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Geschrieben von: camion (Usernummer # 4574) an :
Welche Italo Platten sollte man Eurer Meinung nach besitzen bzw. welche würdet Ihr Empfehlen?
Charlie -- Spacer Woman
Tantra -- Hills of Kathmandu

[ 23-05-2002: Beitrag editiert von: camion ]

Geschrieben von: ndark (Usernummer # 3037) an :
Divine - The Story So Far
(vor kurzem im Second-Hand-Laden gefunden)
produced by Bobby Orlando, including all the hits.
Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ camion

heee, das heißt katmandu!!! viele erfolg beim suchen, ha, ha...

hab dir übrigens ein tape aufgenommen... tantra is da auch drauf und noch ein paar andere leckerbissen, is aber nich gemixt, weil ich bin doch kein dj... geht in den nächsten tagen + die versprochenen cds an dich raus, muß nur noch cover fertig machen...

Geschrieben von: PigFace (Usernummer # 4299) an :
@ndark: Divine ist kein Italo, sondern Hi NRG.

Hinsichtlich Italo check mal diese Top 100:


Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ ndark
da hat PigFace schon recht.
mir fällt es allerdings auch sehr schwer dieses ganze zeug auseinander zu halten und irgendwo einzuordnen. was is hi nrg, was eurobeat, was eurodance, was italo disco etc.

glotz ma ->

Geschrieben von: camion (Usernummer # 4574) an :
ui ein italo tape *freu* , auf die cds bin ich auch schon gespannt

nene du schreibt man Hills of Kathmandu" lt. Google

@pigface danke für die liste

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ camion
ne ne das schreibt man "hills of katmandu" lt. platte, die hier rumsteht ;-)
Geschrieben von: camion (Usernummer # 4574) an :
na jut überzeugt , ist genauso ding wie bei space(r) woman

[ 24-05-2002: Beitrag editiert von: camion ]

Geschrieben von: ndark (Usernummer # 3037) an :
huch, fettnäpfchen.

da bin ich wohl noch nicht alt genug, um da durchzublicken.

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ camion

nich charli(e) is das problem, sondern auf der zyx 12", sowie auf dem zyx sampler heißt das teil "space woman", auf der originalen aber "spacer woman"

@ ndark

"huch, fettnäpfchen.
da bin ich wohl noch nicht alt genug, um da durchzublicken." ha, ha... tröste dich, bring das wie gesagt auch alles durcheinander und das obwohl ich schon etwas älter bin...

Geschrieben von: Caltrop (Usernummer # 293) an :
wie waers mit
Lime - On the grid?

viewlexx haben schon zwei italo klassiker lizensiert.

'lectric workers - robot is systematic
casco - cybernetic love

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ Caltrop

Lime - On the grid? -> ja, sehr cool. die instrumental version von guilty is auch super!

'lectric workers - robot is systematic -> gab's auch remixe auf lasergun...

Geschrieben von: Thommysoft (Usernummer # 3986) an :
Unter klassischem EuroDance würde ich mehr oder weniger die meisten europäischen Danceproduktion ab ca. 1988 einordnen, wobei da natürlich auch wieder so Quasi-Italo-Geschichten wie F.P.I. Project, Capella etc. reinfallen. Aber halt auch deutsche und ausländische Produktionen wie Culture Beat, O.K., Snap und Konsorten. Selbst Sachen wie Edelweiss wurden unter dieser Dachmarke geführt. Halt meist vocallastige Produktionen, die für Techno zu soft waren.

Richtig trennen kann man das aber wirklich nicht.

[ 23-05-2002: Beitrag editiert von: Thommysoft ]

Geschrieben von: MrFonktrain (Usernummer # 1460) an :
Creatures - Believe in yourself
Kano - Another life
MBO&Klein - Dirty Talk
The Flirts - Passion
Roni Griffith - Desire
Advance - Take me to the top
Azoto - San Salvador
Geschrieben von: Vinylprinzessin (Usernummer # 2087) an :
Gabe Catanzaro - italo disco ( mg023 )

sehr schöne italo scheibe.... rockt jeden floor...

Geschrieben von: Caltrop (Usernummer # 293) an :
aha, queen of blood oder S.P. oder nicht
da wir schon bei lasergun sind
die stellar funk ep (auf lasergun) hat nen superschoenen spacy disco track der sogar magic fly um laengen schlaegt und sound maessig viel besser rueberkommt als gewisse tracks von dem herren patrick cowley. (hehe)

was gibst denn sonst noch fuer italo / disco geschichten aus den spaet-70ern anfang 80ern?

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ Thommysoft

yo. richtig trennen kan man es echt nich... is ja eigentlich auch egal... der sound is das was zählt...

@ Fonkybaby

Kano -> It's A War
Klein & M.B.O. -> More Dirty Talk (macht sich sehr gut in nem techno-set, weil viel härter als dirty talk)
The Flirts -> Passion 12" is ein killer, brillianter sound!!!
Roni Griffith -> Spys (hammer!!!)

@ Vinylprinzessin

Gabe Catanzaro - Italo Disco ( mg023 ) -> naja, geht so...

@ Caltrop

ha, ha... ne, ne, queen of blood is nich S.P.

hm, mit dem spacy disco track auf lasergun meinst du bestimmt "mermaids in space", oder? das teil is komplett geklaut von patrick cowley und heißt im original "sea hunt", zu finden auf der megatron man lp von patrick cowley...

Geschrieben von: MrFonktrain (Usernummer # 1460) an :
s.p. = tony montana...

der könnte btw. hier auch mal wieder reingucken. Queenie gib ihm mal nen *****tritt!!

Geschrieben von: camion (Usernummer # 4574) an :
Sale and trade list of ITALO DANCE '80
12" mix
update of the 22-05-2002

For further information on the condition of determined records, send me an e-mail (

Giannini Gianmarco from LUCCA, ITALY.
E-Mail :


