (Usernummer # 7383) an
zuletzt vor 3-4 jahren kurz via telegram gesprochen. war kurz vor einer fotoausstellung. also leider nichts aktuelles. hoffe er taucht bald wieder... grüße!
Geschrieben von: SpeedyJ (Usernummer # 984) an
seit märz 2020 wie vom erdboden verschluckt... auch auf anderen kanälen nichts mehr von ihm gehört.
Geschrieben von: Kramertorium (Usernummer # 21831) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: SpeedyJ:
seit märz 2020 wie vom erdboden verschluckt... auch auf anderen kanälen nichts mehr von ihm gehört.
so ist es bei mir auch gelaufen...letzte Nachricht März 2020.
allerdings ist die homepage von Zimmer online..denke die muss ja auch jeden Monat bezahlt werden? also wird ihm schonmal nix zugestossen sein..
Geschrieben von: Omara (Usernummer # 11269) an
ich hatte auf twitter nochmal Kontakt mit ihm da ging's um seinen kaputten Verstärker. aber mittlerweile ist er da auch nich mehr aktiv...
Geschrieben von: Kramertorium (Usernummer # 21831) an
Ursprünglich geschrieben von: Omara:
ich hatte auf twitter nochmal Kontakt mit ihm da ging's um seinen kaputten Verstärker. aber mittlerweile ist er da auch nich mehr aktiv...
huhuuuu Omi...danke fuer die Info...wuerde ihm morgen mal ne email zukommen lassen.
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