PS = Picture Sleeve; NotPS = Not Picture Sleeve

Artist Title Label Made Year PS/NotPS Price € Offert price €
10 To Lunch Love & war / Love can get you everywhere lost in a dream Ariston / Arx 16035 Italia 1985 PS 4
50 & 50 Brothers Red man REM / 065 Italia 1987 PS 4
A Love sound … I need Contempo EP006 Italia PS 20
Adler Marla Hard of love Discotto ART1052 Italia 1985 NotPS 8 4
Afrika System Anikana-o X-ENERGY X-12015 Italia 1978 PS 5
Afroside Absolutely FullTime FTM31592 Italia NotPS 3
Afroside Lady come down TenDance 12003 Italia 1989 PS 20
Afroside / Dr. Felix & M.M.Band Absolutely / self control FullTimeFTM31592/Spice7SP31593 Italia NotPS 3
Ago Computer Power PDR005 Italia PS 20
Ago I want you Discomagic MIX303 Italia 1986 PS 9
Aki Tokio's Time TRD1020 Italia PS 40
Alba Jump and do it (promo copy) Merak music MKX520 Italia 1986 PS 15
Aleph Fly to me (Special Remix) TIME TRD1023 Italia 1986 PS 40
Aleph Fly to me Time Records TRD1015 Italia PS 27
Alexandra Si Viaggiare (Dance remix) CB 0189 Italia 1989 PS 12
Allen Steve Letter from my heart Casablanca / 818308-1 Italia 1984 PS 15
Allington Valerie Let's make it (sangy) Merak / MK 200 Italia PS 8
Alyne Over the sky FDT 015 Italia 1985 PS 25
Amanda Lear As time goes by / Bel ami FIVE FM 13708 Italia 1985 PS 12
Amanda Lear Assassino WEA 24 9375-0 Italia 1984 PS 12
Amii Stewart I gotta have you back RCA PC6790 Italia 1984 NotPS 7
Andrea macho man Baby records BR54078 Italia 1986 PS 6
Angie Care Your mind Merak MKX800 Italia PS 40
Animal Heat Monkey words medley Klady bug/love bug EP 06 Italia 1986 PS 10
Anneclaire All summer long Crash DS033 Italia 1985 PS 18
Answering Service Call me mr. Telephone ThirdLabel Third5001 Italia 1984 PS 10
Anteprima Romantic Rendez - Vous Ibiza Records /IBZ 428 PS 7
Anteprima Indifferent people Striped Horse 1212 Italia PS 10
Anteprima Romantic Rendez vous DEMO DISC Italia PS 4
Anthony's G Little girl Many records Italia 1987 PS 18 5
Anthony's Games Let's go On the Road OTR102 Italia PS 15
Anthony's Games Sunshine love RAM 00485 Italia 1985 PS 20
Armed Gang (the) Everybody celebrate Sun & San CSC007 Italia NotPS 30
Arrogance Jump the funk BootLegs BTL281154/c Italia PS 7
Artwork Party time OUT 3024 Italia 1985 PS 10
Ash Leasly I remember House of Music HM1010 Italia 1983 NotPS 20
Asso Do it again ACE RECORDS AC 1020 1983 PS 25
Atlas Kiss lips (remix '87) Lombardoni Publishing Italia 1987 PS 15
Atlas Kiss lips Thick Records TK024 Italia 1986 PS 12
Atrium Week-end TIME TRD1047 Italia PS 20
Atrium Doctor jekyll Power Records PDR004 Italia 1986 PS 40
Atrium (the) Funny dancer Time TRD1001 Italia PS 15
Auger Brian Night train to nowhere Green Records GR777341 Italia 1985 PS 15
Authokino Raszmatazz (remix) Digital Records DR8601 Italia NotPS 10
Authokino Cernobyl Digital Records DR86010 Italia PS 15
Avantgarde You never danced with me FDT 014 Italia PS 15
B B & Q Band Genie REINAISSANCE RNS 12017 1985 PS 10
B. B. Band All night long Zanza 0106 Italia 1982 NotPS 12
B.B. and Band Hold me tight Zanza ZR0126 Italia 1983 PS 10
B.B. Bonsai Prince of the night Holly HR26508 Italia 1985 NotPS 30
B.Blase Shame ManyRecords MN509 Italia PS 6
B.Blase Shake it now Many Records MN529 Italia PS 12
B.S.F. Lessons in love ForSale FL24108 Italia 1986 PS 12
Baby's Gang Happy song Discotto MEMIX011 Italia PS 25
Baby's Gang Challenger / Happy birthday ( to my mammy) Memory / 027 Italia 1984 PS 12 5
Bagarre Lemonsweet SAUVAGE MUSIQUE SM 82121 1982 NotPS 4
Bais R. Dial my number Many records MN554 Italia PS 16
Bais R. Mexico Dischi Ricordi SRLM2039 Italia 1984 PS 20
Bais R. Living in New York Emergent 102 Italia 1983 PS 15
Baltimora Tarzan boy Emi Italia 1984 PS 12
Baltimora Juke box boy / Pull the wires Emi / 14 1187566 Italia 1986 PS 8
Band of Jocks Let's all dance FullTime FTM31534 Italia 1983 PS 12
Band of Jocks Good times Jocks FMT31556 Italia 1984 PS 10
Barabani Paolo Frutta fresca Baby records BR54075 Italia 1987 PS 8
Baratta Valentino BEST SPQR 1127 Italia NotPS 15
Barbie Barabba Moonray Record MR711 Italia 1987 PS 25
Baricentro Tittle Tattle Superdance / SD 3802 Italia 1983 PS 10
Barry Alan Ring the bell Technology TECHNO12,05 Italia PS 40
Barry Alan Come on Time TRD1021 Italia NotPS 20
Barry Evelyn Living in the sun Mr. Disc MD31569 Italia 1985 PS 10 5
Barsotti Massimo DJ Whola lotta love FUZZ zz20225 Italia 1983 NotPS 20
Barton Diana Tango / Are you ready for this tango? Merak MKX810 Italia 1985 NotPS 9
Basic Face in the night Xanud records XAN10004 Italia 1984 NotPS 25
Bee Sandy Coke and Rum Time records TRD1009 Italia 1985 PS 30
Belen Thomas Y mi banda toca el rock / chico latino Smash One Music SHO12219 Italia NotPS 5
Belen Thomas Aire Smash One MusicZT42336 Italia 1988 PS 6
Belen Thomas Aire ( picture disck) Smash One Music Italia 1988 NotPS 25
Belle Belle Take me Discomagic MIX279 Italia PS 10
Bells Sara Right timing Crusing / 711 Italia 1984 PS 18
Ben Bruce Eye to eye RicordiSRML2048 Italia 1985 PS 15
Bennato Edoardo MIXED Ma-Ma Kaiwanna Demo-Disc DDEB79 Italia PS 4
Berné Jacqui It's been so long Flea FL8406 Italia PS 9
Berry Lia Terra promessa New Music NMX090 Italia 1989 PS 5
Betty Miranda Take me to the top Il DISCOTTO 1038 Italia PS 10
Betty Miranda Dance / let's all fall in love Many Records MN542 Italia PS 5 3
Biancaneve Prince Kiss CGD Italia 1986 PS 15
Big Ben Tribe Hot Love / Hea- Hea Zanza / ZR 0140 Italia PS 5 3
Bilbo Sex machine All Boys ABOYT1 UK PS 6
Black Angel (the) Change an angel AmericaDisco AMD003 Italia NotPS 22
Black Book You must change (mistery woman) American Records AMR006 Italia PS 80
Bobby J. Number one DiscoOggi DM9315 Italia 1984 PS 30
Bogar (the) Night drive Discomagic MIX180 Italia 1984 PS 25
Bon Ton Video killed the radio star ONE Records ONE001 Italia 1987 PS 10
Booby Trap On the North Pole FUZZ DANCE ZZ 20004 Italia PS 15
Boys On Film Stay tonight Havana P. ALT4401 Italia PS 25
Brando Rainy day Memory records MEMIX012 Italia 1983 PS 50
Brando What now my love / around and around FIVE FM MIX13801 Italia 1983 NotPS 80
Bravo Isle's house / Disco caribe Fonit Cetra Italia 1988 PS 4
Brian Ice Night girl Memory Records MEMIX056 Italia 1987 PS 30
Brian Ice Tokyo Memory MEMIX041 Italia 1986 PS 18
Brian Ice Talking to the night Memory MEMIX032 Italia 1985 NotPS 20
Brien Sherlly In the night time (step out and dance) Tanga Label 006 Italia PS 35
Brown Elly Don't hang up Full Time Rec. / FTM 31561 Italia 1985 NotPS 6
Bruco's Band Funky fly (trasparen vinyl) Flea FL8337 Italia PS 18
Bu Bu Sex Indifesa / oh dance Suono 9124 Italia 1983 PS 8
Bullen Hugh & Thora Timothy I can't stay without my love Mediarec / MDR 503 Italia PS 25
Cadence Back on love Concorde Zcco7383 Italia 1984 PS 5
Caesar Pretty Lover RARE RARE 01887 Italia 1987 PS 10
Camaro's Gang Bronx Superradio Records SR7014 Italia 1986 PS 20
Cannon Mike Voices in the dark Memory records MEMIX007 Italia NotPS 15
Cannon Mike Stay / chantezla chanson Memory R. MEMIX017 Italia 1984 PS 30
Canton Sleepwalking Ariston ARX16032 Italia 1984 PS 45
Canton Please don't stay Ariston ARX16034 Italia 1985 PS 10
Canton Stay with me Ariston ARX16039 Italia 1985 NotPS 12
Captain Hook Cannibal isle Accademy ACD8510 Italia 1986 PS 15
Cara Irene Flashdance Casablanca / 812 353-1 Italia 1983 PS 6 3
Carlos & Stefan Sweet Baia Meet Rec. / Meet 001 Italia PS 3
Carola "Hunger " Remix Full Time / FTM 31536 Italia 1984 PS 7
Carrara Shine on dance (including Ghibli) KeeponMusic DDD 54611 Italia 1984 PS 35
Carrara Baby dancer Keepon Musik KM838516 Italia 1987 PS 12
Carrara Welcome to the sunshine / My melody keepon music / KM 83852 Italia 1985 PS 15
Carrara Shine on Dance KeeponMusik KM83843 Italia 1984 PS 8
Carrara Follow me Keepon Musik KM83856 Italia PS 10
Carrara Alberto Disco king Eyes / KEY 002 Italia NotPS 4
Carrasco Tony People are people Discomagic /382 Italia NotPS 5
Casablanca Wonderful Train Crash / DS 011 Italia PS 40
Casanova Sunset That's all Disco Family ITF348 Italia 1984 PS 15
Castadiva Disco verdi F1Team Italia 1979 PS 20
Cattaneo Ivan & Dadavox Dancin' Number CGD / CGD 15185 Italia 1985 PS 3
Cavaliere Tirati su FonitCetra Italia 1991 PS 3
Cecil B Come with me to paradise Discomagic MIX173 Italia 1984 PS 40
Ceck Up Twins Sexy teacher / Siapping song Digital Records DR8604 Italia NotPS 70
Celeste Hey boy Five / FM 13814 Italia 1987 PS 6
Chantal Rock it Technology / 1209 Italia PS 7 4
Charitodiplomenos Costas Lost in the night EMI SPR286 Greece PS 15
Chiara Around SIRE MIx001 Italia NotPS 10
China Town Bette davis eyes Discotto DS005 Italia NotPS 15
Chinese Revenge Koto Cellophane / SCV 2202 Italia 1982 NotPS 18
Chonee Richard Change your lady(remix) / I know everything Trouble vision / TV 0240 DEMO UK PS 3
Chonee Richard Let us through. Change your lady ( forget Louise) / Giving in too soon. I knosw everything CPS TS 0239 PROMO UK 1986 PS 3
Chris Luis The heart of the city X-Energy X-12006 Italia 1984 PS 10
Christine Free 'n easy F1Team DM9323 Italia 1985 PS 9
Cinnamon Hey, everybody Megarecords MRP4001 Italia NotPS 3
Cioni Riccardo Arizona (remix) OUT 3039 Italia 1985 PS 20
Cioni Riccardo Darkness Inside / Go Break / Fog Dee Jay Master / DM 9320 Italia 1984 PS 6
Cioni Riccardo Ole' -Oh / Garage Master / DM 9314 Italia 1984 PS 7
Cioni Riccardo Olè - oh / garage Master Dee Jay AJD2 (promo) Italia 1984 NotPS 12
Cioni Riccardo Arizona Discomagic MIX255 Italia 1985 PS 15
Cioni Riccardo & D.J.F.T. Band Come on / Takin my money Master D.J / MDJ 9304 Italia 1983 PS 5
Cioni Riccardo & DJ F.T Band Choo choo train Master / MDJ 9302 Italia 1983 PS 6
City & Byte System Only good time (Remix by R.Cioni) Discomagic MIX234 Italia 1985 PS 10
City Center Profondo Rosso Discomagic MIX129 Italia PS 15
Clambagio Come on Discomagic MIX143 Italia 1983 PS 22
Claps Emma Thunder / The other me UNA 9328 Italia PS 10
Clayn Alan Street dance Lombardoni LMB027 Italia 1987 NotPS 15
Cleo Go go dynamo Many Records MN571 Italia PS 10
Clio Faces Crash DS029 Italia 1985 PS 20
Clock on 5 Maverling Discomagic LP208 Italia 1984 PS 12
Clock on five Theme from Furyo DISCO MAGIC MIX 184 Italia 1984 PS 20 6
Colby Patrick Mandrill Plexyglass PX001 Italia 1985 PS 15
Colombo Lu Aurora (hot version) EMI Italia 1984 PS 6
Colors Lonely night Discomagic MIX272 Italia PS 25
Condor Jo Me la dovevi dare prima / Dammela Groove Techology / TECHNO 12052 Italia PS 4
Coney Raf She's mine Hiss HIS010 Italia PS 50
Control Band (the) Susanna - la colegiala / someday DidetSID M101 Italia PS 10
Control D Vision in the mirror DID Italia PS 7
Coo Coo You can set me free Flea FL8410 Italia PS 9
Cooper Aida I'll go crazy BandaBerte Italia 1985 PS 24
Cooper Ray Breakdown Many Rec. / MN 528 Italia PS 9
Costa Nancy New york time Smash One Music SHO12215 Italia PS 9
Creatures (the) Japan CGD Italia 1986 PS 15
Creatures (the) Where you are Chic GER 1985 PS 10
Creatures (the) Expansion Spice7 SP31712 Italia 1982 PS 20
Creatures (the) Solar Eclipse / Just in the name of love Zigzag / ZCZZ 7411 Italia 1985 PS 6
Creatures (the) Believe in your self (Remix) FullTime FTM31530 Italia 1983 PS 30
Crew Jam Let's dance Meet record / MEET 011 Italia PS 3
Cristina Gimme love BMS 318 Italia 1987 PS 35
Cristine Living together OUT 3044 Italia 1985 PS 45
Cruisin' Gang Chinatown / Making love -Marking Time Cruifin Rec. / CRN 713 Italia 1984 PS 14
Cruisin' Gang Let's all funky I.D.D. One Z01 Italia 1986 PS 8
Cruisin' Gang Dance to the top Cruisin CRN53502 Italia 1988 NotPS 10
Cruisin' Gang America Cruisin CRN737 Italia 1985 PS 12
Cruisin' Gang China town Cruisin CRNLP801 Italia PS 20
Cruisin' Gang My man Cruising CRN704 Italia NotPS 10 4
Cruisin' Gang with Laura Fadinger Tap dancing Cruisin Records CRN714 Italia PS 7 2
Crusing Gang Ritmo latino / djobi djoba Crusing records Italia 1989 PS 10
Cube Performance CGD 15181 Italia 1985 PS 6
Cube Love's Taboo Babu Records / BR 54076 Italia 1986 PS 6
Cucchetti Faber Hot Shot DIS COMPOSER ZTDC 7422 Italia 1985 PS 5
Cyber People Void vision Memory records MEMIX028 Italia 1985 PS 15
Cyber People Polaris Memory Records MEMIX015 Italia 1984 PS 18
C'Zar I remember Rare 00186 Italia 1986 PS 15
D. Carred You'll be a winner Dem Records DMR1201 Italia NotPS 30
D. Light (the) Scratch your face Discomagic MIX150 Italia 1983 PS 18
D.D. Band Mistery woman Sire Mix003 Italia 1984 PS 70
D.J.F.T. Band Music & War Discomagic MIX243 Italia PS 18
D.J.F.T. Band Olè - oh tequila Master DM9316 Italia 1984 PS 9
Dadada Feel all right Many Rec. / MN 548 Italia NotPS 7
Dance Club Papaya SuperRadio Records SR7011 Italia 1984 PS 25
Daniel Danieli Hold your horses / the race Memory MEMIX088 Italia 1989 PS 15
Daphne You feel my love Discomagic MIX308 Italia PS 18
Databook Zighidizazazero Chapulin Italia 1986 PS 12 3
Dato Shake Let me be your n.1 Babyrecords BR54062 Italia 1985 PS 5
Dayl Double action Accademy ACD8530 Italia 1987 PS 18
De Leo Manuel Hasta la vista Discotto 1042 Italia PS 6
De Razza Armando Vamos ad escobar CGD Italia 1989 NotPS 6 2
Dean Hazell Searchin' ( I gotta find a man) Proto Rec. Italia 1983 NotPS 7
Deblanc Mon amour Italian records EXITM533 Italia 1987 PS 15
Decadance On and on (fears keep on) Proto NS;IX2007 Italia 1983 PS 70
Dee Allen Inny Miny Miney Moo HISS RECORDS AMD 007 NotPS 8
Diego Walk in the night Memory records 013 Italia PS 20
Digital Game I'm your boogieman DID FS070184 Italia PS 12
Digital's (The) Software / sequencer DiscoMusic DM1009 Italia 1986 NotPS 25
Dirty Roseanne Ghost of tomorrow D.E.A. DE.PE. 33003 PS 8
Dissidented Casablanca Fuzz ZZ20019 Italia NotPS 10
Diux Comet Time TRD 1033 Italia PS 50
Divina Baby blue Lombardoni LMB021 Italia 1987 PS 40
Divine Shoot your shot Break /308208 Holland 1982 PS 9
Do Piano Again Merak music 14 2008176 Italia 1985 PS 5
Doctor Livingstone Welcome in Kenia Lombardoni LMB006 Italia 1985 PS 15
Doctor's Cat Gee wiz Discotto 1041 Italia PS 15
Doctor's Cat Andromeda Mooray Records MR704 Italia PS 15
Doctor's Cat Watch out ! Il Discotto / ART 1028 Italia NotPS 5 2
Doktor Groove Hey man Radiorama RA87,02 Italia 1987 PS 20
Don Shelley Dance to the music Discomagic MIX295 Italia PS 9
Donna Eyes God Knows Discotto ART1021 Italia 1983 PS 25
Dore Valerie It's so easy Merak MKX610 Italia PS 15
Dore Valerie Get closed Merak MKX700 Italia PS 20
Dore Valerie Lancelot EMI 2011996 Italia 1986 PS 20
Dore Valerie Wrong direction EMI Italia 1988 PS 40
Dore Valerie The Night Merak / MK 100 Italia PS 25
Dorian Gray cry Magnum MGM23005 Italia NotPS 12
Dosio Dansin' (Bobby "O") TOP SECRET TS 1001 Italia 1983 NotPS 7
Dream Boys (the) Sensation Sensation SNS8001 Italia 1984 PS 15
Drep Have a good time (S.Pulga) Zanza ZRB003 Italia 1987 NotPS 6 2
Dryrock Max Louie, louie BlowUp BU0041 Italia PS 12
Duke Lake Dance Tonight M&M RECORDS MEMIX 031 1985 NotPS 12
Duke Lake Satisfaction, love & Passion Memory Records MEMIX022 Italia 1984 PS 10
Duke Lake Do you Memory records MEMIX009 Italia 20
Dust Man King of the ghetto CGD Italia 1983 PS 5
E.T. 84 Hello Somebody ! JUMBO JU12010 Italia 1983 NotPS 10
Easy Going Shine / a gay time latin lover Emergency USA 1980 NotPS 9
Ebreo Groove down Sweet moon Records ITD1303 Italia 1984 PS 5
Edwards Nancy Turn me on KeepOnMusic KM838510 Italia 1987 PS 12
Electric Mind Let me love tonight FullTime FTM31568 Italia 1985 PS 10 4
Electric Mind Feel good inside FullTime Italia 1984 PS 10 4
Elite Gentle wind Special remix Ennio Manuel Cruisin CRN720 Italia PS 12
Elite I can't stand it Third label / 5010 Italia 1986 PS 10
Eller Dan Carillon Zanza Rec. / Zr 0131 Italia 1983 PS 10
Ennio Manuel Heads i win, tails you lose Ala Bianca / 9001/85 Italia PS 18 4
Ennio Manuel and The Cruisin' gang One hit parade Cruisin CRN715 Italia PS 18
Eraora No more illusions Ibiza record / IBZ 651349 6 Italia 1987 PS 7 4
Eric's Friends Kiss me in the night Cocaine Records 00118 Italia 1983 PS 10
Esavu' Spelling love Real Sound / R.S 5002 Italia NotPS 7
Ethereal Beat Underboard Match records 5010 Italia PS 8
Eugene Free your life Thick Record TK026 Italia 1986 PS 18
Eugene Livin' in your love Thick Record TK021 Italia 1985 PS 15
Eva Take me … mr love Technology TECHO12,17 Italia PS 150
Evans & Fisher You set my heart on fire Techology TECHNO 12.11 Italia NotPS 4
Evans & Fisher You set my heart on fire Discomagic Italia NotPS 10
Extra Large Lose my time FDT 021 Italia 1986 NotPS 15
F & M ( Fecchi Milani) Te gusta? Jocks / 31609 Italia 1988 PS 7
F. Monieri Walk away / Coming Up Discomagic MIX158 Italia 1984 PS 10
Fake Arabian toys / Rain over the nile Discotto / 1051 Italia 1985 NotPS 5 2
Fake Donna Rouge (remix) Academy records ACD8527 Italia 1987 PS 20
Fake Frogs in Spain / Memories of pan CGD / INT 15136 Italia 1984 PS 10
Family numer one (The) Lara de Bahia Il Discotto / 1039 Italia PS 10
Fancy Null null / null null theme Q.M records 61 Italia NotPS 9
Fard Chaimami da Tokyo EMI Italia 1985 PS 5
Federico and the Marrakech Orchestra Cashbah boogie / Jeu a' deux Delta / DEM775 Italia 1983 NotPS 4
Fidelfati with Ronnette Just wanna touch me Magic Service MS004 Italia PS 3
Filippini Listen to your heart OUT 3037 Italia 1985 PS 38
Finzy Kontini Cha- cha - cha America record AMD015 Italia NotPS 12 6
Finzy Kontini O la la American Disco AMD022 Italia PS 8
Fire Body & Ice Liberation Il discotto / Art. 1026 Italia 1983 PS 6 3
Firefly Stay (no time) Mr.Disc MD31558 Italia 1984 PS 8
Fitz Audio / Video FIVE FMMIX13807 Italia 1984 PS 7
Five Sinners Magic Eyes Key001 Italia NotPS 20
Flash System For oldfield (five miles out) Hot Point P. 002 Italia PS 20
Flash System Sadhu Hot Point Italia PS 60
FlashDancers Maniac (remix dance version) Top Secret TS1011 Italia 1983 PS 5
Flex Shakin' night boogey F1Team 9324 Italia 1985 PS 18
Flexx Theme from deep Gong 009 Italia NotPS 20
Flexx Love theme from flexxy - ball Hole Records Italia 1983 PS 40
Flics (the) Take it easy Tanga Label TL007 Italia PS 15
Florence Trading love Third Label Third5009 Italia 1986 PS 20
Florence I'll be with you Expanded EX50 Italia 1988 PS 18
Florio Time D.J. Time out Crash Discodiffusione BB1001 Italia 1983 PS 50
Floyd Parson Shine on you crazy diamond / .. Asong Crash DS020 Italia PS 18
Fobert Marcel & Folie Club Rapfolie Manu Rec. / MN 507 Italia PS 5
Fokewulf 190 Body heat Market records Italia 1984 PS 50
Ford J. Mind wanderer (European Mix) Match Music MATTCH2004 Italia 1985 PS 14
Ford J. Mind wanderer (European Re-Mix) Best 12035 Italia PS 15
Foster Calipso girl Mr .Disc / 31573 Italia 1985 PS 5
Foster Ray Be my girl CBS Italia 1986 PS 10
Foster Ray Run to me Many records MN547 Italia 1985 PS 9
Foster Sylvi Hookey Discomagic MIX107 Italia 1982 NotPS 19
Francis Mike Love has found you / nightime lady Best records BEST12009 Italia 1982 NotPS 20
Francis Mike Iron it out /youcan't get out of my heart Concorde ZT7547 Italia 1986 NotPS 12
Francis Mike Survivor Concorde CND15001 Italia 1984 PS 10
Francis Mike Let me in Concord Record / ZCCO 7394 Italia 1984 PS 12
Franjo Manuel I need love - we're the young StripedHorse 9332 Italia 1986 PS 15
Frankie Disco Band Where's the sun Discomagic MIX217 Italia 1984 PS 15
Fun Fun Living in Japan X-Energy Italia 1985 PS 10
Fun Fun Have fun! X-Energy X-33001 Italia 1984 PS 8
Fun Fun Gimme some loving X-Energy X-12022 Italia 1987 PS 10
Fun Fun Baila Bolero X-Energy X-12019 Italia 1987 PS 15
Fun Fun Color my love Xenergy / X - 12007 Italia 1984 PS 8 3
G.A.N.G. Incantations Discomagic MIX121 Italia PS 18
G.L.and Band La colegiala / Equador Concorde / ZCCO 7365 Italia 1984 NotPS 7 4
Gabriel Tina If you say you love me MEM MEMIX081 Italia 1988 PS 12
Gang KKK RecordBreaker RB001 Italia 1983 NotPS 12
Garage Sun Song Reggae / la canzone del sole Sensation SNS8056 Italia NotPS 12
Gaucho Dance forever System Music SM23584 Italia 1983 NotPS 18
Gay Forse featuring by D.J. Roby Checca dance Green Production GP19-100 Italia PS 4
Gazebo Trotsky Burger (blue label) Discomagic MIX391 Italia PS 15
Gazebo Masterpiece Baby rec / BR 54015 Italia 1982 NotPS 18
Gazebo Telephone mama Babyrecords BR54049 Italia 1984 PS 10
Gazebo Sweet life Carosello CIX65 Italia 1989 PS 10
Gazebo I like Chopin Baby records Italia 1983 PS 20
Gazebo Univision (LP) CAROSELLO CLN 25119 Italia 1986 PS 15
GazNevada Special agent man Italian Records EXITM515 Italia 1983 PS 8
GazNevada Living in the jungle EMI Italia 1985 PS 8
Gazuzu Go go gorilla Discomagic MIX119 Italia PS 10
George G Ibiza FDT 010 Italia PS 18
George G Hot lovers American Records AMR0025 Italia NotPS 12
George Gray Life Man records NS005 Italia PS 38
Get Flash Beautiful night OUT 3002 Italia 1983 PS 70
Ghibli I'm looking for you Durium DEX13073 Italia 1985 PS 25
Giada Maledetta samba / 24000 baci Radio Musica RIG001 Italia PS 3
Giak Inside you Tanga Label TL001 Italia PS 20
Gianco Old night flight CAT / 2005 Italia 1983 NotPS 10
Gino Latino I'll house you Time records / TRD1116 Italia 1989 PS 10
Gino Latino No sorry Time Italia 1989 PS 12
Gino Latino Welcome / Gimme Five 3 Yo / IBZ 654536 6 Italia 1988 PS 7
Gino Latino / G. L. O. Latino / Street man Test pressing / DD014 Italia 1989 NotPS 10
Giorgia Tell me why CGD 15228 Italia 1986 PS 6
Giorgia Pirate of love CGD 15264 Italia 1986 PS 6
Glasses Crystal (PROMO) SGM SGMAS00102 PROMO Italia 1985 NotPS 50
Glasses Dancing in the street Eyes Key 039 Italia PS 10 3
Glen White Tv lover Chapulin CH28506 Italia 1987 PS 18
Green Lights Every breath you take Rainbow R.R.1201 Italia PS 14
Hally & K.B. Sexy gun OntheRoad / 104 Italia PS 7
Hallygally & Tuca Tuca Hel little mama Fly / TPF 008 Italia 1984 PS 10 4
Hananas Don't take my coconuts Zanza ZR0137 Italia PS 9
Hananas hananas ZANZA ZR123 Italia 1983 NotPS 15
Hancock Dave Don't stop Maste Italia 1984 NotPS 9
Harris Patricia Heaven is .. (in the back seat of my cadillac) DID D8402 Italia PS 12
Harrow Den To meet me Hole records OLE20100 Italia 1983 PS 18
Harrow Den Catch the fox (remix) Babyrecords BR54081 Italia 1986 PS 20
Harrow Den Bad boy Babyrecords BR54063 Italia 1985 NotPS 6
Harrow Den Mad desire Gong 010 Italia PS 19
Harrow Den Mad Desire (REMIX) GONG 013 Italia PS 60
Harrow Den Lies Baby Rec. / BR 56120 Italia 1988 PS 15
Harrow Den Tell me why Babyrecords BR54083 Italia 1987 PS 12
Harrow Den Catch the fox Babyrecords BR54077 Italia 1986 PS 15
Harrow Den Lies / I wanna go Babyrecords BR54096 Italia 1988 PS 15
Harrow Den Overpower / bad boy (remix) Babyrecords Italia 1986 PS 7
Harrow Den Overpower Babyrecords BR56096 Italia 1985 PS 15
Harrow Den Holiday night Babyrecords BR54099 Italia 1989 PS 10
Harrow Den Born to love Baby Records / BR 54092 Italia 1988 PS 8
Harrow Den Don't break my heart Baby records / BR 54082 Italia 1987 PS 12
Harrow Den Charleston Babyrecords GER 1986 PS 15
Harrow Den A taste of love Hole Records OLE20110 Italia 1983 PS 14
Harrow Den Born to love Baby Records 609817 GER 1988 PS 14
Harrow Den Day by day (with Energy rain) Baby Records BR56109 Italia 1987 PS 20
Harrow Den Day by day (remix) / rock the night Babyrecords BR54089 Italia 1987 PS 14
Haslam Deborah Hot Stuff MEDIA Record MR509 Italia PS 40
Haslam Deborah Let me trouble Crash DS026 Italia NotPS 18
Hattle Jock Crazy hattle / yes no Family Market Rec. / RM 2012 Italia 1983 PS 10
Helen Zanzibar Discomagic MIX244 Italia 1985 PS 18
Helen Tunis tunis Lombardoni Publishings MIX002 Italia 1985 PS 14
Herbie Goins Scrap rap Cat Records CAT2008 Italia 1983 NotPS 6
Hi-Fi Brothers The line Italian Records EXITM514 Italia 1983 PS 9 2
Hilarie Inside of you GreeProduction Italia 1988 PS 16
Hill Jane Dizzy night BabyRecords BR54058 Italia 1985 PS 7
Hill Jane Radio EYES 014 Italia PS 7
Hipnosis Droid / automatic piano MEM MEMIX067 Italia 1987 PS 15
Hipnosis Astrodance M&M RECORDS MEMIX 023 Italia 1984 PS 12
Hipnosis Oxygene / Bormaz Memory Rec / MEMIX 010 Italia NotPS 12
Hivoh To be together I.B Records IB0601 Italia PS 60
Hooker Tom Only one (trasparen vinyl) Heaven Records HVR0186 Italia 1986 PS 30
Hooker Tom Feeling okay Babyrecords BR54091 Italia 1988 PS 10
Hooker Tom Looking for love Babyrecords BR54071 Italia 1986 PS 15
Hooker Tom Atlantis Baby records / BR 54086 Italia 1987 PS 12
Hooker Tom Give it to me SENSATION RECORDS SNS 8010 Italia 1984 NotPS 30
Hooker Tom Help Me Baby Rec. / BR 54080 Italia 1986 PS 7
Hovoyds I don't want to talk about it Crash /DS 010 Italia NotPS 7
Huntington Eddy Up & Down Esquire SQ87506 Italia 1987 PS 18
Hyra Political program Picchio PR001 Italia 1984 PS 15
I V Y Stand by Zanza ZR122 Italia NotPS 9
Imhan One milion Technology TECHNO12,08 Italia PS 150
Implantation Choose your lover Many records MN511 Italia PS 20
Isamar & Compania Amour suave Discomagic MIX360 Italia PS 3
Italian boys Forever lovers BMS 316 Italia 1987 NotPS 18
Iudy The island of the sun Hole Records OLE5000 Italia 1983 PS 12
Ivan Baila / Mujer de hielo CBS ESP 1985 PS 12
J.D. Allen Monkey Sensation SNS 8029 Italia PS 40
J.D. Jaber Don't stop lovin' Memory Records MEMIX005 Italia 1983 PS 75
Jack is fallen That's all Folks / Let's try with the guitar Quantized Record / QR 00191 Italia PS 7 3
Jack Rick in the summertime / summerdance Panarecord / 12012 Italia PS 18
James D. Senor Lombardoni LMB030 Italia 1988 PS 40
Jay & Jason Breaking Magnum 23002 Italia PS 15
Jessita Maybe this night Havana Productions HVN 3302 Italia PS 15
Jet Set Love break GoodVibes PM1200011 Italia 1984 PS 10
Jo Lewis Hot love Many Records NS002 Italia PS 12
Joe Seven Never Mind Casablanca 888608-1 Italia 1987 PS 30
Joe Yellow Runner Discomagic MIX334 Italia 1988 PS 15
Joe Yellow Love at first Power records Italia 1986 PS 15
Joe Yellow Take my heart Discomagic MIX186 Italia 1984 PS 30
Joey Moon Angelica Harmony HY003 Italia PS 50
John John Hey hey girl RAM 384 Italia 1984 PS 6
Johnson Donna Do you really wnt me Academy ACD8535 Italia 1987 PS 15
Johnson Kevin Video night SpeedRecords 12010 Italia 1984 PS 12
Johnson Orlando One night pleaser GoodVibes PM120016 Italia 1985 PS 10
Johnson Orlando With just a kiss GoodVibes PM100013 Italia 1984 PS 15
Johnson Patty I'm in love (pink vinyl) Good Vibes PM120014 Italia 1985 PS 15
Johnson Patty and Orlando Woman is light FullTime FTM31574 Italia 1985 PS 5
Johnson Patty and Orlando Tough boys RCA Italia 1987 PS 10
Juni G. Mama used to say Esquire Italia 1987 PS 8
Juni G. Chuckle Chuckle ! baby record / BR 54079 Italia 1986 PS 7
Kahn James One million stars Musix MX9402 Italia 1984 PS 15
Kajay Shangai Hero Time TRD1006 Italia 1985 PS 25
Kam Joyce Fantasy Time TRD1025 Italia NotPS 20
Kamillo Buenas noches Disocmagic MIX125 Italia PS 25
Kano Another life FullTime FTM31513 Italia 1983 NotPS 12
Kano I'm ready / Holly dolly Disco emergency / EMDS 6504 USA 1980 NotPS 7
Kano Queen of witches Teldec GER 1983 PS 7
Karina Hidi-ho… dance with dolly Time TRD1005 Italia 1985 PS 25 15
Karisma Plop of the value Mi Amigo AMIX8 Italia 1987 NotPS 2
Kasso Running DISCO MIX MIX 241 Italia 1985 PS 16
Kasso I love the piano Banana ZCAN7362 Italia 1984 PS 12
Kata Fires in the night No label (Edition Lobardoni) Italia 1985 PS 150
Kay West Shake together Cat / 2004 Italia 1983 NotPS 10
Keane Chris (the ballad of) Lone ranger Eyes KEY026 Italia PS 6
Keepers Notty girl On the Road OTR101 Italia 1986 PS 18
Keith Danny Keep on music Time TRD1002 Italia 1984 70
Kelly Max M.K.O.K. Wicked & Wild rec. / WW 004 Italia PS 4
Kelvin Tommy Jungle bow wow Harmony /00700 Italia PS 9
Kelwin Tommy Tokyo nights Skizzo 1 Italia PS 12
Ken Laszlo Tonight Memoryrecords MEMIX035 Italia 1985 NotPS 16
Ken Laszlo Red man / black pearl MEMory MEMIX073 Italia 1988 PS 14
Kerisch Tommy Speedy life Time TRD1010 Italia 1985 PS 45
Kermesse Mrs moon Fingers FGSY001 Italia 1983 PS 18
Keyboards Affair Commando Polydor 8152731 Italia 1983 PS 16
Kim Jungle love Tanga Label TL016 Italia NotPS 35
King maker mob Mad dogs CGD / 15291 Italia 1987 PS 7
Kinley Deborah Surprise Atlantide 5003 Italia 1984 PS 18
Kitch Club (the) Can't stop saying i love you PlexyGlass MEMIX019 Italia 1984 PS 20
Klapto She's so / heart of ice Durium Dex13072 Italia 1985 PS 12
Klapto Mister game Durium DEX13043 Italia 1983 NotPS 20
Klein & M.B.O. Keep in touch ZANZA ZRB001 Italia 1986 PS 5
Koma band Cavrones (white vinyl) World Records DS002 Italia PS 12
Koma band I ni ghi nà CRASH DS006 Italia PS 10
Koma band Cavrones World Records DS002 Italia PS 12
Kono Cleopatra ( red vinyl ) American Records / AMR 009 Italia PS 20
Kono Cleopatra ( white vinyl ) American Records / AMR 009 Italia PS 20
Koto Dragon's legend Mem MEMIX074 Italia 1988 PS 15
Koto Jabdah Memory Rec / Memix 047 Italia 1986 PS 10
Koto Chinese revenge (asia version 89) MEM MEMIX 082 Italia 1989 PS 18
Koto Japanase War Game Memory Rec. / MEMIX 008 Italia 1983 NotPS 15
Koxo Shake it up Interstate FM53p01 Italia PS 5
Kristal Ete super Monkey Music Italia 1983 PS 15
L.A. Message Dead or alive Baby records BR54066 Italia 1985 NotPS 15
L.A.N.D.R.O. & Co. Get up, gep on up New Music / NMX 020 Italia PS 3
Lady Nash My crime is passion Reflex Records RR67503 Italia 1985 NotPS 14
Lala Johnny Johnny Accademy ACD8514 Italia 1986 PS 45
Lang Chris Disco island Crash / DS 018 Italia PS 9 3
Lang Chris Old calipso tune Discotto ART1049 Italia 1984 NotPS 7
Larabell Stop (when you do what you do) Discomagic MIX297 Italia PS 18
Laredo Veliero AICSound 001 Italia NotPS 3
Laser Dancing suite Discomagic MIX138 Italia PS 20
Laser Cowboys Ultra warp ItaloHeat ITH001 GER 1984 PS 10
Laser Cowboys Ultra warp Thick Record TK009 Italia PS 12
Latf Everliving fever Proxima Centauri 1001/2 Italia PS 10
Lee Young Napoleon Memory records MEMIX054 Italia PS 50
Lekakis Paul Boom boom (let's go back to my room) Esquire SQ87504 Italia 1986 PS 10
Les 4 As Le travail c'est pas la santè Ariston ARX16031 Italia 1983 NotPS 2
Life , Love & Liverty Young boy Zanza ZR0118 Italia 1983 PS 10
Lift Up Diamonds never made a lady Discomagic MIX265 Italia PS 20
Lincke Susan You' re my satisfaction X-Energy X-12034 Italia 1988 NotPS 2
Local Boy Thriller medley Owner of a lonely heart Many Records MN520 Italia PS 5
Lodola Roberto Marimba do mar Academy Records ACD8505 Italia 1986 PS 20
Logo Breaking bossa nova WEA Italia 1984 NotPS 2
Loopside Starman FDT 001 Italia NotPS 15
Losi Daniele Tom Tom Beat Avademy Records ACD8503 Italia 1985 PS 20
Loui$ Rocks mumbling cha cha cha / Summer in the dark Carrere CAR72504 Italia 1986 PS 40
Louis Latino Lambada Discomagic / 364 Italia PS 5
Low Gary Forever, tonight and all my life CAT records CAT71501 Italia 1983 PS 6
Low Gary I wanna be with you EMI Italia 1986 PS 6 3
Low Gary You are a dancer Discotto / ART 1002 Italia NotPS 9
Low Gary I want you Cat Rec / CAT 2006 Italia 1983 PS 8
Lowe Francis back to Zero Many Rec / MN 527 Italia PS 9
Lucia La isla bonita / Rhythm for bonita Italia 1986 PS 8
Lucia Marinero (remix) Mix009 Italia 1986 NotPS 20
M Like Moon Don't come back OUT 3078 Italia 1986 PS 12
M.B.4. Ewok celebration & star wars / Phone me! Discotto ART1022 Italia 1983 PS 7 3
Mac J.R. Elephant song Discomagic Italia 1984 PS 50
Macho Gang Sahara Macho Records 12.08 Italia PS 12
Madame Claude Wait Many Rec. / MN 557 Italia 1986 PS 9
Maeva e Uganda Jambo buana Sensation SNS8004 Italia 1984 PS 18
Magica I know magica Time Records TRD1004 Italia 1985 PS 50
Magic-a Heaven is a secred Rainbow / R. 1201 Italia 1986 PS 8
Magnetic Dream medlay: magnetic dream / you keep me hangin on /breeze DUCK Records DKP004 Italia 1983 PS 40
Malcom & Leo Living in the dark Discomagic MIX256 Italia 1985 PS 70
Malcom and the Bad girls Shoot me Hiss 008 Italia PS 45
Maltese Riki Warrion Power Records PDR003 Italia 1986 NotPS 20
Ma-ma White storm in the jungle Demo-Disc DD431 (Ibiza) Italia PS 4
Manners Paul Enchanté Baby Records Italia 1984 PS 4
Manuel Tango House of Music Italia 1983 PS 18
Maracas (the) Me gusta bailar Keepon Musik KM83844 Italia PS 18
Maran Joe & D.J. Girls King of the radio NewYork Production NY0183 Italia PS 35
Marco Martina / Full Beat(afroside) Ticket to shanghai / beat bop to the bicycle FullTime FTM 31598 Italia NotPS 4
Marika Music is music OUT 31,97 Italia 1989 PS 25
Marimba Tree Hush (remix) Hiss Records HISS012 Italia PS 15
Marjory Stop (when you do what you do) Many records MN575 Italia 1987 PS 15
Mark Farina Take your time EMI 2017566 Italia 1987 PS 15
Mark Farina Easy life Many Records MN552 Italia PS 15
Marrow Lee Shanghai Discomagic MIX227 Italia 1985 PS 12
Marrow Lee Sayonara Discomagic MIX253 Italia 1985 PS 12
Marrow Lee Don't stop the music Discomagic MIX317 Italia PS 15
Marrow Lee Cannibals Discomagic MIX276 Italia PS 7 2
Marsico Funk sumatra Discomagic MIX216 Italia 1984 PS 9
Martin Brian Sex Tonight AmeriocanDisco AMD 010 Italia PS 15
Martin Steve ToyBoy Merak / 142011796 Italia 1986 PS 10
Martin Steve ToyBoy (only for promotional use) Merak / MKX 120 Italia 1986 PS 12
Martin Steve Oh, what a night ! Discomagic MIX134 Italia PS 15
Martinelli O. Express MoonRay record MR709 Italia 1986 PS 9
Martinelli Victoria Moonray / MR 710 Italia 1987 PS 15
Marton Sandy Exotic & Erotic Demo Disco Promo PS 7
Marton Sandy La paloma blanca Demo-Disc DD008 (Ibiza) Italia 1989 NotPS 7
Marton Sandy Camel by Camel Ibiza 414 Italia 1985 PS 7
Marton Sandy Modern lovers Ibiza IBZ426 Italia 1986 PS 9
Marton Sandy Love synchronicity SM 1001 Italia 1987 PS 9 4
Marton Sandy Exotic and erotic Ibiza records / IBZH16 Italia 1985 NotPS 7 3
Marton Sandy White storm in the jungle CBS / A12,7110 Italia 1986 PS 7
Marvin Ted Malinda Belinda CGD / INT 15141 Italia 1984 PS 10
Marzio Dance You can do it Full Time / FTM 31540 Italia 1984 PS 9
Marzio Dance Marinero FullTime FTM31550 Italia 1984 PS 15
Marzio Dance DJ Xenon Galazy XENON XP31531 Italia 1983 PS 19
Marzio Dance DJ Rap-o-hush Xenon XN002 Italia 1983 PS 18
Marzio Dance DJ The adventure Xenox XN001 Italia 1982 PS 25
Maskio Dear sir.. DID D8401 Italia PS 15
Mason Barry Rickichiay OUT 31.59 Italia 1989 PS 14
Mason Marsha Everybody's talkin' Smash One Music SHO12215 Italia PS 15
Master and Co. She wanted to go OUT 3032 Italia 1985 PS 75
Maurice Yesterday Come On / My best Accademy ACD8512 Italia 1986 PS 80
Max Him Dancer - Dancer Cruisin CRN743 Italia 1986 PS 15
Max Him Lady fantasy Crusing / 721 Italia PS 20 8
Maxido Touch me marinero Gong 004 Italia PS 32
Mc Foy Jimmy Ziezo Ra.Re 03088 Italia PS 12
Mc Foy Jimmy Hi Girl Keepon Musik KM83851 Italia 1985 NotPS 8
Mc Foy Jimmy I can't feel allright RaRe 02787 Italia 1987 PS 19
Mc Piano Roby The scot ghost Tanga label TL005 Italia PS 15
Meccano Activate my heart KeepOnMusic KM83858 Italia PS 8
Meek Rabbit Sweetheart in England Caravel Records Italia 1983 PS 8
Melato Paola Energy BMS 334 Italia 1989 PS 18
Memory Control One ( MC1 ) Basic Crash DS024 Italia PS 20
Men of Time Time Time Thick Record / TK 015 Italia 1985 PS 12
Mex Yummy giver Discomagic MIX131 Italia PS 12
Micheloni Mauro & F.M. Band Looking for love Discomagic MIX128 Italia PS 25
Micioni Peter If you wanna dance /driving on broadway / I'm a man / let' disco dance Speak East / SPK 00133 Italia PS 18
Midnight Passion Infatuation I.D.D. Z02 Italia 1986 PS 15
Midnight's Moskow Tovarisc gorbaciov Merak MKX930 Italia PS 10
Miko Mission The world is you BlowUp 0039 Italia 1984 PS 7
Miko Mission Two for love BlowUp BU0050 Italia 1985 PS 10
Mikron Polinesia Discotto Italia 1985 PS 16
Mikron's Vision Blow Up BU0060 Italia 1986 PS 15
Mito Unit Missing / GRX 21 Italia 1983 PS 10
Modem Your fun Peeker melody PME128403 Italia PS 25
Mondo The only love F1Team Italia 1984 NotPS 15
Mono band Ghost Town MB 001 (Discomagic) Italia 1983 PS 14
Montana Tonny Yo no soy loco Discomagic MIX418 Italia PS 15
Moon Ray Viva Moonray / 702 Italia PS 15
Moo'n Ray Tornado shout Moonray MR708 Italia PS 12
Moon Ray (raggio di luna) Comanchero Discotto 1043 Italia PS 15 7
Moon Ray (raggio di luna) /Doctor's cat Comanchero (remix) / gee wiz medley with war song Discotto ART1048 Italia 1984 PS 20
Moonbase Waiting for a train Discotto ART1007 Italia NotPS 20
Moonshine China Sidet SID m 103 Italia 1985 PS 25
Moral Support living with passion TCO 107 CAN 1983 NotPS 5
More Tony Do the John DM DM 102 Italia PS 20
Moroder Giorgio & Paul Engemann American Dream / Too hot to touch (red vinyl) Oasis / 6,20381 GER 1984 PS 9
Moser - Moser El parasol / el temporal Discomagic MIX192 Italia 1984 PS 25
Moses Our revolution (new mix) Revolution 111 Italia 1985 PS 14
Mr Joe / Claude Sarra Big Joe / Music's playing for you Sensation SNS8012 Italia 1984 NotPS 20
Mr. DJ Broken wings Di-Gei Music D.J.M. 27 Italia 1986 PS 7
Mr. Flagio Take a change Squish BTV10001 Italia 1983 PS 20
Music Service Another song Peecker Melody PME128401 Italia PS 50
N.O.I.A. The rule to survive ( Looking for love) Italian Records EXITM509 Italia 1983 PS 10
N.O.I.A. Do you wanna dance Italian Records EXITM522 Italia PS 10
Nat Blue Fandango Click Italia 1984 PS 9
Natasha AM-FM (Rap) BEST RECORD 12011 NotPS 9
Nathalie Don't look / me, myself and I F1team / 9631 Italia 1985 NotPS 5
New Tone Please hold me tight / the curser powder Universal music UNX001 Italia PS 12
Nips Sea of the sun EYES KEY12652 Italia PS 10 5
Nite Club Fantasyland / Up and down Demo-Disc DD12PRMO91 Italia PS 3
Nite Lite Young men Musix R. SMX11003 Italia NotPS 15
Nobel Turn on your radio Renaissance / rns 12016 Italia 1985 PS 3
Novecento Day and night Babyrecords MIX54111 Italia 1992 PS 8
Novecento The only one Wea 249198-0 Italia 1984 PS 15
O' Gar Playback fantasy Magic Circus Productions/25002 Italia PS 30
Off Limits Africano medley with Soweto Many Records MN597 Italia 1988 NotPS 10
Off Limits no soul Speed records / 12017 Italia 1985 PS 9
Off Models Medlay Pepito…… FonitCetra Italia 1987 PS 2
Ole, Ole No controles Babyrecords BR54033 Italia 1983 PS 15
One Albert Visions Media records / MR 522 Italia 1988 NotPS 10
One Albert For your love Time TRD1040 Italia PS 12
One Albert Secrets (remix) Time TRD1035 Italia PS 25
One Albert Heart on fire BabyRecords BR54055 Italia 1985 PS 10
Otto Mix Sahara Sand Discomagic MIX224 Italia 1984 PS 20 5
P. Lion Dream Americandisco 009 Italia 1984 PS 15
P. Lion Happy Children (Remix 88) Discomagic MIX325 Italia 1988 PS 15
P. Lion Reggae Radio Discomagic MIX214 Italia 1984 PS 18
P. Lion Happy Children (label American Disco) American Disco AMD004 Italia PS 18
P. Lion Happy Children (label Discomagic) Discomagic AMD004 Italia PS 25
P.H.O.B.O.S. Car crash Eyes KEY010 Italia NotPS 10
P.J. Marcus Ciccalaccacocco Cruisin Rec. / CRN 712 Italia 1984 PS 10
P.J. Marcus Rap on! Cruisin Records CRN53703 Italia 1988 PS 12
P.R.D. I want to…. Tanga label TL004 Italia PS 24
Paac Society Fantasy Discomagic MIX206 Italia 1984 PS 35
Panama Que ritmo Many Records MN511 Italia PS 6
Pancho Ballet dancing shoes best records / 12030 Italia 1984 PS 7
Paris Latino Sentimento Emi Italia 1987 PS 8
Paris Ryan Paris on my mind RCA Italia 1984 PS 5
Paris Ryan Fall in Love Discomagic MIX152 Italia PS 7 3
Parking Fashion Power Records PDR002 Italia 1986 PS 40
Parrallel Lines (the) Arabian night Third Label Italia 1985 PS 10
Pat & Bonelli Rien Va plus Gattocicova Italia 1985 NotPS 12
Paul Crazy Believe me OUT 3014 Italia 1984 PS 50
Paul J. Qualley Please please / One… eleven Five Italia 1984 PS 12
Paul Paul Good times Discomagic MIX147 Italia 1983 PS 30
Peggy & The Pills Nobody's Bride MANY RECORDS MN 523 Italia PS 15
Persuader So decide Renaissance RNS2015 Italia 1985 PS 6
Persuader Enzo Pretty lover Sweet Moon Records / 12 ITD 13 Italia 1983 PS 9
Philadelphia T.S.O.P. Philadelphia MIX132 Italia PS 10
Pierrot's Gang Mexico Crash DS013 Italia PS 80
Pink Project Hypnotized Zanza / ZR 0135 Italia 1983 PS 12
Pinto Sing a song of joy Americadisco 157 Italia 1984 PS 40
Pinto's Device Radio star Crash DS023 Italia PS 40
Plastic Mode Mi Amor Discomagic Italia 1985 PS 7
Plastic Mode N.Y. Life DISCO MIX 267 Italia PS 7
Pozzoli Silver Around my dream Many Records MN533 Italia 1985 PS 10
Pozzoli Silver Pretty baby Many Records MN569 Italia 1987 PS 12
Pozzoli Silver Step by Step Many Records MN553 Italia PS 10
Pozzoli Silver From you to me Many Records MN562 Italia 1986 PS 10
Preex Nevia Fly robin fly Master MDJ9307 Italia NotPS 10
Premio Nobel baby doll Italian records EXITM531 Italia 1986 PS 9
Premio Nobel Sugar love Ibiza Record / IBZ 439 Italia 1987 PS 8
Presence Help me mama Ram 00284 Italia 1984 PS 10
Presence Help me mama (part II) / for your smile RAM 01085 Italia PS 15
Prima Voice Kings and queens DID 8403 Italia 1983 PS 15
Primadonna Flashing on the floor Many Records MN530 Italia PS 35
Propaganda for Frankie Relax Intersong Italiana / D.D. 419 Italia PS 4
Proxima Living in another world Durium §DEX13097 Italia 1987 PS 50
Pubblic Trable Don't care no more OUT 3072 Italia 1986 PS 20
Pulga Stefano Take me higher Baby Records BR54052 Italia 1984 PS 12
Pulga Stefano Love taker System Music Records SM23586 Italia 1983 PS 15
Puppy - Pup Baby's sugar candy Babalu 1006 Italia PS 12
Puviani Stefano That's a wide world American Record AMR002 Italia 1984 PS 8
Queen Martin Shock Academy Records ACD8508 Italia PS 18
Quentin Hunt Stop your break me up / crocodile tears /Monalisa / Softly over Hunt 2001 Italia 1984 PS 18
Quintalino Band Miguel son mi RP1201 Italia PS 4
R.F.T.R. ( Risen from the Rank) Sampler '83 Media records / MR 520 Italia 1988 NotPS 3
Radio Movie Let's move together Radio Movie 19844 Italia NotPS 5
Radio Movie No escape / search Biba22762 Italia 1984 PS 8
Radiorama Yeti Discomagic Mix310 Italia PS 20
Radiorama Fire Radiorama Italia 1987 PS 15
Radiorama Change to desire Discomagic MIX226 Italia 1985 PS 15
Radiorama Change to Desire (REMIX) OUT3038 Italia 1985 PS 35
Radiorama Bad boy you Radiorama RA89.01 Italia 1989 PS 15
Radiorama Vampires (transparen vinyl) OUT 3067 Italia PS 30
Radiorama Desire OUT 3055 Italia 1985 PS 14
Radiorama hey hey OUT 3062 Italia 1986 PS 10
Radiorama Aliens Discomagic MIX300 Italia PS 15
Raf I don't want to lose you Carrere Italia 1985 PS 9
Raf Change your mind Carrere CA6168426 Italia 1984 PS 10
Raf Hard Carrere Italia 1986 PS 9
Raf London Town CGD /CGD 15308 Italia 1987 PS 5
Raf Self Control / Running away Carrere / Maxi 33 T Italia 1984 PS 15
Ralph River Band Strange Vibration Memory Records MR001 Italia 1983 NotPS 30
Rampley Gee Radio style FDT 006 Italia PS 20
Rancati Mark Take me CGD CGD 23004 Italia 1984 PS 8
Rare Band Why why RARE 01186 Italia 1986 NotPS 12
Real Corporation All of the time Sensation SNS8042 Italia PS 50
Real Man Follow me Cruisin CRN53507 Italia 1988 PS 15
Real People She's underground Academy Records ACD8529 Italia 1987 PS 25
Reeds Straight down Di-Gei music BPM107 Italia 1987 PS 7
Reggie One the Park / Into the groove Il Discotto / ART 1067 Italia 1985 NotPS 5 2
Regina Rogers Midnite Radio (promo Limited edition) Smash One Music SHO12216 Italia 1984 NotPS 18
Rete 105 Vacanze Razor Italia 1983 PS 5 2
Richard Peter For you for only you FullTime FTM31512 Italia 1982 NotPS 7
Rickster Night moves Many Records MN605 Italia 1988 NotPS 4
Ricky Play & Marco D.J. Crazy Toy ANANDA RECORDS AND 0017 Italia PS 18
Righeira No tengo dinero Teldec GER 1983 PS 15
Righeira Oasi in città CGD 15312 Italia 1987 PS 8
Righeira Vamos a la playa CGD Italia 1983 PS 15
Righeira / Carmeno La Bionda Hey mama / I love you DM200 Italia 1984 PS 8
Risen From The Rank AIDS EP 01 Italia 1985 PS 7
Risque Go for it FullTime FTM31564 Italia 1985 PS 4
Rizzo Take my love RaRe 02487 Italia 1987 PS 25
Robotnick Alexander Don't ask me why / love supreme / suspance FUZZ ZZ20023 Italia NotPS 20
Rockbotton Give me, give me some love ON THE ROAD OTR 105 Italia 1986 PS 15
Rockets Future game Rockland RKL15077 Italia 1982 PS 18
Rockets Radio station Rockland RKL15073 Italia 1982 PS 18
Rocky Valance Jessica / Danger for my love DivaArt DAX10883 Italia 1989 PS 20
Rodgers Dave Rich and famous Lombardoni MIX323 Italia 1987 NotPS 30
Roger B. Band Project n.1 - in the air Keepon Musik Italia 1983 PS 20
Rogers Mike Just a story Crash DS022 Italia PS 60
Roncuccy and Crazy Winner Time Records TRD1022 Italia PS 10
Rose Make me up Discomagic MIX319 Italia PS 50
Ross Alan Valentino mon amour Memory MEMIX029 Italia 1985 PS 25
Roy Destiny Time Memory Records MEMIX036 Italia 1985 PS 10
Rubix The party Technology 12.31 Italia NotPS 2
Rudi & Co. Everybody go! AmericanDisco AMR001 Italia 1984 PS 25
Rudy & Co. Play the game (lolly dance) Power Records PDR010 Italia 1986 PS 45
Ruins Fire ( + Poster ) CGD / 23007 Italia 1984 PS 6
Sabrina Sexy girl Ibiza / IBZ427 Italia 1986 PS 7 3
Sabrina Hot girl Chic GER 1987 PS 7
Sabrina Boys Ibiza IBZ442 Italia 1987 PS 7
Sahara & Kano Carry on Line Records M101 Italia 1984 PS 12
Sahara Band Habibi LCA 5002 Italia 1983 PS 20
Samoa Park One night in bangkok Midnight man Many records MN544 Italia NotPS 7
Samoa Park Tubular affair Zanza ZR0130 Italia 1983 PS 10
Sand Barbara My Life RARE 01787 Italia 1987 PS 12
Sandy Sambao / you Sensation SNS8005 Italia 1984 PS 50
Savage A love again / Fugitive (Special Remix) Discomagic MIX223 Italia 1985 PS 25
Savage Time Discomagic MIX257 Italia 1985 PS 12
Savage Only you Discomagic MIX195 Italia 1984 PS 12
Savage Tonight (LP) Discomagic LP213 Italia 1984 PS 15
Savage Love is death Discomagic MIX292 Italia PS 15
Savage Don't cry tonight '89 version Lombardoni /349 Italia 1989 PS 15
Savage Celebrate Emergent EMRX104 Italia 1986 PS 12
Savage Radio / A love again Discomagic MIX215 Italia 1984 PS 25
Saxophone Souvenir (ti voglio tanto bene) FDT 009 Italia PS 25
Scarface Killing for love Merak MKX820 Italia 1987 PS 15
Scotch Money runner American disco / AMD025 Italia PS 18
Scotch Take me up / man in the man American record AMD011 Italia PS 10
Scotch Mirage / Amor por victoria American disco AMD024 Italia PS 16
Scotch Disco band American Disco Italia 1984 PS 20 7
Scotch Pictures AmericaDisco AMD028 Italia 1987 PS 10
See this house The project Discomagic MIX164 Italia 1984 PS 35
Senese James Love supreme Emi Italia 1988 PS 10
Sha Byron Sha sha fu fu / Kitchen raggae Rainbow /03 Italia 1986 PS 7 3
Shah Images (get up..) Discomagic MIX269 Italia 1985 PS 20
Sharada Paul Vola Game Over GO120 Italia PS 40
Sharada Paul Dancing all the night Discotto ART1047 Italia PS 15
Sharada Paul Boxers Discotto ART1070 Italia 1986 NotPS 15
Sharon Boyfriend Liquirizia / LP 1112 Italia 1985 PS 5
Shoo Shoo D. bon bon woman Hiss records / Hiss 013 Italia PS 12
Silence featuring Gordon Grody Beast in me FLARENASCH 722,766 FRA 1984 PS 4
Simon Nick The last tango America RecordsAR0523 Italia PS 18
Simon Nick Two hearts / you are mine America Records AR0513 Italia PS 18
Simoncioni Hello ? OUT 3090 Italia 1986 PS 40
Simonetti Claudio Demon / Killing (O.S.T.) RCA Italia 1985 PS 20
Simonetti Claudio I love the piano / Jamaican style Emergent EMRX103 Italia 1983 PS 9
Slick Rick Summertime rap Havana HVN3311 Italia NotPS 9
Snaps Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep CRUISIN RECORD CRN 705 NotPS 8
Snoopy Dance BIG 001 Italia NotPS 5
Soccio Gino Human nature Discotto ART1056 Italia 1985 PS 9
Solo Harem Memory MEMIX051 Italia 1986 PS 25
Soul Basic Bring a little lovin MANY RECORDS MN 519 Italia 1984 PS 4
Sound Movement Easy Game MANY RECORDS MN 570 Italia PS 12
Spagna Easy lady Simple records SIM M003 Italia PS 20
Spagna Girl and boy CBS Italia 1988 PS 8
Spagna I wanna be your wife CBS Italia 1988 PS 7
Spagna Easy Lady(club remix) / Jealousy CBS / CBSA13,7019 Holland 1986 PS 25
Spagna Dance, dance, dance CBS Holland 1987 PS 9
Spagna Call me / ? Girl it's the edd of the world? CBS / CBS 650279 6 Italia 1987 PS 7
Spanish Crash Life is now Spago Records SR00400 Italia PS 6
Spencer Tracy Run to me Ibiza IBZ421 Italia 1985 PS 15
Sphinx Collission System Music SM23581 Italia 1982 NotPS 12
Spray Extasy tonight London LRP3011 Italia 1985 PS 30
Srb David It's gonna be forever / V-time Pretty Cat's Records DAB101 Italia 1986 PS 15
Stage Ocean of crime FullTime FTM31570 Italia 1985 PS 18
Stage Bryvan Wayout! Thick Records TK003 Italia PS 20
Stargo Capsicum Flashback FB 001-83 Italia 1983 PS 24
Stargo Superman Stargo 8504 Italia 1985 PS 24
Stargo Live is life Stargo N8502 Italia PS 15
Stephany Broken haert / Romantic Afrika Zig Zag / ZIG 20005 Italia 1984 PS 9 5
Stephany Shame Zig Zag / ZIG 20002 Italia 1983 PS 9
Sterling Saint Jacques Comin, into love Papillon / MRP 4002 Italia 1983 PS 18
Ste-vie One more change Master 9312 Italia 1984 NotPS 10
Stop Limit Line Colonel / Galaxia Time Records / TRD 1036 Italia PS 9
Strada It's the monkey !!! Durium DEX13057 Italia 1984 PS 60
Styloo Miss you Discomagic MIX196 Italia 1984 PS 20
Sue Sadlow My man BlowUp BU0038 Italia 1984 PS 25
Sugar Shake Start that feeling BMS 302 Italia 1986 PS 18
Sunbeams Bye bye sea OUT records 3015 Italia 1984 PS 14
Sunshine China time Sensation SNS8033 Italia PS 25
Super Rockin Risque If it's the last thing i do BlowUp BU0040 Italia 1985 PS 5
Superbowl Oe' - ooh Discomagic MIX233 Italia 1985 PS 15
Surprice Fantacy… coul you be the one DUCH RECORD MKP 1001 1985 PS 18
Susanne Give me love OUT 3091 Italia 1986 PS 50
Sweet Jam Living in saigon American records AMR0012 Italia 1987 PS 15
Taffy Midnight Radio (I love my radio) Many Rec.-Ibiza Rec / IBZ 415 Italia 1985 PS 10
Taffy Once more / I love my radio(remix) Ibiza 422 Italia 1985 PS 10
Taffy White & black Phoenix / 314 Italia 1986 PS 5
Taffy Walk into the daylight Ibiza record / IBZ 412 Italia 1984 PS 10
Tagliaferri Mario / Marco Trani X-energy megamix / X-energy medley X-Energy X-12008 Italia 1984 NotPS 5
Talko Psyko flash Babalu BBL1001 Italia 1983 NotPS 10
Talko The hustle Babalù BBL1002 Italia 1983 PS 10
Talkwell Sixtynine GoodVibes PM12007 Italia 1984 NotPS 14
Tania Tedesco Negro Discomagic MIX498 Italia PS 2
Taxi To Miami HARMONY MUSIC HY 001 Italia PS 25
Taylor Chris It's very difficult Match Music MATCH5053 Italia PS 20
Taylor Sean Come back to me MidNite 283ML Italia 1983 NotPS 25
Telefon boys (be shure he's) better than me / danny Thick Records TK022 Italia 1985 PS 15
Telefon Boys Get up get up Thick Records TK014 Italia 1985 PS 15
Terry Powell Rainbow in the sky Thick Records TK020 Italia 1985 PS 15
Thango Fashion love Esquire SQ87512 Italia 1987 PS 18
Tic Toc Twenty Questions MANY RECORDS MN 516 Italia PS 6
Time Don't stop FLY TPF007 Italia 1984 PS 15 5
Time Love is the reason RAM 00585 Italia 1985 PS 12 5
Time Holding on to love Ra.Re 01386 Italia 1986 PS 18
Time Can't you feel it FLY TPF001/82 Italia 1982 NotPS 18
Tina Crazy for you Five FM13824 Italia 1988 PS 7 2
Tipinifini Fever / Talk about Ibiza Rec. / IBZ 413 Italia 1985 PS 7
Tipinifini All of my life Ibiza IBZ429 Italia 1986 PS 7
Tobi Ash S.O.S: Time TRD1007 Italia 1985 NotPS 40
Todesco Raff I got my mind Rare Production / RA-RE 02988 Italia 1988 PS 4
Tommy One night ! (remix) Accademy ACD8523 Italia 1987 PS 30
Tommy Bow Dance tonight Discomagic Mix124 Italia 1983 PS 20
Tony B. and the Electric Warrion Brick house ;odern Music MDN1009 Italia 1988 PS 5
Too Too Let's all party Cruisin Records CRN 719 Italia 1984 PS 9
Torias Ay-o mexico Discomagic MIX151 Italia 1983 PS 85
Torrevado Give me your heart tonight (REMIX) Chapulin CH28505 Italia 1987 PS 20
Tortuga Tip Tap dancer Best Records BEST12006 Italia 1982 NotPS 15
Toyboys Different Generation Ibiza Rec / IBZ 424 Italia 1986 PS 7
Tozzo Shankle Lombardoni Publishings LMB028 Italia 1987 NotPS 30
Traks get ready Best Records 12014 Italia NotPS 7
Traks You can feel it BEST / 12002 Italia 1985 NotPS 7
Travel Sex Sexiness Discomagic MIX123 Italia PS 30
Trilogy Not love (blue vinyl) Discotto ART1005 Italia 1982 NotPS 15
Trouble in side Zulu Rap Airnorn / ITF 359 Italia 1984 PS 8
Turner Mike Higher higher Magnum MGM23001 Italia PS 15
Twilight Star CAT 2017 Italia 1986 NotPS 15
Twilight My mind / forever more CAT 2011 1984 PS 12
Twilight Electronic Friend / Boxer Cat Rec. / CAT 2007 Italia 1983 PS 10
Twilight Sound again Pongo PMX2004 Italia PS 90
Two Girls Another boy in town Sidet SID104 Italia 1985 NotPS 9
Ubangi Heartbeat DID D8407 Italia PS 15
Under Final Tell me now Dischi Ricordi SRML2037 Italia 1984 PS 25
Ventura Fred Night and day TIME TRD1053 Italia PS 30
Ventura Fred Leave me Alone Time Records TRD1041 Italia PS 25
Ventura Fred Wind of change TIME TRD1028 Italia PS 25
Vera Cruz My way Vitamin Records Italia 1988 PS 6 3
Verago I' don't remember CGD int15138 Italia 1984 PS 7
Veronique dream of violin Discomagic MIX210 Italia 1984 NotPS 16
Vertigo Wake up EMI Italia 1987 PS 8
Via Verdi Sometimes Ibiza Rec. / IBZ 435 Italia PS 7
Vic Trick I want someone to love S.P.Q.R. Italia 1984 PS 25
Victoria This is over Hit Records H30265 Italia 1987 PS 20
Video Somebody FLY TPF003 Italia PS 8 4
Video Club Lost time Magic circus production / mcp Italia 1983 PS 15
VideoVision Anybody RARE 00686 Italia 1986 PS 8
Villani Betti De nuevo tu / dimamica Zero / Ginger EMI / 1188056 Italia 1988 PS 7
Villani Betti Together EMI Italia 1990 PS 7
Villani Betti Mi amor (remix) EMI Italia 1989 PS 10
Villani Betty What have you done to the night? (mi amor) EMI Italia 1989 PS 10
Ville Aux Cans Go go OUT 3068 Italia 1986 PS 20
Vinicio Dance you and me OUT 3043 Italia 1985 NotPS 25
Violet Eves Listen over the ocean Anemic Musci AM-NP XL001 Italia PS 18
Virgin Tell me why Time Records TRD1018 Italia 1985 PS 18
Visions Call me tonight Academy ACD8506 Italia 1986 PS 25
Vivien Vee Cross my heart X-Energy X-12039 Italia 1989 PS 10
Voices Message on the air Thick Record TK016 Italia 1985 PS 15
Watson Roger eres mi vida World od Records WOR0104 Italia 1985 PS 12
Webo Magic moment Atlantide 5001 Italia 1984 PS 32
Webo Shaking lovers Atlantide AMIX5004 Italia 1985 PS 80
William Nicks New sensation PCM Italia 1988 NotPS 25
Willy One Gang Ley's do ir Discomagic MIX304 Italia PS 7
Wish Key The one you love RARE 01586 Italia PS 10
Wish Key Life Discomagic MIX246 Italia 1985 PS 10
Wish Key Last summer RARE 00586 Italia 1986 PS 15
Wish Key Orient Express Discomagic Mix126 Italia PS 50
Wish Key Easy Way Discomagic MIX189 Italia 1984 PS 20
Wizard / Skyzzofeaturing Jennifer Jackson I an your / Tokyo boy Discomagic SK55 Italia PS 25
Wlady Cararumba Cumbacero Panarecord Italia 1986 NotPS 25
Wollek Stig Night driver Crash / DS 031 Italia 1985 PS 8 3
Xalan Solo me muevo por dinero / I only move for money DID 8409 Italia PS 8 3
Xenon Xenon symphony Xenon XP31557 Italia 1984 PS 30
Xenon Xenon Opera MATCH MUSIC 5011 1985 PS 15
Yan Guru A-o (no bungalow) CRASH DS019 Italia PS 9
Yan Guru Give it up MANY RECORDS MN 550 Italia PS 10
Yeri M. It's time to go OUT 3030 Italia 1985 PS 5
Yeti Neanderthal Man Memory records MEMIX058 Italia 1987 PS 30
Young People Young people Discomagic MIX344 Italia NotPS 15
Yvonne Kay I've got the music in me X-Energy X-12005 Italia 1983 PS 24
Yvonne Kay Rise up (for my love) X-Energy X-12009 Italia 1985 PS 14 6
Zanza's On the road again Technology TECHNO12,23 Italia PS 15
Ze Carlos Venha AMERICAN RECORDS AMR 004 Italia PS 6
Ze Carlos No meu brazil Wea Italia 1984 PS 6 3
Zener New generation Durium DEX13065 Italia 1984 PS 25
Zhivago Jimi Fire with fire S.P.O.R. 1114 Italia 1983 PS 18
Zoom Zoom Say you do Many records MN522 Italia 1984 PS 10
Zwischenfall Sandy eyes (yellow vinyl) FUZZ ZZ20009 Italia 1984 NotPS 12

zum backstock auffüllen ..

[ 24-05-2002: Beitrag editiert von: camion ]

Geschrieben von: gabbo (Usernummer # 5631) an :
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Queen Of Blood:
hm, mit dem spacy disco track auf lasergun meinst du bestimmt "mermaids in space", oder? das teil is komplett geklaut von patrick cowley und heißt im original "sea hunt", zu finden auf der megatron man lp von patrick cowley...[/B]

ja ja, der gute Savas war eigentlich einer meiner Lieblingsproduzenten, bis sich dann erkennen musste, dass seine stärksten Tracks alle nur rip-offs sind. DJ´s sind halt Diebe.

Geschrieben von: camion (Usernummer # 4574) an :
Frage: ist die "Creatures - Believe in your self" (Remix) 30 Euro wert?
Geschrieben von: Caltrop (Usernummer # 293) an :
DJ Hell oder Ferenc oder Mooner erhoeret unsere Nachfrage nach Italo Disco scheiben und macht ne compilation.
Straight outta Rimini, you know what'm sayin'?

Was sind denn die italo scheiben wert heutzutage? 1/2 euro bis 30 euro?

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ gabbo

ha, ha... ja, dj sind diebe... der unterschied is nur, die einen lassen sich erwischen und die anderen nich, he, he...

@ camion

du fragst sachen... hm, keine ahnung ob die 30 euro wert hat. is doch so wie mit allem... der eine zahlt 180 euro für die giant wheel 1 und dem anderen geht die platte am arsch vorbei...

@ Caltrop

es sollte ja ne mixed up in the hague vol.II rauskommen, aber irgendwie geht da nix, der panama link auf der hotmix seite (?) is auch irgendwie verschwunden...

"Was sind denn die italo scheiben wert heutzutage? 1/2 euro bis 30 euro? "

naja, wie gesagt von nem 1/2 euro ab aufwärts is glaub ich wirklich alles möglich... es gibt schon verdammt rares zeug...

Geschrieben von: camion (Usernummer # 4574) an :

es würde ja ausreichen wenn unser chochi endlich seinen mix online stellt den ja schon ferdisch hat .. oder?

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
war gerade auf der clone hp ->

Mixed up The Hague
Please don't ask for the mixed up the Hague cd's !! If we have copies you'll find them on the site...and that will probably not be the case for a long time because its out of print... same for part 2!

gab's denn jetzt die 2 schon oder nich, hm...

Geschrieben von: age111 (Usernummer # 4485) an :
hmm, hab die mixed up1 damals auch nur nen paar mal gehört, aber nicht mitgenommen(hatte die wichtigsten tracks) die 2 hätte mich auch interessiert.

by the way,
wer was was über das label:
metrovynil ???
da kamen anfang der 80er ja gute electro-funk sachen raus (alle guten die ich darauf kenne waren aber vom selben typen: john davis, über den ich auch nix weiss, dann hat der erste x-rated typ Blowfly ja was darauf gemacht, und halt, deshalb in diesen thread, gabs da italo(mieses beispiel: move only for money")

kann mir da jemand was sagen????

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ age111

jetzt sag bitte nich, daß du die pluton and humanoids und die q als 12" hast, dann schlag ich dich nämlich...
die zwei teile sind göttlich!!! bekomm jedesmal gänsehaut beim hören, so schön sind die...

ach ja, metrovinyl sagt mir was, die blowfly kenn ich, da is ein hammerteil drauf, meiner meinung nach eins der besten electrostücke ever -> "the electronic pussy sucker", ich sag nur -> "20.000 kilowatts running through my vein, I'm a computerized f***ing machine..."

[ 28-05-2002: Beitrag editiert von: Queen Of Blood ]

[ 28-05-2002: Beitrag editiert von: Queen Of Blood ]

Geschrieben von: age111 (Usernummer # 4485) an :
nicht schlagen

DEN blowfly track kenne ich nicht, muss ich mal checken, die sachen aus den 80ern von blowfly waren manchmal schwer. ist zwar nen bischen offtopic, aber die 70er sachen von blowfly waren echt der hammer. besonders blowfly on tv, der typ war ja der erste mir bekannte reine x-rated sänger, und liefert da coverversionen vom feinsten ab, z.b. tom jones (jaja, im original wars noch nen anderer) it's unusual, da singt blowfly :
it's unusual to gettin f***ed by anyone,
it's unusual to gettin s***ed by anyone
(und das dann echt FUNKY eingespielt...)
echt lustig...

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ age111

"nicht schlagen"

-> wenn ich dich in die finger bekomm!!!
na warte!!! ;-)

hm, kenn das andere blowfly zeug glaub ich nich, also zumindest nich bewußt... vielleicht vom hören...
aber "the electronic pussy sucker" mußt du unbedingt checken, das gefällt dir bestimmt!!! da bin ich mir sicher.

goldenes cover mit s/w bild von dem typen, draufstehen tut

metrovinyl # 1
funk you!
volume 4
the last in a fantastic series
soul sonic blowfly

Geschrieben von: age111 (Usernummer # 4485) an :
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Queen Of Blood:
@ age111

"nicht schlagen"

-> wenn ich dich in die finger bekomm!!!
na warte!!! ;-)

is that why the people call you

the queen of blood


[ 03-06-2002: Beitrag editiert von: age111 ]

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ age111
ha, ha... gut möglich!
Geschrieben von: CHoCi (Usernummer # 1630) an :
Ursprünglich geschrieben von camion: würde ja ausreichen wenn unser chochi endlich seinen mix online stellt den ja schon ferdisch hat .. oder?

Gut Ding will Weile haben !, ernsthaft : Hab im Moment wirklich keine Zeit dafür...

Geschrieben von: Anton Kolk (Usernummer # 2722) an :
schade choci!

aber 'ne andere sache, ist der blowfly, von dem ihr oben die ganze zeit sprecht sprecht nicht jener, dessen tracks ausschließlich durch perverse tracktitel und auch besungene inhalte alá "let me cum in your mouth" geprägt sind?!


Geschrieben von: age111 (Usernummer # 4485) an :
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Anton Kolk:
schade choci!

aber 'ne andere sache, ist der blowfly, von dem ihr oben die ganze zeit sprecht sprecht nicht jener, dessen tracks ausschließlich durch perverse tracktitel und auch besungene inhalte alá "let me cum in your mouth" geprägt sind?!


jener es ist. jedoch meist nicht pervers, sondernd nur sex inspiriert.
normaler weise nicht so deutlich wie von dir beschrieben, wir reden hier ja nicht von der 2live crew

Geschrieben von: Anton Kolk (Usernummer # 2722) an :

oh jau, der ist cool!! "sexinspiriert" *lol*

aber zum angesprochenen titel: den gibt es ganz genau so, wie von mir beschrieben! daher kenne ich ihn ja!! und wo genau hat dieser blowfly jetzt releaset?


Geschrieben von: dangerseeker (Usernummer # 4281) an :
haha der gute clarence reid ... *sexinspiriert* ist gut ...

tracklists der blowfly vö´s , cover etc ... gibts zum beispiel hier ...

Geschrieben von: age111 (Usernummer # 4485) an :
noch mal als hinweis, die ausn 70ern sind die besten(wohl abgesehen von der funk you), besonders "on tv".
auf der vom "vor rednder" angegebenen seite sind glaube ich einige represses, ist ja auch vieles eher 70er als 96...
Geschrieben von: dangerseeker (Usernummer # 4281) an :
anmerkung vom "vor rednder"

@ age 111
klar die jahreszahlen sind zum großteil die der cd wiederveröffentlichung ...

das ganze sexuelle geprotze war übrigens nur gepose in wahrheit ist clarence reid (blowfly) ein eher gottesfürchtiger mann ... " I never drink, never smoke, and I never use drugs," confesses Reid. "I may go to hell, but it won't be for those things!"

[ 03-06-2002: Beitrag editiert von: dangerseeker ]

Geschrieben von: Queen Of Blood (Usernummer # 3306) an :
@ dangerseeker
"I never drink, never smoke, and I never use drugs" -> beste voraussetzungen für "sexinspirierte" tracks, irgend ein laster muß man ja haben *g*
Geschrieben von: Scheul (Usernummer # 5901) an :
Es gibt etliche Italo Songs, wo ich sagen würde, die sind Pflicht

Die "Creatures - Belive in yourself" ist keine 30 Euro wert. Der Preis ist überzogen. Die Platte gibt es auch als deutsche Pressung.

Wer beim Gianmarco bestellen will, sollte unbedingt nach dem ZUSTAND fragen. DAS ist wichtig. Wenn er Mint schreibt, sind sie okay, aber nicht neu. Wenn sie nicht MINT sind, kannst Du sie meistens vergessen und ärgerst Dich nur. Das gilt übrigens für die meisten italienischen Verkäufer

Geschrieben von: Scheul (Usernummer # 5901) an :
Die Liste mit den TOP 100 wurde übrigens gewählt. Wieviele daran teilgenommen haben weiß ich allerdings nicht. Aber ich habe mit gemacht
Geschrieben von: PigFace (Usernummer # 4299) an :
Jo Blowfly rulet schon ziemlich, die meisten Songs sind allerdings waschechter Funk.
Bei 'Electronic Pussy Sucker' hat er sich ja stark bei Cybotron's 'Clear' bedient, was dem Song allerdings nicht schadet - im Gegenteil.


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